Plant root formation stimulants

Stimulants of root formation are used to stimulate growth and development, as well as for the actual formation of the root system in the cuttings when propagated in this way. Of course, root formation stimulants cannot be called those wonderful drugs that can “resurrect” a lignified stalk and lead to the formation of roots on it, say, if it is cut in the middle of summer. But if you strictly follow the timing of cutting shoots, cutting them into cuttings and planting them in a greenhouse, then root formation stimulants will definitely help. The fact is that there are crops such as irga, hawthorn or gooseberry, which, without rooting stimulants, take root very poorly or do not take root at all.

Rooting the cuttings with a rooting stimulator. Farmer Wikivisual

In addition to stimulating the formation of the root system of a cuttings of a particular culture, these stimulants can also contribute to the development of additional roots when transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, for example, when a part of the root of a seedling is cut off, with severe injuries of the root system, and they will also help absolutely healthy roots. quickly adapt to new soil conditions.


What are root stimulants?

Often these are biologically active substances, or, as they are also called, phytohormones, which are formed in each plant in the natural environment, and the more phytohormones accumulate in the shoots, the easier this or that plant takes root. For example, there are a lot of them in currants, a lot in viburnum, chokeberry and other plants.

Perhaps the most famous phytohormones are indolyl-3-acetic and naphthylacetic acids. These two main substances are included in a huge number of drugs considered growth stimulants, in one dosage or another, these are Charkor, as well as Heteroauxin or Kornerost, although β-indoleacetic acid is the active ingredient here. These drugs can stimulate cell division and expansion, which causes the formation and growth of the root system.

Interesting fact: β-indoleacetic acid, which is considered the basis of the Kornerost preparation, was deduced by scientists almost a hundred years ago from mold cultures. Like this: mold not only hurts, but also helps a person.

However, there is another type of phytohormones, or root formation stimulants, which are based not on natural preparations, but on their synthetic substitutes, say, indolyl-3-butyric acid, a drug of a different plan and is called a little differently – Kornevin, or his overseas companion Clonex (gel).

The action of Kornevin is interesting, which may well be identical to other similar drugs. When Kornevin (dry or in solution) gets on the cut surface of the cutting (of course, the lower part), its active substance literally begins to irritate the tissues and stimulate the formation of new cells. In the soil, Kornevin is converted into Heteroauxin, which stimulates the further development of the root system.

What else is there in the composition of stimulants?

In addition to the main element, which just stimulates the formation of the root system and accelerates its growth, the preparations also contain auxiliary components, such as, for example, ordinary vitamins. They in some way increase the growth activity, although it is clear that only they, that is, vitamins, although they will affect the growth of the roots, are hardly noticeable. Usually, auxiliary components of almost any modern rooting stimulant are vitamin C and thiamine.

Stimulants from extracts

Often, preparations based on certain natural extracts are used as growth stimulants. For example, such drugs are known as Zircon, Epin (can even be extracted from pollen), Radifarm (polysaccharides, steroids, polypeptides, amino acids, zinc, vitamins, nitrogen), Ribav (a whole mixture of amino acids), all these are real bioregulators of natural origin, and they also have a stimulating effect on the formation of the root system, its growth and development, and also increase the immunity of plants, that is, their resistance to all sorts of pests and diseases and temperature extremes.

Separately, I would like to talk about Zircon, it is nothing more than the well-known hydroxycinnamic acid, which is extracted from Echinacea purpurea. Zircon, like its counterparts, is considered a real immunomodulator, and at the same time stimulates the formation of the root system of cuttings.

Rooting cuttings in water with root stimulantsRooting cuttings in water with root stimulants. Farmer LynGianni

Forms of production of drugs and methods of processing plants

There can be quite a lot of forms of release of drugs to stimulate the growth activity of the root system and its actual appearance on cuttings – this is a powder (different, but often just white), and tablets that dissolve perfectly in water without forming a precipitate, and liquid in ampoules, droppers, or screw-on vials. The third option is the most convenient, because you can literally pour out as much of the drug as you need, then screw the jar and put it out of the reach of children. The main thing here is to comply with storage conditions and shelf life. Often, drugs are also available in the form of a gel (Clonex).

How to use root stimulants?

Usually this information is indicated in the instructions, it also says about the dosage of the drug, and these data must be guided by. Do not underestimate or overestimate the numbers on the label: both can lead to the fact that the roots are formed either in insufficient quantities, or do not appear at all.

If we talk about the most common options for using root formation stimulants, then this is either soaking the cuttings or the root system in a solution diluted according to the instructions (usually overnight), or dipping it into a dry powder of the drug, if we are talking about cuttings of difficult-to-rooted crops (if such reception permits instructions on the packaging).

