The process of processing garlic in the spring

Processing of garlic in the spring is a necessary procedure, because after winter the plants require careful care and top dressing. The event will help get rid of diseases and pests, and also allow the plant to receive the nutrients that are so necessary after a winter cold.

  1. Types of garlic
  2. Selection of seeds
  3. Topping spring garlic
  4. Topping winter garlic
  5. Foliar processing
  6. Yellowness treatment
  7. Treatment against the Onion Fly
  8. Processing with the Onion Nematode

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The process of processing garlic in spring

Types of garlic

Depending on the season when the cloves are planted, these types of garlic are distinguished:

  • winter which planted in the soil in the fall – it begins to actively develop with the onset of the spring thaw;
  • spring – it is planted in the spring at a time when the air temperature is already steadily warm.

Regardless from what season of the year you plant garlic, you must properly prepare it for planting, and then for subsequent development.

Seed Selection

Before planting in the ground, you must correctly select planting material and treat it with an antiseptic in order to avoid diseases and grow a quality crop.

When selecting a seed, use the same rules:

  • select only whole teeth;
  • check planting material for rot and damage;
  • take disease resistant varieties;
  • prepare whole heads for planting, and divide into tines just before sowing in the soil.

Before planting, disinfect the teeth by soaking in a solution potassium permanganate. Various fungicides are also suitable for this purpose.

Feeding spring garlic

Spring garlic is planted in the fall, and in the spring it gives the first shoots. For a good harvest, when planting it is fertilized with manure. In the spring, they begin to feed the plant for good growth. A carbamide solution or urea is an ideal top dressing.

The second top dressing occurs in about 15 days. A solution of nitroammophoski is suitable: take 2 tbsp. preparation and dilute in 9 l of water. The last top dressing is needed already when the vegetable heads are formed: superphosphate solution is suitable.

Feeding winter garlic

When planting garlic, remember that for better development of the plant you need soil with neutral acidity. In the spring, the overwintered plant needs nutrients more than ever, so fertilizer from phosphorus and potassium should be applied to the soil.Such procedures will significantly increase seedlings, the main thing is to fertilize in early spring.

The plant welcomes moisture, especially after the frosts: this implies that watering should be regular and it is not worth waiting for the soil to dry out. Especially it is necessary to monitor the sufficient moisture during the period of intensive bulb formation.

In order for winter garlic to have a supply of nutrients for the whole winter, care should be taken in advance to fertilize the soil immediately before planting. The procedure is carried out two weeks before planting, humus mixed with potassium phosphate is added. You can also use wood ash.

It should be remembered that it is not necessary to abuse fertilizers containing nitrogen. Since the excessive content of this component in the soil can provoke active growth of the green part of the plant. It is also recommended not to use manure as a dressing due to the fact that during the winter period it will not have time to re-grow, but will only provide shelter for harmful insects.

Foliar treatment

The external top dressing of winter garlic is to irrigate the outside of the plant and fertilize through the leaves and stems. This method allows the plant to quickly absorb all the beneficial substances. The method is very effective when it comes to quickly fertilizing the future collection. Especially if the stalk of garlic turns yellow.

The concentrate during irrigation is much weaker in composition than the main fertilizer. It is also important to remember that spraying does not replace root dressing. Such procedures are carried out in the spring several times during the period of active plant formation. Spring treatment is the most important at the stage of plant growth, with it you can increase yield by several times.

Yellowness treatment

In early spring you can see how the foliage of the vegetable crop turns yellow . Yellowing means that plants lack organic matter such as potassium and nitrogen. To increase the mineral content in the soil, it is necessary to treat the soil around the hole with fertilizers.

  • To flavor the soil, we need granular urea, which we will put into the soil. Now you need to water the wells abundantly and sprinkle everything with compost in order to retain moisture in the earth longer.
  • Another way to help the plant if it turns yellow is to treat the soil with liquid organic matter. For this we need: 1 tbsp. urea spoon 10 liters of water. Water the plants with such a solution, taking into account that the fluid flow rate is 10 liters per square. This method of feeding is very effective because liquid fertilizer is absorbed faster and enters the root system.
  • How else can you process a vegetable crop for better growth? You can apply the spray method from the spray gun. You will need to make a solution: potassium sulfate 1 tablespoon 1 liter of water. You need to irrigate the leaves in the evening.To do this, choose warm and preferably calm weather, because you need the plant to be completely saturated with minerals.
  • Another way is to fertilize with wood ash, which is sprinkled under the plants. With each watering, minerals more and more fall into the soil with water.

Treatment against the Onion Fly

If you notice yellowness on the leaves and stems plants – this may not at all mean that it needs to be fed. As you should check the leaves for the presence of larvae and small flies, because it is Onion flies that can decay a vegetable crop. Insect larvae gather on the base of the leaf and look like small worms.

In the fight against flies, spraying with a solution of salt, which is easy to prepare, will help. We need to dilute 300 g of edible salt in a bucket of water, and then apply the solution on a vegetable crop: spray using a spray gun or any other method known to you. Spraying with a solution of salt is not harmful to the plant and is not toxic to humans, so feel free to use this method in the fight against flies and their offspring.

Processing with onion Nematodes

The cause of yellow fading leaves and stems of vegetable crops is often a disease of stem onion Nematodes. The disease can persist in the soil for decades and does not appear at all. Infected plants begin to languish, turn yellow, and become dry.The fruits begin to fester: if you take an infected vegetable, there will be a pink-white coating on its spine, which is provoked by microscopic pests.

To avoid the disease next year, it is recommended to plant the next seedlings elsewhere. At this time, there is no such tool that would completely help in the fight against Nematode disease. A measure of disease prevention is the disinfection of teeth for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in a solution with salt for several hours before planting. This procedure will significantly reduce the amount of pest on the seed.

The disease develops more in an acidic environment, so you need to treat the soil with lime or dolomite flour every spring. The following method will also help in the fight against Nematode – to sow calendula or marigolds at the site of infection, which will neutralize Nematode with their poisonous juice.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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