The healing properties of wild carrots

Carrots are one of the most sought after crops. It is eaten, used in industry. In addition to the cultivars of this vegetable, there is a wild carrot that grows in nature and has many medicinal properties.

  1. Characteristics of wild carrots
  2. Description <
  3. Locations
  4. The healing properties of wild carrots
  5. Properties of fruits
  6. Properties of seeds
  7. Properties of root crops
  8. Properties of leaves
  9. Use against diseases
  10. Treatment of tuberculosis
  11. Treatment of gallstone and urolithiasis
  12. Protection of the nervous system
  13. Treatment of constipation
  14. Prescription drugs
  15. Conclusion <

Лечебные свойства дикой моркови

The healing properties of wild carrots

Description wild carrot

Wild carrot belongs to the family Umbrellas and is a herbaceous plant. Usually it grows for 1-2 years. The Latin name translates as “burn”. It came from the characteristics of carrot seeds, which have a burning taste. One of its species is “Purple Kisses.”


Wild carrots have a straight, hairy stem that branches in the upper part and can grow up to 100 cm, sometimes curl . Her leaves are dissected, of different sizes: an average of 17 cm in length and 3.5 cm in width.The root of the plant is long, fleshy, rod, usually white, but sometimes has a yellowish tint. It cannot be used as food, but it is used in folk medicine.

The inflorescences of this herbaceous plant have the form of large umbrellas, in which from 10 to 50 pubescent rays with flowers at the ends are collected. Some flowers have stamens, while others have two sexes at the same time.

The shape of the fruit is elliptical, they consist of 2 halves, which have 4 ribs. Wild carrots bloom from June to July, and the ripening period lasts from August to September.


Wild carrots have grown widely in the south of Russia and Ukraine, and in the southern regions of some other European countries. These herbs have been found in Central and West Asia, New Zealand, America, and even in Africa. There they are considered weeds.

This plant is unpretentious, therefore it can grow in different places. Most often it is found near roads, in forests, fields, in meadows, near settlements. They are easy to spot thanks to their long stems and white umbrellas.

Sometimes they are confused with another plant that looks like a spotted hemlock. They have many differences, but the most important thing is that hemlock is poisonous, so it is important not to mix these herbs.

The healing properties of wild carrots

The healing properties of wild carrots were found 2 thousand . years ago.She found application as:

  • painkiller;
  • antimicrobial agent;
  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • anti-cough remedies;
  • means for dissolving salts in the body;
  • a drug that improves lactation;
  • funds for the treatment of kidney stone diseases, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, night blindness, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, diseases of the genitourinary system.

Garden carrots were removed from the wild, but their properties are significant tlichayutsya. Essential oil from wild carrot seeds is part of various medications that are used to treat disorders associated with vitamin A deficiency, helminthiasis, and also to treat urination problems.

In folk medicine, they use almost all parts of the plant, but the most useful are seeds and fruits, because they contain the most trace elements. The fruits of wild carrots are 2.5% composed of essential oil, which includes 17 useful trace elements, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, as well as geraniol alcohol.

Морковь используется в народной медицине

Carrots are used in folk medicine

Properties of the fruit

From the fruits of this Plants make different tinctures. They are harvested in the fall when the flowering period is nearing completion.It is important to have time to collect them at the initial stage of ripening, because seeds in a ripened state quickly crumble. The plants themselves are cut, dried and threshed, and the fruits are additionally dried at high temperature. They are used in powder form, grinding in a coffee grinder.

Seed properties

Wild carrot seeds are also ground into powder before use. They are able to improve digestion, relieve pain in the stomach and intestines, increase libido, stimulate menstruation, and facilitate the course of pregnancy. From the seeds make infusions, the action of which is aimed at:

  • reducing the formation of gases in the digestive tract;
  • enhancing the excretion of urine from the body and reducing edema;
  • excretion mineral salts from the body;
  • treatment of kidney stone disease;
  • decreased tonus of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs.

