Rules for planting late cabbage in open ground

Growing late cabbage – a rather laborious process. This cold-resistant garden crop is very demanding in care. To get a good and high-quality crop, plantings require a lot of moisture, light. The correct planting of late cabbage is important in cultivation.

  1. Culture Features
  2. Preparing the soil
  3. Planting seedlings in open ground
  4. Features of the care
  5. Moisturizing soil
  6. Lighting <
  7. Loosening and weeding
  8. Feeding
  9. First stage
  10. Second stage
  11. Third stage
  12. Fourth stage
  13. Cutting heads
  14. Grades
  15. Conclusion <

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Rules for planting late cabbage in open ground

Oso culture

Description of late cabbage:

  • good yield with competent and timely care;
  • long shelf life of heads (up to 9 months);
  • cleaning is carried out not only manually, but also mechanized;
  • universal use in cooking – fresh, pickled, stewed;
  • newly bred varieties and hybrids are highly resistant unfavorable weather conditions, diseases and pests;
  • almost every variety of late cabbage planted in open ground is not afraid autumn frosts.

maturation period of heads after carrying seeds landing on seedlings is 195 days.

Soil preparation

Planting and growing late cabbage is carried out in a fertile and structured soil. To get a good crop, planting this crop is necessary on loamy soil with a high content of humus. It is in such soil that moisture is retained for the longest time, which cabbage loves very much.

It is recommended to use soil with a neutral level of acidity for late cabbage, as for color. Any kind of cabbage does not grow well in acidic soil.

The soil on which you plan to plant this garden crop must be dug in the fall. So you increase its friability and breathability. During the autumn digging, eggs and larvae of many parasites will be destroyed.

Before planting seedlings on the site, it must be fertilized in early spring. For these purposes, organic matter is used – compost or rotted manure. A bucket of nutrients is added per m2.

To further improve the soil composition, mineral components are added to the organic matter – phosphorus 30 g, potassium – 20 g and complex fertilizer – 30 g.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Late cabbage seedlings are grown at home, on the windowsill, because this culture is afraid of spring frosts. The technology of sowing seeds, caring for them is no different from the technology of growing seedlings of early mid-ripening varieties. The only difference is the timing.The optimal time for sowing seeds is the last decade of April (25-29 numbers). This period is suitable for the Urals, the Moscow Region and the middle zone regions. Early cabbage is planted in late March – early April.

Gentle seedlings of late cabbage varieties are transplanted into the open ground after the threat of the last spring frosts has passed.

The pattern of planting late cabbage is as follows:

  • the distance between plants is 55-60 cm;
  • the aisle is 60 cm.

The planting of late cabbage can be staggered. Such a landing saves a lot of space on the plot.

It is recommended to plant late cabbage in the garden in cloudy weather in the evening. So a young and tender seedling does not burn under the rays of the scorching sun. Plants need to be planted to a depth of up to the first leaf. Then tighten firmly around the edges so that the plants take root and grow upright better.

Care features

After planting the late varieties of cabbage on the plot, it needs to be provided with the highest quality and proper care.

Moisturize the soil

Regular watering is the most important condition for care, since cabbage is a moisture-loving crop. Irrigation adjustment is carried out taking into account weather conditions.

Immediately after planting, plants are watered at the rate of 1 liter. water on one sprout. The next twenty days, seedlings are watered every 3 days – in the south, in the regions of the middle lane – every 4-5 days. At the same time, 1 liter of space is consumed by 8 liters. water. After that, watering is carried out once a week with a fluid flow rate of up to fifteen liters per 1 m2.

The need for cabbage in moisture increases, especially during the formation of ovaries and heads of cabbage. During this period, the water flow is about 20 liters. per 1 m2 of land.

After the heads of cabbage are tied up watering is reduced to 10 liters. to the same area.

If late cabbage is grown for storage, watering is stopped a month before harvesting in the middle lane regions, in the south two weeks before harvesting.


This is a light-loving culture, so it is recommended to plant it in a place well-lit by the sun. In shading, young seedlings will begin to stretch and will not build up green mass well, and this will negatively affect the future crop.

Loosening and weeding

The main care and cultivation of this crop requires regular loosening the soil. This procedure is carried out a day after each watering. Loosening increases the moisture and air permeability of the soil.

The planted area should be kept clean and weeded regularly as weed grows.

Top dressing

In the process of growing late cabbage needs to be fed.During the whole season, late cabbage, like early cabbage, is fertilized four times.

The first stage

The first top dressing is introduced two weeks after the seedlings are planted in the ground. In this case, nitrogen-based top dressing is used, which ensures the growth of leaves when forming a rosette. Nitrogen can be found in both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Possible fertilizer options for late cabbage on a ten-liter bucket of water:

  • liquid mullein fertilizer – 0.5 l;
  • ammonium nitrate – 20 g .;
  • urea top dressing – 20 g ..

0.5 l is consumed per plant. nutrient solution.

Second stage

Молодую капусту нужно обязательно подкормить

Young cabbage must be fed

Two weeks after the first feeding, the second is carried out. In this case, 1 liter is poured into each hole.

At this stage of late cabbage growth, complex nutrition is required – organic plus mineral fertilizing:

  1. Bird droppings (0.5 kg) are mixed with azophos (30 g) and add to this mixture a tablespoon of the drug – Crystal, Kemira or Solution. The prepared mixture is diluted in 10 liters. water.
  2. Chicken droppings or compost (0.5 kg), 200 g of wood ash are bred in 10 liters. water.

Third stage

This top dressing is applied for later white cabbage. Nutrition is carried out ten days after the previous top dressing:

  • phosphate fertilizers (30 g) are mixed with mullein infusion (1 l per 10 l of water);
  • phosphate fertilizers (30 g ) mixed with Kristallon, Solution or Kemira (1 tablespoon). The resulting mixture is brought to a volume of ten liters with water.

Consumption – 10 liters per 1 m2 of land.

This recharge is required for plants to ripen a juicy and tasty crop.

Fourth stage

The final feeding of the late garden crop is carried out three weeks before the harvest. This top dressing will provide the cabbages with a long shelf life.

There are two options for such nutrition:

  • 20 gr. potash fertilizers are dissolved in 10 liters. water;
  • 0.5 l. The ash infusion is brought to a volume of 10 liters with cold water.

Heads cut

Heads are harvested on the site after the first freeze has passed. It is at this time that you need to remove cabbage from the garden to get sweet, juicy and soft heads of cabbage. Late cabbage tolerates frosts up to -7 °. Therefore, many gardeners specifically wait for the heads to freeze slightly, and after that they take off the entire crop.


The best varieties and hybrids of late cabbage for planting in open ground:

  • Moscow;
  • Mara;
  • Snow White;
  • Amager;
  • Wintering;
  • Gingerbread Man.

These varieties and hybrids are resistant to diseases and pests, take root well in the open ground and are intended for long-term storage.


Landing technology, The cultivation and care of late cabbage in the open field is quite simple. At its observance, every gardener, even a beginner, will be able to get a harvest of delicious heads of cabbage.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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