Pumpkin seeds, walnuts, honey – to whom and when is it useful?

Natural bee honey in folk medicine is prescribed in combination with a variety of products to enhance the healing effect.

These mixtures include pumpkin seeds, walnuts, honey. The properties and application of this tool in practice will be discussed below.

The content of the article

  • 1 Benefit
    • 1.1 Pumpkin seed
    • 1.2 Walnuts
    • 1.3 Natural honey
  • 2 Противопоказания
  • 3 About the daily rate
  • 4 Recipes for male strength
    • 4.1 Three-component mixture
    • 4.2 Two-component mixture
    • 4.3 Two-component mixture No. 2
  • 5 From prostatitis and adenoma
    • 5.1 Two-component mixture
    • 5.2 Two-component mixture No. 2
  • 6 To get rid of worms
  • 7 For women


The combination of the three components mentioned above is beneficial for everyone – adults, children, men, women. But the expected therapeutic effect will depend on age and gender.

The remedy helps children to get rid of worms parasitizing in the intestines. Men with it get rid of prostatitis, increase potency. Women improve their health during menopause, prevent diseases of the genital area, relieve nausea during pregnancy.

Pumpkin seed

Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acids. One of them – tryptophan – helps to improve sleep, relieve stress, and improve mood.

Also, in the composition of seeds, you can find omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart, metabolism.

The abundance of fiber helps to improve digestion. True, children cannot be given a lot of seeds, so as not to create a load on the digestive tract.

In addition, seeds are a source of minerals and vitamins. They are especially rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, niacin, tocopherol, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc.

They are recommended for the prevention of prostate adenoma, correction of testosterone levels in elderly men, and the fight against atherosclerosis..


Of all the types of nuts on our table, walnuts are the most valuable for the body, as they are a well-known local product. The likelihood of food intolerance when introduced into the diet is lower than when using exotic varieties. Market availability is higher.

Nuts are a source of omega unsaturated fatty acids, as well as a number of vitamins (K, E, D, C, A) and minerals (iodine, magnesium, potassium, cobalt, manganese).

They contain a lot of vegetable protein (about 17% of the total mass of the nuclei).

We have written about the benefits of walnuts many times. It can be consumed with buckwheat or green, mixed with honey.



Buckwheat, nuts and honey for thyroid gland treatment

How to use green walnuts with honey

Natural honey

Bee honey is the base of many folk remedies. It has anti-inflammatory properties, destroys bacteria and viruses, improves digestion, metabolic processes, and improves sleep.

It is a rich source of simple sugars that are absorbed quickly and easily. Honey is called a product close in composition to human blood plasma. It contains up to two hundred trace elements, some vitamins, biologically active components.

The chemical composition is determined by the variety of the bee product – the variety of honey plants, the amount of impurities in the form of pollen, propolis particles.



Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm


The main contraindication is food intolerance to natural honey.

Also, they do not eat the honey product (or use it with caution, in small doses):

  • diabetes;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with acute inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines;
  • with skin diseases (diathesis, atopic dermatitis).

To read:

How to recognize and treat honey allergies

As for pumpkin seeds and walnuts, their overabundance in the menu adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract.

These products are banned:

  • with acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • if you are overweight;
  • in children under three years of age.

Also remember that nuts have a laxative effect on the intestines..

About the daily rate

Each of the products listed above has its own daily rate..

Natural honey is consumed considering the age. For an adult, a single dose is one or two tablespoons.


To read:

About the daily use of honey and its amount

Adults eat 5-8 walnut kernels per day… For women, the maximum dose is five.

Pumpkin seeds should not be eaten more than 80-100 grams per day… This is an adult dosage. For children, it must be reduced by two to three times.

Note: An overabundance of pumpkin seeds in the diet leads to salt deposition and joint pain.

Recipes for male strength

Approximately one in ten men faces sexual dysfunctions in their lives. You can increase potency using the following recipe.

Three-component mixture

It is taken:

  • ground pumpkin seed – one part;
  • ground walnuts – one part;
  • natural honey product – one part.

You can use sesame instead of pumpkin seed… The effect will be similar – an increase in masculine strength.

The mixture is consumed during lunch and dinner for three to four weeks.

Two-component mixture

The following mixture will also be useful for men:

  • one part of the honey product;
  • one part chopped walnuts.

The product is stored in the refrigerator, taken twice a day with meals for a month. A single dose is one tablespoon.

To improve the taste, you can add your favorite dried fruits to the mixture.… This will make the medicine more saturated with vitamins and minerals.

Two-component mixture No. 2


Another home remedy option:

  • a glass of pumpkin seeds;
  • half a glass of liquid honey product.

Pre-raw seeds are ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder. Then small balls are formed with honey. Store the medicine in the refrigerator, taking one ball two to three times a day half an hour before meals.

From prostatitis and adenoma

Taken in equal proportions:

  • pumpkin seed;
  • nuts.

You can add some almonds, peanuts.

The seeds are calcined in the oven, cleaned, ground into powder. Nuts and other ingredients are ground raw. All are mixed, transferred to a glass container with a lid. Store in the refrigerator, adding to honey water.

The aqueous solution is prepared immediately before taking:

  • from one part of the honey product;
  • and two or one part of water.

It is necessary to take a teaspoon of dry mixture and honey solution, mix and consume ten minutes before meals.

The medicine is taken twice a day for three weeks. After a week break, the course can be repeated.

Two-component mixture

It is taken:

  • a handful of dried and peeled pumpkin seeds;
  • natural honey product.


Ground seeds are diluted with warm boiled water to the consistency of a thin porridge. Then a teaspoon of “porridge” is mixed with the same amount of honey product.

The remedy is taken two to three times a day for a month. It is better to prepare the mixture fresh every time.

Two-component mixture No. 2

It is taken:

  • one part pumpkin seeds;
  • two parts of liquid honey product.

The seed is dried in the oven, peeled and ground in a blender. The resulting powder is put into a honey product, mixed thoroughly. The jar is placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Take a tablespoon three times a day for a month. Add cinnamon if desired. It will improve the taste of the medicine.

To get rid of worms

You will need:

  • 200 grams of raw seeds (not peeled);
  • 90 grams of honey product in liquid form (candied can be melted in a water bath at 40 degrees);
  • head of garlic.

Peeled garlic cloves are grated. The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder or blender. The finished medicine should be infused for a day. Store it in the refrigerator.

Take one tablespoon on an empty stomach (children over three years old for dessert) for a week.

The remedy is effective against all types of worms, as well as lamblia. The results of treatment must be checked by passing tests.

For women


To get rid of morning sickness during pregnancy, to increase lactation, to prevent diseases of the female genital organs, the following recipe is used:

  • nuts – one part (grind in a blender, but not to powder – small pieces should remain);
  • raw pumpkin seed – one part (grind to a powdery state);
  • honey product in liquid form – one part (the candied product is melted in a water bath at forty degrees).

The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator, placed in a glass container with a tight lid. Take a tablespoon two to three times daily before meals.

You can use the medicine by excluding one of the components – nuts or seeds.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, in addition to the benefits for women’s and men’s health, the remedy (in any of the options) will strengthen the immune system, normalize tissue metabolism, the work of the liver, and the bladder. It will also help in the fight against atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

For maximum benefit, be sure to check with your family or healthcare professional before using!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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