The meaning of the horned beetle as a melliferous plant

The horned honey plant belongs to the legume family. According to various sources, its genus numbers from 70 to 150 plant species. The people call this herb field acacia, hare grass, jaundice, and cherries.

During the flowering period, the culture is poisonous! It is not recommended to use parts of the plant for medicinal purposes, although its pharmacological properties have been studied quite well. It was found that decoctions and infusions act as a good sedative, have wound healing and analgesic qualities.

The content of the article

  • 1 Distribution and Description
  • 2 Agrotechnics and medical productivity
  • 3 The quality and useful properties of honey

Distribution and Description

Lyadvenets is found throughout Eurasia, preferring the shores of reservoirs, mixed forests, meadows, steppes, areas along the fields. In urban conditions, grass grows in landfills, parks, squares.

The culture is not demanding on the quality of the soil. Well tolerates wintering, spring flooding, summer heat and drought.

The root of the grass is extremely developed – it reaches a length of 1-1,5 meters with a height of the aboveground part of only 30-60 centimeters. Arcuate stems are collected in a powerful rosette and covered with small trifoliate leaves.

The flowers are moth-type, small in size, bright yellow, rarely orange. Flowering begins in June or August, depending on the region, and lasts an average of 1,5-2 months.

The fruits are beans enclosed in elongated pods.

Agrotechnics and medical productivity

The lyadvenets are sown with a mixture of other wild grasses in dry enough places to limit the vigorous development of green mass (stems). On dry soils, the grass blooms faster and more abundantly.

But it should be noted that honey productivity in the first year will be low – up to 15 kilograms of nectar per hectare. In the second and third years, the yield increases 2-3 times.

Seed consumption per hectare is 15-16 kilograms. Embedding depth from 1 to 3 centimeters. The recommended row spacing is 30-40 centimeters. The grass is thinned out in the rows. Before sowing, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil.

If the grass is used for livestock feed, the green mass is cut before the flowers appear! But in this case, the crops are of no value to the apiaries. If the plant is used to harvest hay, mowing is done at any time – the bitterness in the flowers is lost during drying.

In the herbage, the lyadvenets stands up to 5-8 years. Bees visit its flowers in different ways – in one year more often, in another – not very actively.

Lyadvenets horned melliferous plant, providing honey productivity from 15 to 30-60 kilograms from one hectare of mixed plantings.

The quality and useful properties of honey

It is difficult to judge the quality of honey, since it is impossible to obtain a monofloral variety from this culture due to irregular attendance by bees, as well as sowing in a mixture with other melliferous plants.

Once again, we remind you that in official medicine, the plant is not recommended for treatment because of the toxicity of its flowers.

Only some part of the lyadventsev nectar gets into the honey, which gives the product anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic properties.

In folk medicine, this plant is credited with anti-cold properties, the ability to overcome insomnia, headaches, and overwork. Outwardly, in the form of a poultice, the crushed green mass is applied to bruises, abscesses, wounds to relieve swelling and inflammation.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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