Summer houseplant care – growing and care

Summer is a long-awaited time of the year for people, as well as for many indoor plants actively growing during this period. This is why special care is so important not only in cold winters, but also in hot summers. One should pay equal attention to the pets that bloom magnificently at this time of the year, and to those specimens that usually “rest” at this time. Next, we will reveal the secrets of proper flower care in the summer.

Indoor plants in the interior. Farmer jvanvliet

Basic rules for caring for indoor plants in summer

Summer watering and spraying

Summer heat increases evaporation, which occurs with the help of flowers and foliage, and the earth clod dries up much faster. And with a lack of moisture, there is a complete violation of the circulation of all nutrients contained in plants.

If you do not follow the regularity of watering, the plant can not only stop its development, but also die. However, do not over-moisten the soil, it is important to take into account that, depending on the surrounding conditions, the amount of water required for irrigation can vary significantly. For example, if it is too hot and sunny during the day, then some of the flowers will have to be watered a couple of times a day. Water can only be used well settled. However, with a decrease in temperature and the onset of rainy days (which means with an increase in air humidity), there should be less water for irrigation.

You do not need to start watering if the soil is still sufficiently moist, it is not difficult to determine this, you just need to carefully pierce the ground with your finger (about 1 cm). Having felt the dryness of the earth, you can safely take up water procedures. Small pots can be lifted slightly to check if the soil is dry underneath.

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Watering indoor plantsWatering indoor plants. Farmer Maria Janowiak

Abundant watering (at any time of the day) and regular spraying, that is, additional moisture, requires the following houseplants:

  • Agave room.
  • Indoor maple or abutilon (especially during the period of its most active flowering, with insufficient soil moisture, beautiful flowers will begin to crumble).
  • Agapanthus.
  • Azalea indoor. Picky in growing pet, in the summer, requiring frequent soil moisture and spraying.
  • In God.
  • Alokazia loves water procedures, to which one can safely include wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Home doctor aloe, in the summer also turns into a “water bread”, but it is better not to spray the leaves, otherwise they may dry out.
  • Anthurium is a plant that loves frequent hydration of foliage, as well as watering, its soil should always be moist.
  • Achimenes flower.
  • Vanka is wet or indoor balsam. Watering and spraying it is necessary more often, liquid stagnation in the pan is unacceptable.
  • Geranium or pelargonium.
  • Gloxinia.
  • Jasmine.
  • Calla or calla.
  • Primrose or primrose.
  • Oleander.
  • Orchid (especially during flowering).
  • Cassia.
  • Rose flower.

Moderately watered and moisturized: adenanthos, adenium, maidenhair, amaryllis, astrophytum, begonia (it can also be put in a tray with peat, which needs to be moistened occasionally), cyclamen, nasturtium, nerine and uzumbar violet, which is better not to be sprayed, because the leaves do not tolerate well humidity. Cover the pot of violets with peat or moss, occasionally sprinkling with water.

Excessive moisture can cause significant harm to such pets as: aglaonema (watering is carried out 2 times a week), geranium (1 time in a couple of days), and chrysanthemum (2-3 times a week).

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Spraying is especially useful in summer, and plants such as: dracaena, dieffenbachia, arrowroot, ivy, ferns, philodendrons and ficuses are famous fans of water spray that should not be cold. Also, many plants will benefit from a warm shower a couple of times a week, which will not only moisturize, but also wash away the dust from the leaves.

If a transplant is to be carried out during this period, it is important to monitor the soil moisture for the first few weeks, this should be done for the rapid penetration of roots into the substrate, namely, outside the coma of earth with which the house plant was transplanted. Excessive moisture, as well as dryness, can interfere with this important process.

AmaryllisAmarillis. Farmer Susy Morris

Top dressing of plants in summer

An important point of care during the hot period is feeding, which should be regular. In the summer, this procedure can be carried out a couple of times a month, it all depends on the growth of the plant. Abundantly flowering pets should usually be given more time and attention, feeding them once a week. When applying liquid mineral fertilizers, it is important to adhere to the instructions, which can always be found on the packaging. Usually it is customary to use ammonium or potassium nitrate, potassium salt and superphosphate.

A strong concentration of fertilizers can be bad for the root system, so for small pets, you should first use half the dose, and gradually increase it to the amount you need. In the event that the pet has recently been transplanted into a ready-made substrate containing various types of long-acting fertilizers, feeding is not yet needed.

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During the flowering period, pets need an additional portion of fertilizers, for this purpose it is better to use products in which phosphorus-potassium components prevail. Some of the plants have leaves after flowering, then you will need to change the fertilizer to another, with a high nitrogen content.

Required temperature conditions and ventilation

It is known that all vital processes of each specific plant species are carried out under a specific thermal regime. Experts noted that photosynthesis is noticeably accelerated at elevated temperatures in plants from the tropics and subtropics, as well as in pets originating from temperate latitudes. In general, almost all pets tolerate heat and light well, but it would not hurt to protect them from direct sunlight.

