Pepper Temperature

Today, sweet pepper cultivation is practiced everywhere. Plants are demanding in care, so it is important to observe the temperature regime for pepper.

  1. Temperature mode
  2. Seedling <
  3. Adult plants
  4. Frost-resistant varieties and hybrids
  5. Conclusion <

Температурный режим для перца

The temperature regime for pepper

The temperature regime

Many gardeners often wonder what air temperature the pepper can withstand. The temperature regime for seedlings and mature plants hardened seedlings are more resistant to low rates than plants, not pr who have passed this stage, the former will be able to survive even lowering the column to 2 ° C, while plants that are not acclimatized will die already at 0 ° C.

When the thermometer’s column drops below 13 ° C, the seedlings stop growing. the thermometer shows 7 ° C, then slight frosts are already noted on the ground.The low temperature also affects the fruiting of the vegetable: the number of fruits and their quality indicators.


Seedling is most vulnerable to frost. Young bushes have a weak root system and cannot resist weather conditions. That is why plants in the stage of active growth, when the temperature decreases, turn black and drop foliage.The minimum temperature that seedlings can withstand after planting in the soil is 5 ° C

The optimal temperature for high-quality seedling growth and germination of pepper seeds is considered to be 19 ° C. It is recommended that they be tempered so that the plants do not suffer from minimum temperatures during planting.

The procedure should only be started after most of the seedlings form 4 true leaves. The main rules that should be observed when hardening:

  1. The air temperature at the time of plants taking air baths must not be lower than 15 °.
  2. Pots with plants should be carried out in a closed room. Greenhouses equipped on the street will only need to be opened.
  3. The first contact with low temperatures should last no more than 15 minutes.
  4. On the second day, you can stand the plants in the air for about 20 minutes.

By the end of the second week under favorable weather conditions, seedlings can remain in the air during daylight hours. With the onset of twilight, nurseries should be covered. If night frosts with an air temperature below 5 ° are expected, then the greenhouses can be additionally insulated with a spandbond.

Adult plants

Растения необходимо беречь от заморозков

Plants must be protected from frost

The optimum temperature for planting pepper in a constant place should be at least 15 ° in the afternoon. The thermometer at night should be at 12 °. Planting plants at a lower temperature is not worth it, since there is a high risk of plant death.

After transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place, it is recommended to create conditions familiar to the seedlings for a while. There are several options that plants can preserve during the period of active growth:

  1. Cover the seedlings with plastic bottles with a cut bottom. Tanks should remain on the bushes only at night, because during the day the plants can suffocate or deteriorate due to steam.
  2. Stretch agrofibre over the bed. White material can be left even during the day.
  3. Cover the beds with portable domes made of transparent oilcloth. Devices should be installed in the evening, and removed in the early morning.
  4. Around the bushes, arrange tree branches with foliage. They will not only help protect the seedlings from lowering the temperature at night, but also play the role of a fence: curious birds will not be able to damage the seedlings.

Frost-resistant varieties and hybrids

For areas with short daylight hours and short spring, varieties and hybrids were developed, the plants of which are frost-resistant. The best of them, zoned for cultivation in the Moscow region, in the Urals and in the southern part of Siberia, are listed below:

  • Bogatyr
  • Yellow bull.
  • Kolobok .
  • Red Bull.
  • The Wizard.
  • Merchant
  • Swallow.
  • Montero.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Pioneer.

All these varieties differ not only in frost resistance, but also in early ripeness. The crop from each bush of any of the species listed above, with proper care, can reach 2.5 kg. Most fruits are large and thick-walled.

Optimal temperature for seedlings
Important !!! How does temperature affect seedlings of pepper, cabbage, tomato. COMPARISON.


Pepper is a thermophilic plant. The plant bears fruit well in warm regions with sufficient rainfall or artificial irrigation. Thanks to the efforts of breeders and their development of frost-resistant varieties and hybrids, plants can be seen in gardens and greenhouses in many regions. Their landing in open ground will depend on the weather.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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