Sweet pepper Big dad

Pepper Big Dad stands out from all varieties with a unique color. It is great for growing in central Russia, due to its unpretentiousness and resistance to disease.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Suitable climate
  3. Soil requirements
  4. Planting and care
  5. Transplant
  6. Care <
  7. Advantages and disadvantages
  8. Conclusion

Сладкий перец Биг папа

Sweet pepper Big dad

Characteristics of the variety

Big dad is a low-growing variety, it reaches a height of no more than 0.5 m. The foliage of the plant has a light purple hue. flowering stages are blue. According to the rules of agricultural technology, the number of cultivated crops amounts to about 6.5-7.0 kg per 1 sq. m of planted area. Usually more than 10 vegetables appear on 1 pepper bush.

Big dad pepper is great for eating fresh and preserved.

Vegetables, according to the description, grow cone-shaped and at the stage of technical maturity have a characteristic purple color, by the time of biological maturation they become bright dark cherry. Fruits weighing about 90-120 g have a wall thickness of 5-7 mm.

Suitable climate

The most suitable conditions for growing the Big Dad variety are medium a strip starting from the eastern part and passing through the entire East European plain.The Volga region is also suitable for this vegetable crop.

When growing pepper in the northern regions, where the temperature in the summer does not rise above 15-20 ° C, a shelter is needed when cultivating a vegetable crop to create additional heat.

Best of all, Big Dad grows in the Volga region, especially in chernozem soil. In such conditions, additional shelter for pepper is not required.

In areas with a hot climate, it is necessary to protect pepper bushes from leaf burns. In such conditions, it is necessary to install shading or plant peppers in places where there is no direct sunlight. In the southern regions, where it gets dark early and the daylight hours are shortened, sometimes you have to resort to additional lighting so that the daylight hours are at least 12 hours.

Soil requirements

In the middle lane, which has predominantly clay soil, when cultivating the Big Dad variety, they resort to mineral top dressing. In wet rainy periods, when clayey soil is spreading, it is strengthened by applying sand.

Sandy soil for nutrition is diluted with chernozem or leaf humus. The optimal ratio of all parts of the soil: clay, sand and fertilizers – in equal proportions.

Landing and departure

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Proper care will bear fruit

It is believed that the best time for planting seeds of Big Dad pepper is the period from late January to late February. Initially, seeds are recommended to be planted on seedlings at home, maintaining a temperature of 26-28 ° C, immersing the seed material to a depth of 3-4 cm. Germination of seeds purchased from a reliable producer is high and reaches 80-90%.


The grown seedlings are transplanted 70-75 days after seed germination. Stress-prone seedlings of Big Papa variety are transplanted with Epin.

per 1 sq. M. no more than 5-6 seedlings are planted in m sown area.

The average ripening period for Big Dad pepper varieties is 95-105 days from planting. Usually this time falls in May.


When caring for Big Dad pepper, it is important to follow the basic principles of watering, fertilizing and temperature conditions.

It is recommended to fertilize at intervals of 1.5-2 weeks, which makes it possible to grow large vegetables. When feeding, it is worth adhering to the recommended standards so that over-fed peppers do not become watery and do not lose their taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sweet variety Big dad is a profitable vegetable crop suitable for large-scale farming and for cultivation in a personal plot. Among the positive characteristics of pepper are noted:

  • its resistance to low temperatures,
  • high yield indicators,
  • the ability to adapt to local conditions,
  • unpretentiousness in leaving, lack of need for a garter,
  • early ripening.

Peppers that liked the Danube, Big Mom, Big Dad on August 30, 2017
Sweet pepper Big Dad. Aelita

Among the negative characteristics of pepper, note:

  • exposure to stressful situations when changing growing conditions;
  • the ability to stop growing and developing after transplanting;
  • medium-sized fruits.


To increase the yield of a variety on a site, one should study all its characteristics: this approach will minimize all risks and the crop will grow healthy m.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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