The rules for watering garlic in the spring


Spring is a changeable time. Heavy rains give way to drought or prolonged frost. But gardeners who grow winter garlic are not afraid. It is resistant to temperature and weather changes. But not everyone knows how to pour garlic in the spring and not harm the plant.

  1. Preparing for watering
  2. General rules
  3. Watering with solutions
  4. Feeding rules
  5. Stages
  6. Means for feeding
  7. Organic fertilizers
  8. Mineral fertilizers
  9. Complex fertilizers
  10. Conclusion <

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Rules for watering garlic in spring

You need to choose the right time for watering. main and additional (on demand) sub-core Together, these actions will help to grow a tasty and high-quality crop.

Preparing for watering

The winter variety grows early. In the beginning of spring after the autumn planting, the first shoots appear Care should begin when the snow melts.

  • First, do the loosening of the soil. Remove the upper soil crust that arose after the winter period. It closes the access of oxygen to the sprouts. Surface loosening to a depth of 3-5 cm is necessary. It is carried out using a garden tool with 3 teeth or a narrow chopper. Deep loosening is not worth it. This will harm the root system and sprouts.
  • The next step is to mulch. Initially, remove all weeds at the planting stage and before this procedure.This contributes to an even distribution of water, eliminating excess moisture in the ground. The quantity and frequency of weeds is reduced. It does not allow the plant to freeze in severe frosts. Peat, sawdust, mulch paper, peat, dry grass are used as mulch. The best material is straw.

General rules

The first watering is carried out immediately after loosening. If there was natural precipitation, the procedure should be rescheduled the next day. The main rule is weather orientation. If the spring is hot, the amount of water will increase. If it’s cool and rainy, reduce it.

Approximate watering doses:

  1. At a temperature of 13-18 ° C per 1 m2, 10-12 liters of water are sufficient. The interval between watering is up to 10 days.
  2. If the temperature is 18-25 ° C, the amount of water is 10-12 liters. The interval between treatments is reduced to 3-4 days in two weeks.
  3. The presence of rainy weather and unstable temperature conditions affect the decrease in the number of irrigations. The main thing is not to overmoisten the soil and not to destroy the vegetable crop.

Until May, garlic is watered only if necessary. Between May and June this is a mandatory procedure.

20 days before harvesting, stop watering the plant. This will increase the shelf life of the crop.

Gardeners advise watering garlic by drip irrigation. Great solution during a drought. It reduces the risks of disease or decay of the plant.

Watering with solutions

Not everyone knows that you can water young garlic in spring with a potassium permanganate solution. Salt solutions will help improve the quality of the soil and saturate it with useful minerals.

Salt is used if you need to scare away pests. Especially – onion fly and nematode. Saline recipes:

  1. From the onion fly – 250 g per 10 liters of warm water. It is necessary not to water, but to spray. After it, the shoots are watered with plain water. Expect an increase in the number of arrows.
  2. From the root nematode – 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 10 liters of water. This is enough for 2 m2 of beds. It is necessary to water the plant with clean water. Repeat the procedure after 10 days.

You can find out what you need to make a saline solution from yellowed leaves. This is the first sign of the negative influence of pests.

Potassium permanganate is used if the shooters develop poorly and the shoots turn yellow quickly. It is introduced before landing for the winter. But you can pour it with a solution of beds and in early spring.

Feeding rules

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We feed garlic with water and dressing

Garlic care is simple and includes dressing. Inexperienced growers often wonder how to water and feed garlic in spring.

Using water, you can saturate winter garlic with nutrients. You will need special fertilizers.They can be purchased at a specialty store or made at home.

They begin to feed the soil in early spring – from late March to early April. For garlic planted for the winter, use phosphorus and potash fertilizers. They contribute to better germination of the bulbs. Increase the amount of carbohydrates and proteins in the cloves.


To fertilize in liquid form should be gradually. The correct order is the key to the success of the gardener.

