Red brush (Rhodiola), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Not everyone has heard of Rhodiola (red brush) in our area – a plant
settles in cold climates and / or in highlands. However, it is not for nothing
called “Siberian ginseng”. Scientific medicine empirically proves
the ability of rhodiola to prevent the oxidation of red blood cells, to suppress
lymphosarcoma metastases, have a neuroprotective effect, normalize
metabolic processes and not only. In folk medicine, the healing potential
this herb is used even more widely.

Useful properties of a red brush

Infusion from a red brush

What exactly is used and in what form

In folk recipes, in herbal medicine, rhizomes and root are used
red brush. In a crushed and dried form, the roots are included in
the composition of herbal tea, fees, used for the preparation of decoctions,
infusions. Red brush root extract is used as a base for
creation of alcoholic tinctures, phytosuppositories, herbal syrups.

Medicinal properties

Among biologically active substances that are contained in red
brush: tannins of the pyrogall group, anthraglycosides,
essential oil, organic acids, sugars, proteins, fats, waxes,
sterols, tertiary alcohols, phenols, tannins, glycosides
(tyrosol, tricetin), flavonoids, volatile oils, tannins, trace elements
– manganese, zinc, chromium, cobalt, copper, nickel, silver, molybdenum..

Is the red brush indicated for use?
In folk medicine, Rhodiola four-part is prescribed for prostatitis,
prostate and diseases of the genitourinary system.
A red brush is used in the complex treatment of neoplasms
(tumors); as an adaptogen and as a means of rejuvenating the body..

The main medicinal properties of the red brush include: adaptogenic,
immunostimulating, hemostatic, tonic. Successfully
the red brush is used in gynecology
: preparations of red
brushes are used in the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids. The main active
the component of rhodiola tetrapartite is salidroside, which
explains the medicinal potential of the plant in complex therapy
cancer diseases. The red brush is also credited with the action

In the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and hormonal
unbalanced red brush has a positive effect. With complicated
diseases of fungal, bacterial and viral etymology red
the brush is used as an adjunct therapy..

In official medicine

  • Phytosveci with red brush extract. Give
    anti-inflammatory effect in gynecological diseases.
    They are prescribed for hormonal disorders in women.
  • Phytotea “Red brush (Rhodiola four-membered)”.
    The composition includes crushed roots and rhizomes of the plant.
  • Syrup “Red brush”. Herbal syrup with fortifying
    effect, it is also used as an additive in tea, drinks, confectionery
  • Dietary supplement “Red brush”.
  • Drops “Red brush” (hydroalcoholic extract
    the root of the red brush).

Oil, root and flowers of a red brush

In folk medicine

  • How to make red brush tea? Tea room
    pour a spoonful of chopped rhizomes of Rhodiola four-part
    a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour, drain.
    Drink 100 ml twice a day before meals.
  • With problems with conception prescribe a combined
    treatment with herbs of red brush and boron uterus. Tincture of red
    brushes and borax uterus is prepared according to the recipe: 25 g of red
    brush and boron uterus pour 500 ml of vodka. Infusion withstand
    2 weeks. Take a teaspoon, diluted in a small amount
    water, three times a day, before meals..
  • With reduced immunity, impotence, male
    and female infertility, unstable menstrual cycle, polycystic disease,
    hormonal imbalance
    Recommend decoction of red
    … To prepare the broth, a tablespoon of chopped
    root of a red brush, pour 0,3 liters of water, boil for about 5
    minutes in a container under a closed lid, let it brew for
    hours, strain and add boiled water until the volume increases
    up to 0,3 liters. Drink 100 ml of broth three times a day for half an hour
    before meals, with a spoonful of honey.
  • Tincture of red brush preparing next
    way: add 50 liters to 0,5 g of chopped rhodiola root
    alcohol solution with a strength of 40%. Infuse in the darkened
    place, in a glass dish, for a month, shaking
    occasionally. Take the strained tincture 30-40 drops
    three times a day half an hour before meals..

In oriental medicine

Plants of the genus Rhodiola were traditionally used in China,
Tibet, Mongolia as natural adaptogens and antidepressants, means
with anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. Red brush
long before the botanical description in official sources also
was actively used in folk medicine of Altai, as part of all kinds
drugs and decoctions.

