The principle of growing onions using hydroponics

I just started to gain popularity a new progressive landless method of plant propagation – hydroponics. The method is based on the nutrition of the root system with a special solution. It is noteworthy that the upper part of the plant increases in size very quickly, but the rhizome does not gain power.Hydroponic cultivation of onions has probably gained the greatest popularity, because literally on the fourteenth day you can harvest a rich crop.

  1. How to prepare the plant
  2. Work on preparing the flowerbed yourself
  3. Breeding technique
  4. What you need to know about the method
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Good advice
  7. Conclusions, generalization

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Growing onions using hydroponics

How to prepare the plant

To get hydroponic green onions, it is necessary to prepare the fruits for growing. It should:

  • pick medium-sized fruits;
  • peel the vegetable from the scales;
  • put in water heated to 30 ° C 6 tbsp. l ash and all prepared onions;
  • in this condition, leave the seedlings for 14 hours, not allowing the water to cool.

After the set time, the roots are removed, the tops are cut off completely , then the pads on which the beam will be planted are impregnated with the solution. This solution contains a lot of useful substances and minerals necessary for full growth. Plant onions must be pretty tight.

A small layer of vermiculite mineral fertilizer is poured on top of the linings: this will help remove excess moisture and become excellent thermal insulation. Next, the hydroponic installation is placed in a dark place to stimulate root growth. After 10 days, you can move the flowerbed into a lighted room.

Perform work on preparing the flowerbed yourself

To grow root crops at home, you can do autonomous preparation of containers. This is not so difficult to do. To grow onion feathers in hydroponics, it is necessary to select containers with a depth of about 20 cm. A foil is put on the bottom and sides of the vessel from the outside so that light does not get inside. This procedure allows you to create the appearance of natural conditions for the rhizome.

Growing green onions in hydroponics involves the use of lining instead of the usual soil. Foam plastic with a thickness of at least 5 cm is perfect for these purposes. Next, you will need a glass and a sharp knife to cut holes for onions. Experts recommend making conical holes so that the bulbs can be tightly seated in the holes. At the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to lay a pair of water sprayers connected to the compressor.

Instead of polystyrene, you can use Agros mats, which are soaked with special fertilizers. For 1 square. m you can plant 10-12 kg of root crops. For sprinkling, as in the foam version, vermiculite is used.Bulbs are planted in rows at a distance of 2 cm from each other. 4 cm fall between rows. In addition to planting bulbs, you can use the seed dilution method. Before sowing, viable seeds must be separated. To do this, the planting material is soaked in a warm liquid and the seeds that have surfaced are thrown back. As a substrate, a peat or coconut composition is used. Before sowing, the substrate is saturated with moisture, and then holes are made in it and seeds are sown.

For 7 days, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 20 ° C. Until the first shoots, the sowing cassettes are kept in a dark room. After the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to provide good illumination to the plants. Until the seedlings have grown stronger, they can be watered by the drip method. In addition, it is important to top-dress a couple of times a week with a nutrient solution with a pH level of 5 – 6.

Breeding Technique

How to grow onions hydroponically correctly? In order for the onion to grow intensively in hydroponics, it must be purged. This method is called bubbling and involves saturating the insides of the bulb with air bubbles, which allows you to start the growth process. It is necessary to put the bulbs in heated water with ash and distill the air with a supercharger for 14 hours.

To grow the onion feather in hydroponics, you should initially prepare a container in which the root crop will be bubbled. Then fill it with water, not reaching the edges.Only the root system of the bulb should be lowered into the water, make sure that the bottom does not touch the water. After all preparations, you can connect the compressor. It is this procedure that is the fundamental factor that affects rapid growth.

To forge green onions in hydroponics at the initial stage, it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the liquid in the range of 26-30 ° C. It is important to ensure that the liquid is not very hot, otherwise it will affect the green shoots: as a result of overheating, they twist and wither. When the height of the pen has reached a level that suits you, you need to rearrange the flowerbed in a dimly lit room so that the forcing of the onion hydroponically begins to grow up and the feathers are filled with juice. It is important to ensure that the light falls vertically, otherwise the green will fall to the side. Hydroponic cultivation of onions has many advantages over standard methods:

  • the most important feature is the purity of the process: there is no excess dirt;
  • accessibility in financial and physical plans.