The main stages:

  1. Feeding with urea.
  2. The use of nitrofoski and nitroammophoski. Bred in a bucket of water. 3 l of solution per 1 m2 is enough.
  3. Application of superphosphate. Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

It is important to adhere to this order. Then the plant will grow and develop gradually and correctly.

Means for feeding

Not everyone knows how to pour garlic in the spring to get a high-quality crop. The best solution is to combine watering and top dressing. They are carried out in parallel. If you need ordinary water for irrigation, then for fertilizer – special means. They are divided into organic and mineral.

Organic fertilizers

Their main advantage is free access and low cost. They improve the soil, which affects plant growth. Increase water resistance, moisture capacity. Enough for several seasons (from 1 to 5 years).

The main task of the gardener is to correctly calculate the proportions of the components for fertilizer. It is necessary to observe the rules for making nutrients. Otherwise, the expected result will not be.


Cow or horse manure is one of the best organic fertilizers for all types of plants. Improves the quality of the soil, which contributes to the rapid growth of garlic.

Contribute 30-40 tons per 1 ha or 4-5 kg ​​per 1 m2 three times during the growing season, depending on the state of the soil. It should be in a rotted and liquid form. The ratio of water to manure is 1: 6.

The consequences of an oversupply are an increase in the amount of nitrogen in the bed. It saturates the vegetable culture with nitrates, which are harmful to the human body.


This fertilizer contains nitrogen. It is quickly acquired by winter garlic. After 2 days, the amount of protein in it will increase. It is brought in cold spring first of all. Does not cause leaf burns.


  1. Dilute 1 tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water.
  2. Expect complete dissolution.
  3. 3 L of solution per 1 m2.

Do not save the solution. Do it just before use.

Urea, introduced in the spring, will improve the quality of the crop. In a hot summer, it will save the crop from overdrying and saturate with useful substances.

Мочевина от засухи

Urea from drought

Mineral fertilizers

Garlic does not always have enough natural mineral inorganics. To increase their number – this is why mineral fertilizers are needed. Their use will help improve the soil condition, make the plant resistant to diseases and reduce the time of germination of cloves.


The main component is ammonia. Based on it, ammonium nitrate is made. Must be introduced before the beginning of bulb formation in early spring. Promote rapid growth of leaves and root system.

Proportions: 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonium nitrate in 7 liters of water. This is enough for 1 m2. If the weather is hot, increase the amount of water to 10 liters.


Their main function is to make garlic more resistant to disease. Extends the shelf life of the product. Rarely used in pure form. Potassium salts should be combined with trace elements (copper, magnesium, iron).

The rate of salts is 30-45 g per 1 m2. If potash fertilizer is mixed with others, then its amount does not exceed 15 g / m2.


These are energy sources. They control metabolic processes. They help to better absorb the incoming minerals and other useful components.

They are used in cases:

  • purple shade of the leaves on the sprouts;
  • change in the shape of the leaves;
  • the appearance of dark spots along the entire length plants;
  • poor development of the root system.

The most famous phosphate fertilizer is superphosphate. The required amount is 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 1 bucket of water. Increases the resistance of onion crops to temperature and weather changes. Thanks to it, productivity grows 2-3 times.

Complex fertilizers

Nitrophoska is a substance that contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. To find out how much it needs, just check the condition of the soil. Under normal conditions, 2-3 liters of solution per 1 m2 is sufficient. The amount of solution is 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

Fertilizer contributes to better germination of onion culture and the growth of the root system. Increases clove formation and bulb mass.

watering winter garlic spring 2014
Growing garlic in spring. Winter and spring garlic. Planting, watering and care. Video
Garlic. First steps in spring.


Often gardeners wonder how to water winter garlic in spring. The first watering of young winter garlic is important step of proper care, the main thing is to wait from dull frost. It is important not to over-moisten the soil and not to leave it overdried.

It is best to water the onion plant with ordinary water once a week at 18-25 ° C. In hot weather – three times a week. For this, use potash, phosphorus , liquid nitrogen fertilizers. Their main function is to improve the quality of the crop and extend the shelf life.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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