Red cabbage, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Red cabbage
is a variety of white cabbage.
It has a bluish purple, sometimes with a purple tint.
leaves, the specific color of which is already visible in the seedlings.
The presence of this color is due to the increased content of
a special substance – anthocyanin.

Red cabbage is late ripening and
does not have early ripening varieties. The period of growth and development
lasts up to 160 days. Heads of cabbage are dense, mostly
round, oval, flat-round, less often – conical,
weighing 1,0-3,2 kg (depending on the variety). Stem
and internodes are very shortened, the root is powerful, branched.
Forms seeds in the second year of life. The fruit is a pod,
reaching 8-12 cm in length. Seeds are roundish, brownish-brown

It is a cold-hardy culture. Optimum temperature
for the growth and development of plants 15-17 ° C. Hardened seedlings
withstands short-term frosts -5 … -8 ° С; adults
plants -7 … -8 ° С. Thanks to a well-developed root
system, red cabbage is more heat-resistant than
other species, therefore, she is less likely to have color.
The plant is very light-loving, when grown in shade
development phases are delayed, the leaves turn green-purple,
head of cabbage – loose, it is formed 2-3 weeks later than
in plants growing in well-lit areas.
The culture is demanding on soil moisture, especially in
the period of formation of a rosette of leaves – until they close
in the aisles and at the beginning of the formation of a head of cabbage. But waterlogging
does not tolerate well, therefore low-lying places should be avoided,
where the water stagnates, or grow it on the ridges.

The homeland of red cabbage, like white cabbage, is considered to be coastal
countries of the Mediterranean. From there it spread to Western countries.
Europe. It was brought to Russia in the .th century.

Useful properties of red cabbage

Raw cabbage contains (in 100 g):

Calories 31 Kcal

Red cabbage
contains proteins, fiber, enzymes, phytoncides, sugar, iron,
potassium, magnesium;
vitamin C, B1,
B5, B6, B9,
PP, H,
Provitamin A and carotene. Carotene contains 4 times more
than white cabbage.

The anthocyanin contained in it has a positive effect on
the human body, increases the elasticity of capillaries and normalizes
their permeability. In addition, it inhibits the effects
radiation on the human body and prevents leukemia.

The healing properties of red cabbage are due to
also contains a large amount of potassium salts in it,
magnesium, iron, enzymes, phytoncides. Compared
with white cabbage, it is rather dry, but richer
nutrients and vitamins.
The phytoncides contained in red cabbage prevent
the development of a tubercle bacillus. Back in ancient Rome with juice
red cabbage treated lung diseases, and
for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis are used
and today.

Red cabbage is recommended to be included in the diet.
people suffering from hypertension, as
it helps to lower blood pressure. Her medicinal
properties are also used for the prevention of vascular

It is useful to eat it before a feast to delay the action.
too much wine. It promotes healing
wounds and is useful for jaundice – spills of bile. Essence
of it is a versatile remedy.

Red cabbage is not so widespread
as white cabbage, because it is not the same universal
in application. It is not so actively grown in garden
areas due to the peculiarities of its biochemical composition
and the specifics of use in cooking. All the same anthocyanin
which is responsible for the color of this cabbage, gives it spice,
which is not to everyone’s taste.

Red cabbage juice is used in the same
cases as white juice. Therefore, you can completely
calmly use recipes designed for juice
white cabbage.

It should only be noted that the juice of red
cabbage, due to the large amount of bioflavonoids,
more pronounced properties to reduce vascular permeability.
Therefore, it is indicated for increased capillary fragility.
and bleeding.

Dangerous properties of red cabbage

The use of red cabbage is contraindicated in case of individual
intolerance. You can not use the outer leaves and stump like this
cabbage due to the accumulation of nitrates in them.

Also, due to the high content of indigestible fiber, it is not
it is recommended to eat red cabbage raw for people
with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The video will tell you how to make a light diet salad
from red cabbage, as well as its beneficial properties.

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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