Sage, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Salvia officinalis is a semi-shrub belonging to the family Labiatae, with
numerous tetrahedral stems, leafy, tall
70 cm.The leaves are gray-green, flowers are bluish-purple

The plant has a pleasant aroma. Can be found in Crimea and some
parts in the Caucasus as well as in the southern part ..

The plant is harvested and harvested in June and September. It was in these
sage has a denser composition of substances and minerals.

Sage is harvested 2-3 times. In June, when the leaves are just beginning to get younger and at the end of flowering in September.
It is impossible to be late in harvesting the leaves. By October, the essential oil content is significantly reduced.

Collect only sage leaves, which contain essential oils, tanning agents
and alkaloids.

It is used as a flavoring agent in the fish canning and alcoholic beverage industry.

Sage grows in mountainous and warm areas. Requires good
soil moisture, but does not tolerate its excess. Sage is weakly resistant
to the cold.

Propagated by seeds. In the first year it slowly grows, forming
shoots. The second year of vegetation, forms shoots. Over time escapes
lumber and remain for several years. When deleting
(timely) young shoots are formed and large

Botanical description

Woody root.

Stem straight, gray-green, branched, all pubescent.
Below the stem is covered with brown bark.

Leaves numerous, oblong, 5-8 cm, leaves on top
have a dark green color, grayish-light underneath, with hairs.

Inflorescence simple and branched. The flowers are large, they sit in
bracts of bracts, on short peduncles, opposite whorls.

Fetus – four single-seeded nuts. Seeds are ovoid,
dark brown, smooth. Seed size up to 3,0 mm, weight 1000
seed is 8g.

During rubbing, a strong aromatic, spicy smell is felt.

The seeds can be in the ground for three years, after which
can ascend.

Useful properties of sage

Leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

Active substances: alkaloids, flavonoids, resinous substances, tannins
substances, acids, vitamin
P, bitterness, vitamin
PP, phytoncides, cineole, pinene, thujone, borneol, tuyol, salven,
group vitamins
B and camphor.

An infusion of leaves is used as a cavity rinse
mouth, pharynx, larynx.

Sage leaves help reduce sweating.

Promotes the release of secretions in the gastrointestinal tract; is an
anti-inflammatory agent.

Helps with diseases of: oropharynx, upper respiratory tract,
nasopharynx, gastritis, skin, frostbite, urinary inflammation
bladder, stomach ulcers, festering ulcers, burns, wounds, diseases of the duodenum

Sage preparations are used considering anti-inflammatory, astringent,
phytocidal and disinfecting properties of this plant. Infusions from
leaves are used for rinsing, lotions and inhalation.

For medicinal purposes, dressings, napkins moistened with infusion are used,
appoint local or general baths with the addition of sage infusion.

Prescribe sage infusions for inflammation and pain in the bladder.

The fact that sage preparations suppress lactation in nursing mothers,
is not yet a good sign. This ability needs immediate

Dangerous properties of sage and contraindications

Do not consume high doses of sage, or longer than 3 months.
– it causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

Not recommended for epilepsy, severe cough, inflammation
kidney, acute nephritis.

Forbidden if pregnant or breastfeeding!

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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