Some plants prefer moderate temperatures, and at elevated temperatures they can die, these are: azalea, amaryllis, gloxinia, jasmine, camellia, primrose, violet and many others.

Others, on the contrary, feel great in the heat: aloe, all kinds of cacti, money tree, zephyranthes and hippeastrum, palms and ficuses.

Peperomia dull-leaved variegatedPeperomia is dull-leaved variegated. Farmer Jennifer’s Mentionables

Drafts are the enemy of many pets, so you can’t place pots with them in places that are easily blown through. When airing, take the following flowers out of the room (you can also close the door tightly): passionflower, croton, dieffenbachia, dracaena, Benjamin’s ficus. At the same time, fresh air for plants is simply necessary in the summer; many experts advise taking them out to balconies and loggias.

Summer lighting

Light-loving pets are the most unpretentious in maintaining the house, they can always be put on the windowsill, without fear that they will get sick from warm sunlight, from time to time to water, feed, in general, take care of properly and everything will be fine. Spring and summer are their favorite period, they often bloom richly and grow rapidly. Begonia, geranium and Kalanchoe love bright light and do not require special care, which is why they are so loved by many. One drawback of these pets, it is undesirable to place them on the northern side of the premises, otherwise their growth will stop, the leaves will fall off and soon they will simply wither away.

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Hibiscus, cacti, gardenias, bluebells, oleander, date palms and citrus fruits thrive in the southern part of the premises, but their foliage should be protected from burns.

But many plants prefer shade more, so it is better to keep them in a darkened room in summer: asparagus, clivia, ruscus, aspidistra, tradescantia, some ferns and some others.

Caring for dormant plants in summer

Oddly enough, but in the summer, some of the plants rest, therefore, having noticed that the pet has dropped the foliage, do not rush to throw it away, but rather put it in a warm, shaded place, and from time to time do not forget to water it.

KalanchoeKalanchoe. Farmer Dr. Tess MD

Such unique ones include cyclamen, which at the end of June it is advisable to transfer to an open balcony and put in the shade, because in July it will begin to wake up and release leaves, at the same time an urgent transplant is needed. The period of activity in cyclamen falls on the autumn-winter period.

Pruning and garter

Periodic garter and pruning are mandatory procedures, after which the plants shoot side shoots, acquiring a more decorative look. For example, all curly and penetrating pets need such events; to give them a pretty shape, they need to periodically trim the tops. It is better to do this with a sharp knife or razor.

Rapidly growing curly flowers need strong supports, however, tying them too tightly is not recommended, as growth from this can noticeably deteriorate.

Protection against pests

In the summer, all plant pests lead an extremely active lifestyle, so it is important to check the pet’s leaves every day to see if insects have settled there. Their timely recognition and elimination will save flowers from death and disease. The most common of the parasites are thrips, spider mites, whitefly, scale insects and mealy blacknecks.

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To combat them, various means are used – insecticides or folk recipes.

Taking care of flowers during your summer vacation

In summer, during the vacation season, you need to think about plants in advance, because sometimes you have to leave not for a few days, but for a couple of weeks. As you know, the tissues of many plants are as much as 80 percent liquid, so the initial task is to provide them with uninterrupted water supply.

The following plants will most easily tolerate the absence of owners in summer:

  • Tea.
  • Laurel noble.
  • Cherry laurel.
  • Figs.
  • Citrus fruits and some of the ornamental crops (pineapple, cissus, hoya).

HouseplantsHouseplants. Farmer Kevin Lee Jacobs

But the specialists have a few tips in stock for owners leaving for vacation, they will help preserve their favorite plants even in the strongest heat:

  1. A few days before departure, it is important to check the leaves for the presence of parasites and diseases. Having found signs of disease, you need to treat the affected areas with special drugs.
  2. All dry or disease-damaged shoots and leaves, as well as large flowers and even buds, should be removed from the plants.
  3. Doors and windows must be partially curtained, this must be done in such a way that in the room where the plants are left, there would be no strong drafts and direct sunlight penetration, which contribute to the rapid drying of the soil.
  4. Large plants should be placed on the floor, away from windows, in a bowl filled with gravel, expanded clay, vermiculite or perlite, and water poured into it.
  5. All types of feeding should be definitely stopped a couple of weeks before departure.
  6. For irrigation, there is a special method of capillary suction, which is also called the cord method. It is carried out as follows: a piece of cloth or woolen cord is taken, and then one end of it is lowered into a pot, and the other into a container of water. A jar or bottle of separated water should be higher than the flower pots.
  7. You can take all the plants to the dacha, if there is such an opportunity, and dig them in there along with the pots, while the soil surface is then covered with any organic mass, such as peat and sawdust.
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In addition, on sale you can find or make yourself a whole installation, through which flowers can be for a long time without watering.

Here is such a simple, but important process of leaving in the summer, you must certainly follow all the rules and then, your beautiful pets from year to year will more and more pamper you with their flowering!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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