Previously, the preparation was made from seeds for the treatment of angina pectoris. Their essential oil helps relieve spasms of the arteries of the heart. They also have a calming effect on the central nervous system, in particular, on the cerebral cortex. This is the reason why wild carrot preparations are used in the treatment of renal colic.

Properties of root crops

The roots of a herbaceous plant are harvested either in early spring or late autumn. In folk medicine they are consumed raw or made from them fresh juice. They are used against worms and as a laxative.Sometimes root crops are dried to make tea from them or consumed as a spice.

Juice from root crops is useful for constipation, they should be eaten raw if there are problems with the stomach, they should be applied to swollen areas of the body , and a fresh root is used for anemia. Dietary supplements and carotenoids are also obtained from fresh root crops.

Leaf properties

Wild carrot leaves also have healing properties. They are harvested during the flowering period and used to prepare ointments that treat wounds. Tea is also brewed from the leaves, which has a sedative and diuretic effect.

Use against diseases

The use of wild carrots is useful for various diseases. However, there are some contraindications to the use of drugs based on it. Such contraindications include a stomach or duodenal ulcer, inflammation of the small intestine and an allergy to this vegetable.

Дикая морковь против различных болезней

Wild carrots against various diseases

Treatment of tuberculosis

For tuberculosis use drugs based on this plant to relieve cough and kill bacteria that contribute to the development of the disease. It helps cleanse the lungs and bronchi, reduces the number and intensity of coughing attacks and prevents the appearance of bleeding in the lungs.

Treatment of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis

When stones form in the bile ducts, these herbs activate the outflow of bile. If you start using them at an early stage of the disease, there is a chance of complete healing. But for this it will be necessary to regularly use medicines based on herbs on a regular basis and in certain doses.

In case of urolithiasis, the plant exhibits diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It accelerates the formation of urine and helps to remove sand and small stones from the kidneys. This prevents the development of the disease and the growth of stones, which then can not get out of the body naturally.

Protection of the nervous system

Due to its ability to have a calming effect on the nervous system, wild carrots recommended for use with strong mental or emotional stress. It also helps relieve nervous tension and prevents mental illness.

Treatment of constipation

This herb is used as a laxative for constipation. It favorably affects the work of the intestine, activating its peristalsis. Wild carrots can be used to treat constipation in young children.

Prescription drugs

Decoctions and infusions made from wild carrots help cure kidneys, heart, remove stones from the body, establish alkaline metabolism, cleanse blood vessels and blood.

Cough infusion

For the preparation of cough infusion 2 tsp. seeds are poured with boiling water and let them brew for about 5 minutes, after which the solution is filtered. For the day they try to drink 2 tbsp. infusion, periodically using it in small sips. With a common cold, you should drink such infusions until the cough is completely gone. With tuberculosis, treatment may take a month.

Infusion for removing stones

To prepare an infusion for removing stones 1 tbsp. l seeds are placed in a glass of boiling water, cover and insist all night. In the morning, the infusion is filtered, heated. For a day they try to drink 3 tbsp. such water. If the dose is respected, the treatment lasts about 2 weeks.

Decoction for calming the nerves

To prepare such a decoction, 1 tbsp. l seeds are poured into 250 ml of water and the mixture is boiled for 1 minute. Then it is insisted for 2 hours.

Before use, the broth is filtered. Use 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l before eating. The duration of treatment varies depending on the state of mental health.

Ointment for wounds

Fresh carrot leaves must be ground and honey should be added to them. The prepared ointment treats wounds several times a day.

Another option is to make lotions from fresh root juice. On the first day, this procedure is carried out every hour, on the second – once every 2 hours, and on other days – once every 6 hours. The course of treatment lasts until the wounds heal.


The healing properties of wild carrots are so diverse that they are used in both natural and traditional medicine. It can cure various diseases. To do this, use drugs based on it or prepare medicines on their own.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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