Squid, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Squids (lat.Teuthida) are a detachment of decapod cephalopods.
Usually 0,25-0,5 m in size, but giant squids of the genus Architeuthis
can reach 20 meters (including tentacles) and are the largest

In supermarkets, industrial squid weighing up to
800gram. The edible part is the mantle under which everyone hides.
its vital organs, head and tentacles.

Squids were eaten in ancient states
Greece and Rome. The dishes from them are among the most
popular among other seafood dishes. In vietnam
squids are not as popular as crabs and shrimps,
they began to be widely used here relatively recently.

Squid meat thawed several times has a bitter
smack and smell of old frozen fish, foams and creeps
while cooking. Before purchasing a squid carcass, evaluate
her kind. It should be firm, the top rind should be pink, slightly
purple or brownish, but squid meat is only
white. If it is yellow or purple, the squid has been thawed repeatedly.
If you are hesitant about which carcasses to choose – peeled or not, take
the last. Indeed, in order to completely cleanse the squid, it already
thawed at least twice.

Calorie content of squid

Squid is a high protein food, and its
calorie content is 92 kcal per 100 g of raw meat. 100 g of boiled
squid – 110 kcal, and in 100 g of fried
squid – 175 kcal. The highest calorie content in smoked and dried
squid – 242 kcal and 263 kcal, respectively. Excessive use
squid in this form can lead to obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 18 2,2 2 1,4 76,5 92

Cooked squid

Useful properties of squid

Squid meat is considered much healthier for humans,
than meat
land animals. Squid contains very high
percentage of protein, vitamins B6, PP,
polyunsaturated fats, which play an important role in
balanced human nutrition.

In addition, these molluscs are rich in trace elements phosphorus,
iron, copper,
And due to the presence of a large amount of arginine and lysine
in squid, they can be attributed to the necessary components
children’s kitchen. Meat does not contain cholesterol.

Also, it is no coincidence that squid meat is called balsam.
for heart. The fact is that this seafood contains
large amounts of potassium.
This trace element is necessary for the normal functioning of all
muscles of the human body, including the cardiac myocardium.
In addition, potassium is a sodium antagonist.
It has a diuretic property, promotes excretion
excess fluid, preventing edema and increased arterial

There are many extractives in their tissues that contribute to
secretion of digestive juice and giving a peculiar
taste of culinary products.

Squid meat contains a significant amount of taurine,
which helps to lower cholesterol in human blood
and has an anti-sclerotic effect, regulates
blood pressure, contributes to narrowing of the arteries, etc.

Squid also contains vitamin
And selenium,
which help convert eicosapentaenoic acid
in the body in prostaglandin, detoxifying heavy salts
metals. In addition, squid meat is also
dietary product, as it does not contain fat.

Dangerous properties of squid

There are known cases of individual squid intolerance. Also
after using this product, nervous disorders are possible
systems, since squids absorb mercury and other hazardous compounds
from sea water.

Dried squid can cause salt deposition and disrupt the water-salt
balance in the body, retaining excess fluid. And this, in his
turn, can provoke the appearance of edema and the development of hypertension.
In addition, poorly cooked squid contain a polypeptide that
able to disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

After watching the video, you will learn how to quickly and correctly peel squid.

See also properties of other seafood:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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