Sunflower oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is a popular herbal product that is obtained
from sunflower seeds. The homeland of this plant is North America,
where it was first domesticated by the wild tribes of local Indians.

The plant came to Europe around the 1500s. thanks to Spanish
the conquerors of America. And in Russia sunflower appeared at the beginning of 18
century, during the time of Peter I, where it was brought from Holland. About
hundreds of years this plant was grown only for its beauty, and any
the peasant wanted to have a wonderful “sun” in his garden. And only
in 1829 one of the peasants of the Voronezh province, Bokarev, received
sunflower oil that tastes good.

A few years later, in the village of this peasant, the first
in the world, an oil mill, and a little later, the export of oil abroad was established.
The church appreciated the product and recognized it as lean, after which it appeared
and the second name of the product is vegetable oil. Late 19th century
Soviet emigrants brought oil production technologies back
to the USA and Canada, and soon the States became the leading manufacturer of this

Sunflower oil has a characteristic pleasant aroma and taste. IN
Depending on the cleaning level, all oil is divided into unrefined
and processed (refined). The former is exclusively exposed
filtration to eliminate impurities, while all valuable components
saved. This is the most useful type of oil with a characteristic tart
smell and rich, dark color. Unrefined product
has a short shelf life, which should be considered when buying:
in the oil, which has stood for a long time on a light display case, a sediment appears and rancid

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Refined oil undergoes neutralization and hydration, deodorization,
freezing and bleaching. As a result, the product is eliminated
residues of pesticides, heavy metals, other harmful impurities and
free fatty acids, which cause smoke when frying on
frying pan. But along with impurities, biological components are also removed:
tocopherols, phosphatides, vitamins. In the process of deodorization from sunflower
oils, all aromatic substances are excluded, which slightly prolongs
shelf life. They are increasingly using the freezing procedure, which
is the removal of natural waxes that cover
sunflower seeds. These waxes give the oil a turbidity, especially
when it is sold on the street, in cold rooms, which spoils the commodity
view. As a result, the refined product turns out to be impersonal – without
smell, taste and color. But it can be stored for a long time, and when frying
does not “shoot” and does not foam.

How to choose

When choosing an unrefined product, pay attention to the presence of sediment.
Fresh oil may have a slight sediment and cloudiness at the bottom
capacity. A quality oil should taste good. Bitterish
taste is a sign of deterioration or staleness of the oil.

To check the quality, put a drop of the product on the skin and rub.
The quality oil is quickly absorbed into the skin.

How to store

It is better to buy an unrefined product in a small bottle, so
how after opening the shelf life of sunflower oil is sharply reduced.

An unrefined product after the first use is imperative
store in a glass container with a closed lid in the refrigerator.

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You can add dry beans (2-3 pieces) to the container – this is how the product
will be stored longer. But remember that anyway when you
discovered sunflower oil, it must be used within a month.

In cooking

In cooking, they use both refined and unrefined
butter. The first is advised to be used for frying and baking: it is golden
or light yellow, transparent; the smell and taste is weak. Exist
even varieties of oil, where oleic and palmitic acids are more,
than linoleic, which makes them more suitable for frying than others.

Unrefined oil is slightly darker and smells quite strong
seeds, forming a precipitate during storage. It doesn’t need to be exposed
heat-treated, but can be added to salads, ready-made meals and dressings.

Caloric value

The calorie content of the product per 100 grams is 884 kcal. About it
it is worth remembering for those who follow their figure, and not to use
oil in large quantities.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,8 – – 0,2 884

Useful properties of sunflower oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

This herbal product contains linolenic and linoleic
unsaturated acids that the body is not able to synthesize
person. These acids are called essential acids or
vitamin F. The need for them is even higher than for other vitamins.

Unsaturated acids are involved as an essential component in the formation
sheaths of nerve fibers, as well as cell membranes. They have
the ability to remove cholesterol, forming easily oxidized complex
ethers with cholesterol, have a normalizing effect on blood
vessels and can be considered as a means of preventing a heart attack,
and other diseases of the heart and vascular system.

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Sunflower oil also contains vitamins A, E and
D. Remember that unrefined oil is healthier because it
the product contains all natural ingredients: vitamins and other active
substances, because of what it can and should be eaten in “raw” form.

Useful and healing properties

For medicinal purposes, it is advised to use unrefined oil.
the highest grade, with a pleasant aftertaste and light aroma.
If there is sediment in the product, this does not mean that it is of poor quality.
On the contrary, a sediment can arise in it due to the content of phosphatides,
necessary for cell membranes and are a source of phosphoric
acids, without which the body would not be able to work at all.

