The rules for planting garlic in autumn in Bashkiria

The climate of Bashkortostan is good for garlic. Planting a crop for the winter allows the plant to develop the root system and give a rich harvest in the future. Autumn planting of garlic in Bashkiria has some features, but by the basic rules does not differ from planting in any other region. .reachGoal (‘sood’); “>

  1. Soil and climate in Bashkiria
  2. Soil for garlic
  3. Planting time for winter garlic
  4. Preparation of planting material
  5. Planting rules
  6. Garlic Care
  7. Conclusion <

Правила посадки чеснока осенью в Башкирии

Rules for planting garlic in autumn in Bashkiria

Soil and climate in Bashkortostan

In the Republic of Bashkortostan, winters are cold and long, and summers are warm, with average air humidity. e is relatively stable.

Deciduous and mixed forests are widespread in Bashkiria. Soils in the region are sod-podzolic, gray forest soils in the forest-steppe zone and meadow-chernozem soils on mountain slopes and lowering relief. The soil is rich in humus, but its mobility is low. The biological activity of the soil is also reduced.

Garlic needs light loamy soils, sandy loam or sandy loamy chernozems rich in nutrients and moisture for normal growth. The culture will grow and produce rich crops in Bashkiria, if you properly prepare a place on the site and ensure proper care.

Soil for garlic

Garlic needs the correct conditions for normal growth:

  • flat relief without deflection with stagnation of water and hills with drafts;
  • neutral soil acidity – acid soil is treated with lime;
  • moderate soil moisture.

The plant cannot be planted in the area where potatoes and tomatoes used to grow and onions. They have common pests and diseases. Re-planting garlic in the same place is possible only after 4-5 years.

Good crop predecessors are fodder legumes, pumpkin, early white and cauliflower, greens. Harvesting from the site for the autumn planting of garlic should be done before the end of July.

Planting time for winter garlic

Garlic is planted in the autumn when the street temperature is stable air at 11 ° C-14 ° C. In Bashkortostan, this weather usually sets in late September-mid-October.

At least 1.5 months must pass from the garlic planting in the ground until the first frosts, and therefore weather forecasts for autumn 2018 should be taken into account. During this time, the plant will have time to form the root system in order to successfully winter. Garlic should not have time to germinate: young seedlings will not tolerate severe frosts in Bashkiria.

Prepare planting material

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Only healthy cloves

are suitable for planting. Healthy cloves of freshly harvested garlic are used for planting. Large and medium cloves are chosen. They are separated from the head just before landing in the ground. At an earlier separation, they quickly dry out, become unsuitable for planting.

If the appearance of the cloves is unhealthy, the vegetable has been damaged by pests, they are restored. Before planting, the material is dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting rules

To grow such a plant, choose a dry and sunny place on the site. 2 weeks before planting, the earth on the bed is dug up to a depth of 25 cm, then humus is introduced. Manure cannot be introduced: it worsens the phytosanitary quality of the product. The fertilizer volume is 5 kg per 1 sq. M of soil. It is also necessary to make mineral fertilizers: 20 g of potassium salt, 30 g of superphosphate. If the soil is acidic, add lime.

The instructions help to cope with the planting:

  • In the selected area, at a distance of 13-15 cm from each other, make rows.
  • The cloves are buried in the ground with the sharp end up. Planting depth should be medium, 6-8 cm: close to the surface of the soil, the planting vegetable will simply freeze, and too deep it will not be able to germinate.
  • Mulch the soil after planting, using sawdust and peat.
  • Laying out small branches holding snow on the bed.

The optimal width of the bed for planting crops for the winter is 110-120 cm. The length of the rows depends on the amount of planting material. The distance between the rows is 20 cm, between the individual cloves – 5-8 cm, depending on the size.

Garlic Care

If seedlings appeared in spring, the seedlings took root well . Proper care will ensure healthy growth and a large yield.

In the spring, when frosts pass, brushwood and mulch are removed from the surface of the bed, and the land is neatly leveled. Further care is carried out as follows:

  • The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of 3-4 leaves. Urea and ammonium nitrate are used (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).
  • The second top dressing is introduced in mid-June, when the bulb begins to form. Use a solution of nitrophoska (2 tbsp. L. Per 10 liters of water). Contribute 3 l of the mixture per 1 square. m beds.
  • Every 10-12 days, the plant is fed chicken droppings (1 liter per 10 liters of water) or cow manure (1 liter per 8 liters of water). 5 square meters of soil are watered with one bucket of solution under the root of the plants.
  • Plantings are watered with water warmed in the sun once a week. With a large amount of rainfall, the intensity of irrigation is reduced. After the first spring watering, the soil is mulched.

The soil in the aisles is regularly loosened. Weeds, especially flowering ones, are the habitat of pests, therefore, they are constantly removed.

Watering of plants is stopped 20 days before harvest. Vegetables are harvested in late July. When the harvest time comes, the extreme leaves will turn completely yellow and the middle ones will turn yellow by a third.

Tips for planting garlic in the winter
Planting winter garlic

The ripened crop is carefully dug out with a pitchfork. Then it is dried in suspension in a blown room, where diffused sunlight enters.The ground from the dried heads is removed by careful blows to a hard surface. It is important not to damage the first scales, otherwise the shelf life of the vegetable will decrease.


To plant garlic in autumn in Bashkiria, choose a flat, dry and lighted area, carry out agricultural work. Even an inexperienced gardener can plant garlic in the fall. If you correctly select and prepare planting material, allocate space on the site, do not miss the optimal planting dates, healthy and strong shoots will appear in spring.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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