Pumpkin Variety Pink Banana

Each vegetable is characterized by certain properties. Pumpkin Pink banana is no exception – it will delight you with its excellent composition and characteristics A detailed familiarization with the variety will help to properly plant the crop, provide the necessary care, protect from diseases, pests and harvest a rich harvest.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Growing rules
  3. Planting <
  4. Care features
  5. Collection harvest and storage
  6. Pests and diseases of pumpkin
  7. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  8. Reviews of gardeners about this variety

Сорт тыквы Розовый Банан

Pumpkin variety Pink Banana

Characteristics of the variety

According to the description, the Pink Banana variety is intended for cultivation in the open ground, the pumpkin has a long climbing bush that gives up to 3 fruits (11-61 kg) .

Fruits in diameter reach 5 m, some of them resemble bananas in shape.

When the vegetable is provided with the necessary conditions in the summer, more fruits are tied.

Growing Rules

Get large-sized fruits It occurs if you form a pumpkin in 2-3 lashes, while you need to leave up to 2 ovaries on each.

After that, the bush is limited in growth, pinch the lashes. The formation process affects the cultivation of a compact vegetable crop, the crop is preserved by weight without loss. The fruits are of high quality.


The growing season is 120-125 days.

Grow through seedlings and sowing seeds in open ground when using shelters from a film and beds with insulation.


It is better to plant seeds for seedlings in early April. Planting requires accuracy, it is impossible to damage the root system.

Peat pots are suitable if abundant watering is observed 2-3 weeks after planting.

Pumpkin Pink banana is planted in fertile soil, which contains sand, humus, garden soil.

Before planting, it is recommended to soak the seeds for germination, and then lower them into holes for planting in pots to a depth of 3 cm.

Containers with planted seeds are stored at a temperature of 25 ° C while observing the moisture content of the topsoil. After 2-4 days, cotyledon leaves appear on the surface. Seedlings are ready for planting after 3-5 leaves appear on it.

Into the open ground

При появлении пятого листа рассаду можно высаживать в грунт

When the fifth leaf appears, seedlings can be planted in the soil

When planting seeds in the soil, they should first be germinated. Planted in a greenhouse, which is insulated with special manure.

Arcs are placed over the insulated garden, covered with a film, lutrasil. The time for sowing is mid-May, but it is worth following the weather forecast.

Features of care

Care consists of regular watering of the seedlings. It should not be redundant, but the lack negatively affects the growth of the crop.

The soil should be filled with complex fertilizers:

  • Fertika;
  • Agricola with phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • trace elements.

For fertilizing, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus content are used:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium monophosphate;
  • sulfate potassium;
  • ready-made mixes.

For the best growth, the pumpkin must be provided with special conditions:

  • humidity – its lack will lead to a slow growth of fruits , they will not reach the maximum size;
  • lighting – cultivation of crops is carried out in sunny areas, preferably without wind;
  • temperature – the optimum indicator for vegetable growth is 25 ° C.

Harvest and store ny

At the end of the growing season, pumpkin can be harvested. At the same time, the ovaries come in different shapes, reaching 1.2 m in length.

After harvesting, the fruits can be stored fresh if the peel is strong and not damaged by the nail.

Storage is possible until spring without loss of useful properties only if the collection rules are followed. If the peel of the fruit is not strong, they should be processed, their shelf life can not exceed more than a month.

Pests and diseases of the pumpkin

Сорт устойчив ко многим заболеваниям

The variety is resistant to many diseases

In Russia, quite suitable conditions for the growth of crops in open ground .

The Pink Banana variety is resistant to many diseases that develop due to pathogenic fungi, sometimes pumpkin is susceptible to root rot or bacteriosis. Brown sores appear on the fruits, they lose their shape, bend, and begin to rot.

If similar signs are found, the damaged plants should be picked and removed from the garden, the remaining fruits are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Presence on the beds spider mites, melons and gourds aphids require constant spraying of plants with water or infusion of onion husks all day. pov 3-4 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Highlight the following advantages of the variety:

  • hard peel when ripened ;
  • excellent taste.


  • exposure to certain pests;
  • short shelf life when unformed peel during ripening.

Reviews of gardeners about this variety

According to reviews, Pink Bananas have a dense and juicy flesh, the taste of pumpkin is soft and sweet, and it also has a distinctive aroma. During the period of the first stage of biological ripeness, it reminds of zucchini to taste.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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