Sardine, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Small sea fish, 15-20 cm long, rarely up to 25
cm, from the herring family. Sardine is slightly thicker
herring. Her back is bluish-green, sides and abdomen
silvery white. Gill cover with golden sheen
and grooved dark stripes, radiating outward
from the bottom and rear edge of it.

Live it is one of the most beautiful fish: on the back
you can see the ebb of several colors of the rainbow. Form
the life of the sardine is not well understood: it is only known
that in summer the sardine comes out of the sea
countries along the Atlantic Ocean
for a very short time, after which it disappears again.

Useful properties of sardines

Sardine is easily absorbed by the body and is excellent
a source of protein. Sardine contains a large amount of phosphorus,
iodine, calcium,
potassium, sodium,
magnesium, zinc,
Sardine gives the body at least 2 times more
calories than white fish. Unlike saturated fat
of animal origin, unsaturated fats from fish are considered
most helpful.

According to scientists, it is the fatty acids of the Omega-3 family that
contained in fish, help prevent cardiovascular
diseases, reduce the risk of blood clots in blood vessels,
and also help to improve blood flow in the capillaries.
Sardines are very useful for expectant mothers.

There is evidence that eating oily fish weakens some
psoriasis symptoms, improves vision and brain function. Sardine contains
a complex of vitamins, in particular a vitamin
D. Fish oil is 5 times more effective than vegetable oils, it reduces
blood cholesterol. Fats in the liver of fish
rich in vitamins A and D.
Fish muscle tissue contains vitamins
group B, which help the body to absorb proteins.

Boiled sardines are high in coenzyme Q10,
which is a powerful antioxidant and is known for its
benefits for the immune system.

More and more messages have been appearing lately,
where it is stated that eating oily fish
(salmon, mackerel, herring,
sardines and cod)
protects against asthma. This is due to the action of fatty
anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids,
and magnesium. It has been proven that people whose body is low
magnesium levels are most prone to asthma attacks.

A lack of omega-3 fats is often associated with diseases such as
like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, weakness
immune system, etc. Sardine contains nicotine
acid and vitamin D, which are also important factors
health of bones and nervous system and promote

Delicious canned food in oil is produced from sardines.
The meat has good taste, contains
protein, fat. Fresh sardines are suitable for broths, fried
and stews. Boiled grayish white meat
colors, dryish; fried – tender, juicy, with a characteristic
sour taste. The broth is rich and transparent.

Dangerous properties of sardines

You can not use sardine in case of individual intolerance,
and also with gout and a tendency to salt deposits in the bones.

People with hypertension should be aware that this fish increases
arterial pressure.

For various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors recommend
eat stewed sardines without adding oil or sardines in tomato

Obese people
do not overuse sardines due to the high calorie content.

The author of the video will tell you how to make a delicious, simple and healthy rice salad with sardines.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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