Shrimp are crustaceans from the decapod order (Decapoda).
Widespread in the seas around the world, many species
mastered fresh waters. The size of adults is different
representatives varies from 2 to 30 cm.In the seas of the Far
East. fauna of shrimp has more than 100
species. Many representatives of this group are objects of industrial
They are usually sold simply by size.
The larger, the more expensive they are. Small, total
3-7 cm long, and inexpensive deep sea
shrimp, which are mostly boiled freshly caught
and freeze.
First of all, if the head of the shrimp is black, then the shrimp
bad. If the shrimp has white stripes, it means that
it is frozen somewhere, and you can’t take it either. If a
the shell is dry, which means that the shrimp is old.
The ideal shrimp should be slightly moist, without
white spots, pleasant color.
Black spots and black rings on the legs indicate that the shrimp is old.
or spoiled. If you put such a shrimp in a frying pan,
it will fall apart into mush. If the shrimp has yellow spots or bumps,
it means that they tried to get rid of black spots with a chemical solution.
If the shrimp has dry white spots, then it is frozen.
Calorie shrimp
Shrimp is an excellent dietary product, 100 g of which contains
97 kcal. Due to their high protein content and low fat content, they
satisfy hunger well, without adding extra pounds to the figure.
100 g of boiled shrimp – 95 kcal. High enough calorie content
shrimp fried in breadcrumbs. It is 242 kcal per 100
d. In large quantities, this dish can provoke the appearance
excess weight. 100 g of shrimp baked with sauce – 175 kcal
and they should not be abused either. Alternative cooking option
tasty, healthy and low-calorie shrimp – cooking on
a couple. In 100 g of such a dish, only 99 kcal.
Nutritional value per 100 grams:
Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 22 1 – 0,9 80 97
Useful properties of shrimp
Shrimp is a very protein-rich product. Respectively,
they contain all the essential amino acids. More shrimp
contain a large amount of iodine,
necessary for the production of thyroid hormones.
And also, they have all the fat-soluble vitamins. it
vitamin K, A,
E, D.
Shrimp contains potassium, calcium,
magnesium, sodium,
phosphorus, iron,
iodine, cobalt,
manganese, copper,
molybdenum, fluorine,
as well as vitamin E (tocopherol),
C (ascorbic
acid), B1 (thiamine),
B2 (riboflavin), B9
acid), PP (niacin),
provitamin A (retinol) and B-carotene.
Shrimp is a storehouse of protein and minerals.
Shrimp contains almost a hundred times more iodine than beef.
Shrimp contain calcium, which is beneficial for thyroid function.
glands, immune system, hematopoiesis, kidney function,
building the muscular system and bone tissue. Potassium is irreplaceable
for the cardiovascular system. Zinc affects synthesis
hormones, improves the condition of the skin, nails. Sulfur also
important for skin, hair and nails, regulates the function of perspiration
and sebaceous glands, increases immunity, reduces allergic
reactions, promotes the construction of connective tissue,
including the valve apparatus of the heart, membranes of venous
and arterial vessels, articular surfaces.
Shrimp has the highest cholesterol level. On the second
place chicken,
and in fish there is no cholesterol at all.
Dangerous properties of shrimp
A special danger in shrimp is the presence
arsenic in them. As a marine life, the shrimp is capable of
accumulate heavy metals in yourself, therefore it is very important
know exactly where she was caught.
According to the findings of scientists, which cites, the royal
shrimps brought to Russia from Asian countries are grown artificially
with the help of antibiotics, growth stimulants and artificial feed.
This applies not only to this type of seafood. Experts assure
that today 50% of imported fish products are obtained precisely in artificial
environment. Note that after the publication of this guide in Sweden, sales of
some types of seafood have been cut in half.
Excessive consumption of shrimp leads to the appearance of cholesterol
plaques that provoke vascular occlusion and atherosclerosis,
since shrimp is the record holder among seafood in terms of content
cholesterol. You can minimize this risk by eating shrimp
along with vegetables and herbs that are able to remove cholesterol
from the body.
The video will tell you about the beneficial and harmful properties of shrimp, about their
types. It also contains a video recipe from the chef.