The use of hydroponics for growing cucumbers

Hydroponics for cucumbers technology cultivation of vegetable crops, which increases the yield and allows you to save the area required for planting. Special shops offer ready-made hydroponic devices, but they are not hard to make at home.

  1. Hydroponic cultivation
  2. Varieties of hydroponics
  3. Advantages of cultivation in hydroponics
  4. How to make a system with flooding
  5. How to make a drip hydroponic device
  6. Design on mineral water
  7. Conclusion <

Применение гидропоники для выращивания огурцов

Using hydroponics for growing cucumbers

Hydroponic cultivation

DIY hydroponics for og ursa and tomatoes allows you to grow vegetables throughout the calendar year. The package includes a special solution saturated with nutrients necessary for the growth and development of vegetable crops.

Nutrient solution used in hydroponic devices for each individual vegetable culture is selected individually.

There are no chemical components or stimulants in the composition of the fluid used in the hydroponic system. For its production, natural organics are used, which helps in the growth and development of ripening of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Varieties of hydroponics

Do-it-yourself hydroponics devices for cucumbers:

  • construction with periodic flooding;
  • drip system ;
  • a device on a mineral wool substrate.

Advantages of cultivation in hydroponics

The process of home-grown hydroponic cucumber cultivation , there are a number of advantages.

  • The rapid development of vegetable culture. Hydroponic cultivation of cucumber bushes is developing rapidly, because practically not damaged by diseases characteristic of cucumbers. They get all the necessary mineral elements in full. The culture increases immunity and productivity. In the case of a properly selected nutrient component, the planting will not dry out and will not rot.
  • Simplification of care. When growing a cucumber crop using a hydroponic device, there is no need to water the beds daily and make fertilizer formulations. All food is supplied to plants in a dosed manner, which protects cucumber plantings from overfeeding with fertilizers or from their insufficiency. Processing plantings from pests spreading through contaminated soil is not required. There is no need to remove weeds.
  • Save space and water. Growing cucumbers and tomatoes on hydroponic devices can save a significant part of the area required for cultivating vegetables under ordinary conditions.Significantly saved and consumed during normal irrigation water.
  • No need for fertile soils. This method of growing cucumbers and tomatoes does not require the use of soil, therefore it is well suited for those regions in which the badlands do not give the opportunity to get large harvests of vegetables.

When cultivating vegetables on a makeshift hydroponic device, gardeners collide with a number of difficulties, among which is the need to purchase equipment from which to make a home construction, study the technological process of its manufacture, familiarization with nutritional compositions, temperature control growing mode and monitoring the liquid level in the device.

How to make a system with flooding

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The system can be made by oneself

To make an effective hydroponic construction with flooding by one’s hands can be done from improvised means:

  • expanded clay ,
  • pipes made of plastic, where holes are drilled,
  • crushed stone,
  • pump or pump,
  • compost (humus with fertile soil) ,
  • water.

The holes in the plastic pipes are made in accordance with the size By the containers, where cucumbers will grow. Expanded clay and some rubble of middle fraction are poured into these containers instead of the soil that is usual when planting vegetables.

When cultivating cucumber crops on an industrial scale, pumps are mounted in hydroponic devices. Some gardeners use pumping structures in their summer cottages, wanting to get large yields.

To feed seedlings, fertilizer liquid is prepared on its own or purchased ready-made in special shops. In the first case, you should have the necessary knowledge about fertilizer complexes and manufacturing technology.

A design with periodic addition of liquid is suitable for cultivating cucumber crops in a summer cottage in a greenhouse or in the basement of a private house.

Mineral feed solution for a day is poured into compost, then it is poured into a separate bowl. This is a working fluid that is pumped into the eraser tubes with a pump or pump, where containers with seedlings are delivered.

How to make a hydroponic drip device

Hydroponic drip devices are more often used for cultivation of vegetables in an apartment on a windowsill or on a balcony loggia. It does not intend to use compost to avoid the presence of odors indoors.

The effective operation of the drip system is in demand not only among private homeowners, but also on agricultural farms and agricultural enterprises.

For self-construction, you will need:

  • sealed containers – 2 pieces,
  • containers for seedlings,
  • pump ,
  • timer,
  • overflow device,
  • flexible tubes made of plastic.

Sealed containers must be placed one above the other :

  • a hole is made in the upper one, through which the feed solution begins to flow through the tube coming from containers with seedlings,
  • a pump is installed in the lower one, its task is to supply the pump through the pipe seedlings liquid back to the tank with established containers with seedlings.

Mineral water construction

Expanded clay is the simplest substrate for hydroponic devices when cultivating cucumbers, but it often changes alkaline parameters, adversely affecting the growth and growth of seedlings and reducing the amount of vegetable yield.

Expanded clay gardeners began to replace with special mineral wool, simplifying it is the process of cultivation of vegetable crops. This material, when used in the construction, allows the root system of plants to grow inside the mineral fibers, keeping the moisture they need with nutrients in cotton. Thanks to the ventilation of the mineral fibers, the decay of the sprouts is completely excluded.

For systems, it is possible to use simple mineral wool or specially designed for hydroponic mineral substrates.

Some varieties of mineral-wool substrate give possible Use full immersion in mineral liquid for the classic technology of growing vegetables, in which food is circulated through plastic pipes in which containers with seedlings are installed.


Using home-made hydroponic devices for planting cucumbers and tomatoes makes it easier to care for plantings and ensure high yields. In this case, you can choose the most affordable method of manufacturing a low-volume or large-scale design, based on individual conditions for planting landings. Home-made systems can be replaced with ready-made mechanisms, among which Aquapot products are most famous, offering a wide range of hydroponic plants.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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