In scientific research

For the first time, Rhodiola four-part was described in the 18th century, during
the time of a scientific expedition initiated by natural scientist P.
S. Pallas. N. Sokolov, student and follower of Pallas’s theories,
exploring the flora of the Altai char Sokhondo, he collected the most valuable
herbarium. The representatives of the alpine
flora included the red brush, later called Pallas
also “Green four“(Another synonym for Rhodiola fourfold).

At this stage, the red brush plant is actively being researched in the development
modern medicine and biology.

In the field of experimental immunology, scientists E. Skopinskaya-Rozhevskaya,
M. Buchavskaya et al. Analyzed the effect of the extract
rhodiola quadruple on the circulatory system of mice..

The value of salidroside, the active substance contained in red
brush, illuminated in the work of E. Skopinskaya-Rozhevskaya, M. Malinovski,
A. Vasyutinski. It is salidroside (or rhodioloside) that is natural
oncoprotector and has an antitumor effect..

Rhodioloside, isolated from rhodiola tetrapartite, is also
the object of study by A.T. Troshchenko, G.A.Kutikova..

Seedlings of a red brush

Phytochemical analysis of the extract of Rhodiola rosea and Rhodiola tetrapartite
– the purpose of scientific work H. Wiedenfeld, M. Malinowski, M. Furmanova
and etc..

The use of rhodiola cold in the complex treatment of cancer
mammary glands are described in the study by V.T. Loo, M. Wong et al..

Biologically active substances of rhodiola fourfold are being investigated
in a scientific article by A.K. Boshkaeva, R.A. Omarova, A.L. Akhelova
and etc..

Dangerous properties of rhodiola and contraindications

Does such a unique plant like a red brush have contraindications?
First of all, the red brush is contraindicated in women during the period
pregnancy and lactation, persons with individual intolerance
constituents of a plant suffering from increased arterial

It is also prohibited to take any hormonal drugs at the same time.
with a red brush, which itself is a phytohormone.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of a red brush
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Useful properties of a red brush

Botanical description

It is a perennial herb, a species of the genus Rhodiola, families

Origin of the name

Otherwise the plant is called Rhodiola
four-part, four-part rhodiola, four-part rhodiola,
four-incised rhodiola, Siberian ginseng

Its popular name is “red brush“- Rhodiola received
due to the brush-like appearance of the root system. And generic
definition of grass – Rhodiola (lat.) – translated
as “little rose“And goes back to diminutive forms
from the Greek word rhodia (Or rhodon).

The red brush is a rare species, representative of the Altai flora
mountains with unique healing properties. Rhodiola four-part
included in the Red Book of Transbaikalia.

The red brush is a dioecious plant, from 8 to 15 cm high.
and female flowers grow on different bushes. The pollination method is cross-pollination.
The root system is pivotal, numerous hollow and tubular stems,
ascending from the rhizome, densely leafy. Fine-toothed and sedentary
leaves, saturated green, acquire a red tint
in the fall. Flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, petals are yellow with
reddish edging at the top and outside. Blossoms red
brush in early summer. The fruit is a leaflet. The seeds ripen at the end of summer
– in the fall.

Grows in high mountain areas, on rocks and talus, on stony
soils of mountain ranges, on alpine lawns, in mountain crevasses.
The grass rarely grows in the form of massive thickets, more often – in a few
in small groups[1,2].

Growing conditions

The red brush is a plant that has adapted to extreme
climatic and environmental conditions (wind in the mountains, unstable
temperature regime). Root system of Rhodiola fourfold
powerful, voluminous root, extending deep into the distance, sufficient
in order to keep the plant in mobile high-mountainous soil
and get water. The herb belongs to the so-called “pillow-like”:
the tops of frequent stems-shoots, ascending from the rhizome, grow
on one level, forming an “island”. Old stems do not fall off, but
remain on the plant for years, holding fallen leaves together,
small particles of soil and thus provide protection for new
stems and contribute to the active formation of adventitious roots..

The roots and rhizomes of Rhodiola quadripartite are harvested in small
scales, in the spring or autumn periods. Excavated roots cleanse
from the ground, thoroughly washed, crushed and dried. Raw materials are stored in
paper packaging, in a dark and dry place. Optimal shelf life
– 2 of the year.


Red brush for menopause:
how to take it right? Red brush for endometriosis: what
are there methods and methods of treatment? Answers to questions in this

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

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