➽ Growing green onions in hydroponics | Green onions all year round | Onion happiness
Onions in 21 days on hydroponics. AGROLUX 3.0 for growing green onions
Onions on a feather in 15 days. (The best way to grow onions on a feather).

What n you need to know about the method

When growing green onions forcing on hydroponics, it is important to know about some conditions:

  • you need to take root crops from the autumn harvest;
  • growing onions by the method hydroponics requires the use of tanks with a solid bottom;
  • every vegetable should be cut off before planting;
  • so that the forcing of green onions in hydroponics accelerated into growth, it is important to carry out an air saturation procedure.

DIY cultivation of green onions in hydroponics is an easy task. If a person has set a goal and armed with desire and patience, then training will pass quickly and fruitfully.The most important thing is to correctly determine the temperature regime and not be afraid of work.

Entrepreneurial activity

If you have harvested a large crop and do not know where to put it, it’s time to think about additional earning. To create a hydroponic business, growing green onions is just a great idea for promotion. Growing green onions with hydroponics is well suited for individuals who are able to plant large areas with onions.

Growing onions using hydroponics for business can be done by planting seeds or using onion sets.

Onion distillation in hydroponics is a good option for sale. The plant grows intensively, and the leaves with this method are always attractive and juicy. Growing green onion forcing on hydroponics, you can put racks in several tiers indoors. The process does not need special soil, loosening and all other procedures with the ground.

Basically, the air temperature in residential premises is often maintained at the same level, which guarantees high fecundity.

Hydroponic cultivation is suitable not only for the cultivation of green onions, but also for many other crops that do not require the development of a powerful rhizome. Often newcomers to entrepreneurship start a business with home-grown vegetables.

Good advice

Thanks to some tricks, it is possible to drive out onion greens in 7 days, moreover, these will be bulbs with full feathers. To begin with, a special selection of onions is carried out, and then they are prepared, placed a few days before bubbling in a warm, humid room.

In addition to changes in preparation, experts recommend that the bulbs be pierced after blowing and cutting. This procedure involves piercing with a needle in a circle in the upper part of the bulb. Piercing is better than trimming: it allows the onion to breathe and nourish the green feather, while after trimming the part is no longer valid.

One day after this procedure, the neck is cut with a cross. This manipulation gives the plant the ability to consume more air and stimulates the growth point. Dissection is performed on both the uncircumcised neck and the cropped one. Deep dissection to the middle of the bulb somewhat slows down the start, but makes it possible to get more fluffy bushes. To accelerate growth, you can make a nutrient solution for the bulbs.

Conclusions, generalization

Grow onions at home in hydroponics. Breeding plants with this method is becoming increasingly popular, since it does not require special expenses and the use of special soil and top dressing. In order for distillation to take place in the shortest possible time and with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to properly stimulate the seedlings.The best way to do this is by sparging. The more bubbles there are during purging and the warmer the water, the better. Only the water should be warm, but in no case hot, otherwise the root crop will simply boil. Scales for onions have a protective function, so before planting, the bulbs must be cleaned of hard husks.

To grow the onion feather as fast as possible, put an aquarium water heater in the water tank and maintain the optimum water temperature after planting . This condition is completely optional, however, if it is possible to use a water heater, then why not. Moreover, with its help it will be possible to completely control the optimal heating and not to overheat the plants. When overheated, onion leaves turn yellow and fade.

Hydroponic growing of greens is becoming increasingly popular among private entrepreneurs who are able to place onion crops in large areas. In addition to onion greens, you can grow a lot of other vegetables using this method. How to grow onions with high-quality hydroponics has now become clear and it became clear that this does not require special expenses, but can bring a decent income, especially in winter.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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