Most often, aqueous solutions in which cuttings or the root system of seedlings are soaked overnight are prepared from preparations such as Heteroauxin and Kornerost (if they are in liquid form, then 0,5 g or 4-5 tablets are needed per bucket of water); Kornevin is usually dissolved in water, usually grams per liter or 10 grams per bucket of water, Radifarm and Ribava need only a couple of drops per liter of water or two dozen drops per bucket, Zircon – 4 drops per liter or 40 drops per bucket of water, and Charkor – a milliliter per five liters of water or twice as much – ten.

In addition to soaking in a solution of a growth stimulator, they are used, as we have already mentioned, by dipping the cuttings into a dry preparation or dusting the cuttings with this preparation with a brush. The second option is more economical. In order for the preparation to “stick” to the cuttings, the latter must first be dipped in water, and then buried about a centimeter in the dry preparation.

This is often done if using the drug Kornevin or Clonex gel.

In addition, you can independently prepare a powder that stimulates the formation of roots using other drugs. To do this, you need to mix the rooting solution with ordinary activated carbon, which is sold in any pharmacy, or with talcum powder, if for some reason it was not possible to get activated carbon. After that, the mixture is simply dried to flow. In such a mixture, you can deepen the cuttings a couple of centimeters.

It’s important! After soaking or placing in a dry preparation, the cuttings should immediately be planted in a greenhouse in a special soil consisting of humus, river sand and nutritious soil. The dissolved drug must be replaced with another, its shelf life is, as a rule, only one day.

Dusting the cutting with a root stimulatorDusting the cutting with a root stimulator. Farmer Kevin

Natural rooting stimulants and how to use them

For those who do not want to mess with any drugs in packages and pay money for them, we offer several methods, using which, you can also try to grow high-quality planting material from cuttings cut at one time.

First option – this is flower honey; they say that grape cuttings take root in it very well. Honey has a rather strong stimulating effect, of course, if the dosage is not too small. It is necessary to dilute honey in extremely soft and warm boiled water, it is great if it is melt or rain water. Pour a couple of tablespoons with a hill onto a bucket of water, stir everything well and the resulting solution can be used both for rooting cuttings and for soaking the root system of seedlings before planting in a permanent place.

If you soak grapes in a solution of honey, then immerse its shanks in this solution completely and not overnight, but for two days.

Willow water It is also considered to be a strong stimulant of root formation in crops that are difficult to root and stimulate growth activity when planting seedlings on the site. In order to get willow water, you need to cut about a hundred willow branches, about a meter long, and put them in the water. You need to wait until the rudiments of the root system appear on the willow twigs, parts of which are immersed in water, then they should be removed from the water, and the resulting liquid should be used for rooting the cuttings and for watering the newly planted seedlings. It is well known that willow water contains quite a lot of phytohormones and it is rumored that in terms of effectiveness it can compete with well-known and rather expensive drugs.

In exactly the same way, you can use twigs of pyramidal poplar, just for a bucket of water, as in the case of a willow, you need not a hundred shoots, but only five dozen of them.

A well-known and excellent stimulant of growth activity and a “drug” that causes the growth of the root system of cuttings is juice derived from aloe… In order to prepare the most effective solution, it is necessary to dissolve three tablespoons of aloe juice in half a liter of water, then let the solution stand in a dark and warm room for about a week. This will be a concentrate for obtaining a liquid suitable for soaking cuttings in it, in order to obtain actually new plants with roots, and seedlings, for their faster rooting in a new place: it is necessary to dilute the resulting composition in a bucket of water.

Yeast, ordinary, baking, is also a very effective stimulant of root formation of cuttings. To prepare the miraculous composition, be sure to use boiled water. Yeast solution contains a lot of B vitamins and many useful microelements. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 500 g of yeast in five liters of water. Further, the cuttings should be soaked in the solution for a day, after which they should immediately be planted in the greenhouse. By the way, you can periodically (once a week) additionally water the cuttings planted in the greenhouse with the remaining solution, diluted ten times.

The degree of development of the root system of sweet pepper. Left without rooting stimulants. On the right, when treating plants with root stimulantsThe degree of development of the root system of sweet pepper. Left without rooting stimulants. On the right, when processing plants with root stimulants. Farmer r3f

Mechanical influences will also help

There are also methods of mechanical action on the cuttings, which make it possible to facilitate root formation. For example, hawthorn cuttings are slightly flattened with a hammer before soaking in any of the above growth stimulants, and shallow notches are made on dogwood and irgi cuttings with a sharp budding knife or a straight razor, this increases the yield of rooted cuttings by 25-30%.

In general, be aware that the use of root formation stimulants, which can serve as excellent stimulants also for the growth activity of the root system of seedlings, is fully justified and bears fruit. But stimulants alone, be they the best and most expensive, without observing the temperature regime, humidity regime, timing of cutting and planting cuttings and seedlings, only stimulants will not be able to work a miracle. Therefore, they should be considered only a part of a large set of measures related to the reproduction and cultivation of plants of various species, from the humble gumi to the majestic walnut.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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