Pitahaya (Dragon Fruit), Calories, Benefits and Harm, Benefits

Pitahaya is an extraordinary fruit. First mention
it is found among the Aztecs and dates back to the 13th century. Eating
pulp, the Indians roasted the seeds, ground them and used
for stews. It is currently grown in the southern
Mexico, some countries in Central and South America,
in Vietnam, as well as in Israel (in the Negev desert).

For its outstanding appearance, the fruit is called “dragons
fruit ”(dragon fruit) or“ prickly pear ”(prickly
pear). This is a bushy tree cactus, at the ends of the stems
which juicy fruits ripen. Flowers appear on it
strictly on the first and fifteenth day of the month.

Depending on the species, the size of the fruit, the color
pulp (white, pink, purple), skin color (from
yellow to orange, red to purple) and
the texture of the surface of the fruit (with small outgrowths,
with thin colored scales). The pulp of the fruit is always
filled with small black seeds that are taken
clean out.

The taste of pitahaya is somewhat inferior to its appearance –
not aromatic, unsaturated, slightly sweet.

The attractive-looking fruits of pitihaya are actively used
in cooking and, above all, in the production of various
alcoholic beverages. Juice and pulp are added to the composition
sweets, ice cream, sorbets, yoghurts and various dairy
products, jam, sauces and jellies are cooked from the pulp. Pitahaya juice
mixed with lemon and lime to make “summer drinks”.

The fruit is usually cut to prepare the pitaya for consumption.
vertically into two halves. After that, you can either cut these
halves into slices (similar to how a melon is cut),
or scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Although pitaya seeds are rich in valuable lipids,
they are usually not digested unless chewed. Skin
inedible and may contain pesticides.

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Calorie content of pitahaya (dragon fruit)

Low-calorie dietary product, in 100 g of which there are
only 45 kcal. It has a high carbohydrate content, however
in moderation will not harm the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 0,5 0,5 13 0,5 85 45

Useful properties of pitahaya

Pitahaya is low in calories, contains proteins, water, phosphorus,
calcium, iron,
vitamin C, PP,
B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin),
B3 (niacin).

The latter added even more attractiveness to the fruit.
the results of medical research. In their opinion, the use
pitahaya helps relieve stomach pain.
In addition, the fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes or other
endocrine disease.

The fruit is useful for those suffering from diabetes, has a beneficial effect
on the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Able to relieve stomach pain.

Dangerous properties of pitahaya

When consuming large amounts of red-skinned pitahaya
(eg, Costa Rican) pseudohematuria may occur, harmless
redness of urine and feces.

Pitahaya is considered an exotic product, therefore the use
large amounts of it can lead to diarrhea,
heartburn or allergies. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend
eat a small piece of this fruit initially to check
the reaction of the body.

Also, it is not advisable to give pitahaya to small children, since it
can provoke the appearance of diathesis and other unpleasant situations.

By watching this video, you will learn not only about the origin of the pitahaya
and its flavor characteristics, but you will also see this fruit in a cut.

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See also properties of other exotic fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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