Sunflower oil is used in both folk and official medicine.
for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It is chronic
gastrointestinal diseases, thrombophlebitis,
liver and lung problems, female and cardiovascular ailments,
toothache and headache, encephalitis,
arthritis, rheumatism, wounds and inflammation. Oil-based are prepared
also solutions for plasters and ointments.

In its pure form, this product is rarely used for treatment, however
there is one recipe used for many diseases. So,
it is advised to take 1 tbsp. oil in your mouth, and suck it for about 20 minutes.
Then you need to spit it out: if the product turns white, then the necessary
the effect is achieved. The procedure is repeated twice a day or even on
several times a day. This speeds up the healing process.
Before using such a recipe, it is better to consult
with his treating doctor.

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the treatment of rheumatism uses sunflower-based rubbing
oils. There are recipes with the addition of wild rosemary herb, garden flowers
yellow fruits or hot red pepper and vodka.

With inflammation of the joints, it is recommended to rub with propolis ointment
with sunflower oil (1: 1), which is prepared in a water bath.
Sore joints are rubbed with this composition.

Also, with articular rheumatism, another recipe is effective, which,
true, not so comfortable on the skin. For him, red pepper is crushed,
mixed with oil and kerosene, then insisted in warm
place 9 days. Then the mixture must be shaken well and can be used.

Sunflower oil also helps with chronic coughs. For this
it is advised to mix 1 tablespoon each. flour, dry mustard, butter, honey,
half a spoonful of vodka and heat the mixture in a water bath. It should turn out
sticky dough, which must be put on cheesecloth folded in four,
apply to the chest, cover with a film, a handkerchief and leave overnight.
This procedure can be repeated for several days.

Sometimes you can hear that severe burns
must be lubricated with sunflower oil. But this cannot be done: oil
penetrates the skin, and any infection can get with it.

But with oil from sunflower seeds, you can prepare an ointment for
to treat wounds and blisters after a burn: 2 parts oil
boil with 1 part of pure wax. The resulting mixture is applied warm:
put it on a napkin, apply it to the burn and fix it.

Use in cosmetology

It is worth remembering that in its pure form it is a vegetable oil in cosmetology.
almost never used. But with very dry skin, applied with a thin
a layer of oil on the face and left overnight – it’s just healing
balm that regenerates and moisturizes the skin in a short time.

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And there is no need to be afraid of oily shine on the face, since sunflower
the oil is close in composition to the natural fat of the skin, therefore it is easy
penetrates into its deep layers. This product is also excellent.
a cleanser that easily dissolves any cosmetics.

Also, this oil is invaluable as an ingredient in face masks. For example,
you can mix this product with cottage cheese
or oat flour. This mask is applied in a thick layer, withstand
20-35 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

Sunflower oil is also used in body care. It’s just irreplaceable
product in the fight for clean and smooth skin. You can use
oil as a nourishing agent for the whole body. And you can add
vitamin A and treat cracked heels, injuries of a different nature
on the hands and lips.

Hair will also love oil treatments. After all, sunflower
oil is able not only to restore them, but also to moisturize dry
skin and will also help get rid of dandruff. The easiest way
using oil – a mask with the addition of lemon juice,
which moisturizes and gives the hair a bright shine. To prepare it
the above products are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. Then a lot
applied to the hair and rubbed into the skin. And after half an hour, you can
wash your hair.

You can also make a hair mask using a tablespoon of oil.
with yolk.
The mass is applied to the hair, wrapped up and kept for at least 3-4 hours.
After such a procedure, the hair must be thoroughly rinsed several times.

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Dangerous properties of sunflower oil

First of all, the harm of sunflower oil is dangerous
carcinogens, into which some of its components can be converted
when heated. That is why it is not advised to get carried away with fried
dishes – after boiling oil in such food, a lot
substances whose regular use increases the risk of disease
such a dangerous disease as cancer.

Even more such harm is manifested when heating one portion of oil.
repeatedly. Therefore, be sure to wash the pan after each
use. It is important that after individual processing processes
foreign chemicals may be retained in the product.
So, in its composition there are often residues of hexane – close to gasoline
solvent. It is not recommended for cooking

Anyway, in order to get the maximum with this oil
benefit, you can use only its natural varieties.
Let them be more fragrant and darker, but they will affect your health.
only positively.

Sunflower seeds
Read also our article on the properties of sunflower seeds.
Everything about their useful and dangerous properties, chemical composition, food
value, availability of vitamins and minerals, use in cooking
and cosmetology.

The video will tell you about the beneficial properties of sunflower oil, which is often undeservedly considered a harmful product.

Other popular oils:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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