The benefits of feeding eggplant yeast

Feeding eggplant with yeast favorably affects the development of vegetable culture, activating the process of fruit formation and contributing to an increase in yield.

  1. Use of yeast for eggplant
  2. Preparation of yeast solution for feeding
  3. Recipes
  4. Dates of feeding
  5. Subtleties of using
  6. Conclusion <

Польза подкормки баклажанов дрожжами

Benefits of feeding eggplant with yeast

Use of yeast for eggplant

The yeast contains a group of unicellular fungal organisms whose vital activity is associated with a rich All yeast mass on ¾ consists of water and on ¼ consists of dry elements, among which:

  • minerals, macro- and microelements: phosphoric acid, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc;
  • carbohydrates – polysaccharides;
  • saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • proteins – amino acids;
  • nitrogen;
  • vitamins B, H, E.

The rich composition of the yeast mass makes it a useful top dressing for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes.She:

  • activates the vegetative growth of vegetables, saturating the soil with the necessary bacteria for the plant,
  • stimulates root formation, increasing the mass of the root system,
  • increases endurance , favorably affecting plant immunity,
  • reduces the period of survival of seedlings.

Preparation of yeast solution for feeding

Feed the eggplant and peppers are possible with solutions with yeast of any kind, including fresh, pressed and dry. In the absence of ready-made food yeast for the preparation of food, it is permissible to use products containing them, including crackers and bread.


There are several common recipes for yeast nutrition:

  • 1.5 tsp yeast mass and 1 st. l sugar pour 5 liters of warm water and insist 3 chacha. Ready for use, the infusion is diluted at the rate of 1 liter per 5 liters of water.
  • 50 g of yeast is dissolved in 250 ml of water, the volume is adjusted to 5 liters and applied under the plants immediately after preparation.
  • 50 g of yeast are diluted with 5 l of warm water, mixed with 250 g of wood ash and immediately fed eggplant and peppers.
  • 10 l of chopped herbs, 0.5 kg of fresh yeast mass are placed in a 70 l barrel and leave to ferment for a day. The liquid is used for irrigation, it is suitable for mass plantings of eggplant in a large garden.
  • 30 g of fresh yeast mass, 50 ml of horse manure or chicken manure extract, 400 ml of wood ash, 5 tbsp. l sugar diluted with 10 liters of warm water. The working solution for irrigation is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10.

Any kind of yeast

is suitable for the preparation of fertilizers. Vegetable infusions of weeds, foliage of trees and potato tops are added to the composition of top dressing for seedlings and adult eggplants, which increases the effectiveness of the beneficial effect of yeast fertilizer on the development of vegetable culture . The mixing of hop vines causes an increased fermentation process and releases more nitrogen.

Feeding Periods

Initially, eggplant is fed with yeast solutions after 7-10 days after transplanting seedlings into open soil soil or in a greenhouse. The norm for making yeast fertilizers is 0.5 l of ready-made working solution for each plant.

After a short period of time after yeast top-dressing, the eggplant bushes increase in size, actively gaining leaf mass, the foliage acquires a bright color and becomes larger.

The second yeast feeding of eggplant occurs at the time before flowering. The norm for making yeast fertilizer is 1.5 liters for each plant.

Subtleties of application

The use of yeast bait has a number of features:

  • it is carried out as additional stimulation in the presence of weak bushes of eggplant, which allows give strength to wilted plants,
  • the effectiveness of the action of yeast increases in warm conditions, therefore, solutions based on them are recommended to be applied to well-heated soil,
  • in the process of vital activity of yeast, calcium is consumed in the soil and potassium, to restore the balance of which in the poor on these ale Soil soils additionally add fertilizer complexes containing these components or use solutions in the preparation of which wood ash is present,
  • yeast mixtures, when used as top dressing, additionally act as a means of combating gray rot in seedlings.

Yeast feeding seedlings of tomato pepper eggplant cucumbers Yeast as a fertilizer Seedling on yeast
yeast MIRACLE FERTILIZER fertilizing eggplant seedlings
Yeast top dressing of cucumbers in the open ground Top dressing of peppers, eggplant and melons


Yeast bait for eggplant and peppers is an indispensable supplementary food, designed to accelerate the growth and development of vegetable It is usually carried out twice a season, but with the purpose of additional stimulation, more frequent use is permissible. The working solution is prepared according to one of the available recipes. Adding vegetable greens increases the effectiveness of yeast bait.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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