The rules of growing Chinese cabbage

Growing Chinese cabbage allows you to harvest 3 times a season: at the very beginning of spring, late summer and autumn. Juicy, spicy cabbage has a high content of nutrients and low calorie content.

  1. Features of the view
  2. Soil preparation
  3. Sowing and care
  4. Growing by seeds
  5. Growing by seedlings
  6. Varieties of the variety

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Rules for growing Chinese cabbage


Peking and Chinese cabbage are 2 close species, therefore they are often confused, although external differences are significant:

  • Peking cabbage head out, its leaves are green with white roots, taste with soft, neutral;
  • Chinese, which the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom call Pak-cho, has leaves and petioles of a deep green color; the stalk does not form, the taste is rich, spicy, the leaves are juicy.

Because of the spicy taste, Chinese cabbage is called mustard. Cabbage is an early species, it tolerates frosts, does not require special care.

The leaves of the vegetable are collected in a rosette, sitting on thick thick petioles, which make up 2/3 of the weight of the head. Petioles are crisp, juicy, resemble spinach. Vegetables are used to make salads and first courses. The composition of the vegetable contains a record amount of vitamins C, B, and K, trace elements, pectins and active enzymes.

A feature of the culture is its love of low temperatures and moderate lighting.

Soil preparation

You can plant a crop in central Russia in the first week of April, it is best to prepare the soil for the crop in the fall. The technology for growing early Chinese cabbage provides that:

  • the garden designated for the crop should be in a well-lit place of the garden, on a hill where water does not stagnate.
  • legumes can be the predecessors of the culture , tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, zucchini;
  • the Chinese woman is not grown after cabbage;
  • fertilizers are applied to the soil (ÂŊ buckets of manure, 2 tablespoons of ash or 2 tablespoons of phosphate and 1 tbsp. Potash fertilizers), dig the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm;
  • sour soils are treated with chalk, dolomite powder or from in the news, they add a little coarse sand to the loams (some gardeners practice making rotten sawdust);
  • they loosen the soil in early spring, they also add a mineral nutrient mixture for vegetables.

Get high-quality a vegetable can be both planting seedlings grown at home, and sowing seeds in open ground. Ripening time is 25-60 days.

Sowing and care

Pak-choi is one of the oldest vegetable crops grown in the fields of China.

In contrast to the usual European varieties that require careful preparation of the soil and compliance with agricultural technology, you can grow delicious Chinese cabbage on relatively poor soil.

Growing Chinese cabbage from seedlings is a troublesome and thankless task, the sprouts can not tolerate picking and die. Sowing seeds in open ground is a better and more productive solution.

Seed Growing


Seeds need to be treated with a growth stimulator

How do I grow Chinese cabbage in a mid-range? You can start landing already at a temperature of 5 ° C. If you carry out the procedure at intervals of 5-7 days, fresh greens in the country can be collected continuously.

Seeds 2-3 days before sowing in the soil:

  • calibrate;
  • soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator or a solution of microelements.

Seeding depth – up to 10 mm.

Before planting, grooves are formed at a distance of up to 0.3 m A thin layer of wood ash is applied to the surface of the planted seedbed. This treatment scares off the shoots of the main pest – the cruciferous flea.

The first seedlings can be seen in a week and a half, pre-treated seeds will sprout for 4-5 days.

Features of the cultivation of Chinese cabbage:

  • the crops are thinned out, the distance between the plants should be at least 20 cm;
  • the procedure is carried out when 2 real leaves appear in the plants ;
  • the soil is periodically loosened, weeds are destroyed;
  • the plants are watered in dry weather;
  • when planting seedlings in previously fertilized soil the plants are not fed;
  • for better moisture retention, the soil on the bed is mulched.

Harvested 25-35 days after sowing, usually done in the morning. For better storage, the roots of the heads are cut, the greens are stored wrapped in plastic in a cool place. Autumn harvest in appropriate conditions can be stored until the New Year.

Growing seedlings

Plant seedlings in open ground at a temperature of 13 ° C-15 ° C. The plant does not tolerate transplanting even with good care, so you need to sow 2 containers of light soil in prepared houses in the last decade of March.

After germination, the weaker plant is removed. When 5 leaves appear, they are planted in fertilized open ground. Sprouts are fed with mullein solution: 1 liter of manure per bucket of water once a week.

Varieties of the variety

Lovers grow many varieties of Chinese cabbage, which differ in terms of ripening, size and color of the leaves. The precocious include Vesnyanka, Four seasons and Alyonushka. You can feast on their leaves 3 weeks after sowing.

After 60-66 days, the fresh Krassa is pleased with the Krasa Vostoka variety, whose peculiarity is resistance to throwing arrows. Delicious petioles are distinguished by the domestic variety Swallow.

The Araks variety has purple leaves, it ripens 1.5 weeks after planting.

The chill is particularly resistant to low temperatures, it is harvested 5 weeks after planting with proper care.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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