The benefits and harms of blue cabbage

Blue cabbage is rich in useful ingredients, it is suitable for cooking salads and marinades. Vegetables are planted in the garden or in the greenhouse year-round, the cabbage is stored in the cellar from autumn to late spring. Sometimes this variety is called red-headed and gray-headed.

  1. General
  2. General composition
  3. Benefits of the vegetable
  4. Contraindications <
  5. Vegetable dishes
  6. Planting cabbage
  7. Conclusion

Польза и вред синей капусты

The benefits and harms of blue cabbage

General description

Blue cabbage comes from the hot countries of the Mediterranean. You can grow seedlings in both cold and warm climates, if you create conditions for its rapid growth: organize watering or supplement light green in the greenhouse. Blue cabbage is similar to the usual white cabbage, it contains many useful vitamins and microelements.

The color of the vegetable depends on a particular variety: the leaves can be light blue and bright red with a purple tint. spicy-sweet, leaves are watery. The veins in the leaves are hard, so the upper layers of the head of cabbage keep their shape well.

General composition

Juicy vegetable consists of a large amount of water (60-70% watery). If during the growth of a head of cabbage it was well watered, the amount of moisture in the head reaches 90%. In blue-skinned culture, 2 times more fiber is useful for the human body than in white-skinned.

Composition of head:

  • Vitamin complexes.The benefit of a vegetable is determined by the amount of vitamins that it contains. Blue cabbage is rich in B vitamins: they help improve a person’s appearance and strengthen his immune system. The composition of red cabbage includes vitamins PP and C. Vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on the body of an adult or child, are contained in a head of cabbage.
  • Microelements. The head of cabbage contains potassium. It promotes metabolic processes in the body and resumes the digestive tract. Iron, which is part of red cabbage, allows you to adjust the digestive system.

The unique composition of the vegetable allows you to use it every day: contraindications are individual, and allergic reactions to the components of the vegetable are very rare. Red cabbage got its name due to its color: enzymes that contain blue leaves help strengthen blood vessels.

The calorie content of the product is small: 0.31 kcal per 1 g of vegetable. Low calorie cabbage is appreciated by nutritionists who prescribe freshly prepared cabbage salads to losing weight.

Benefits of the vegetable

The health benefits are due to its rich composition. Vitamins and minerals support metabolic processes throughout the body.

Thanks to volatile, which is contained in kaprust, its use is an effective prevention of tuberculosis. Cabbage juice helps against lung diseases.

Синяя капуста обладает лечебными свойствами

Blue cabbage has healing properties

Other useful properties of the product:

  • treats chronic bronchitis and acute respiratory infections;
  • fights hypertension;
  • lowers blood pressure due to the large amount of potassium;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • used for fast sobering;
  • heals wounds;
  • helps from jaundice and skin diseases;
  • used to calm the stomach after severe intoxication.

Selenium saturates the muscles with oxygen: these useful properties help the patient quickly recover after a disease. Vegetable juice with colds and viral diseases. Selenium strengthens the thyroid gland and adds strength and energy to an adult or child.


Use is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product.

A large amount of fiber is difficult to digest, so you should not consume a lot of raw vegetables at once.

Vegetable is harmful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence or an ulcer. Before use, the fresh product must undergo heat treatment.

Vegetable dishes

Vegetables of the F1 variety are hybrids that are stored in a cool room for several months.In the fall, you can stock up on a useful product and add it to food for children and adults. The leaves of the vegetable are taken raw: they are boiled, fried, pickled. Salads are most useful (leaves retain all the vitamins and nutrients that they contain).

With blue cabbage, ordinary and festive dishes are prepared. Chopped vegetable is diluted with onions and seasoned with apple cider vinegar – a simple dish suitable for feeding children and for the daily diet of older people. Blue cabbage is combined with seasonal vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs. To remove the bitterness, the leaves are soaked in salt water or seasoned with spices.

In most cases, blue cabbage goes to a salad, which is quickly prepared and contains all the necessary vitamins. Blue leaves are used as a decoration or side dish.

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Planting cabbage

Blue cabbage has an average ripening period. A full-fledged head of cabbage appears 150-200 days after planting. Blue cabbage is grown from seeds or seedlings. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate and 4-5 seeds are added to each well. A mixture of peat and humus is used to fertilize the planting material.

Sprouts are sprouted on a windowsill or in a greenhouse (from seeds). A soil mixture is used to germinate in a greenhouse consisting of turf land and peat. After germination, the seedlings are transplanted to the open ground: it is pre-fertilized and watered. Pick a bed with good natural lighting without drafts. Further care for blue cabbage includes weeding the beds, watering and hilling. Harvesting occurs at the end of summer, when the upper leaves of the vegetable begin to harden and lose moisture.


Blue cabbage contains vitamins and minerals useful to the body. Juice is used to treat colds and metabolic disorders. The product is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases or ulcers.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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