The use of trepang on honey in adults and children

Trepang is an outwardly unattractive invertebrate inhabitant of quiet bays from the Kuriles to Hong Kong. The creature is capable of disinfecting sea water. These antibacterial properties are retained in cooked sea clam meat and extract used for medicinal purposes.

And trepang on honey has been used since ancient times. Chinese doctors were well aware of the miraculous properties of such a medicine.

The content of the article

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Human benefits
  • 3 Противопоказания
    • 3.1 Childhood
    • 3.2 Oh honey
  • 4 When to take
  • 5 How to use
  • 6 How to cook at home
  • 7 About dosages
  • 8 Application externally


The sea mollusk (or “sea cucumber”, “gloturia”) is small – up to 14 centimeters long and up to 4 centimeters wide. Its thick body is studded with large needles, making it look like a sea urchin. The color depends on the seabed – it can be brown, gray, beige, blue, red.

When the mollusk is cut into pieces and these parts are returned to their natural habitat, the creature does not die. Each piece begins to live independently, restoring its original size and appearance.

Accumulations of molluscs at shallow depths are called trepang fields.

A low-calorie shellfish contains in sufficient quantities:

  • chromium, iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, chlorine, zinc, boron, sodium;
  • acids (organic and fatty);
  • disaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins C, E, PP;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • amino acids;
  • proteins with a collagen-like structure.

Human benefits

Clam meat in its medicinal characteristics is comparable to the roots of ginseng. The biologically active components included in it act at the cellular level.

It is believed that the extract obtained from the shellfish:

  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • activates immunity, providing a reliable barrier against viruses, bacteria;
  • cleanses the intestines from toxins, toxins;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, thins the blood;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • gently eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • normalizes brain activity and blood supply to brain tissues;
  • relieves nervous tension, fatigue.

The hood is taken even with fairly serious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis. It is indicated for atherosclerosis, as it promotes the resorption of blood clots. And as a prophylactic agent that reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, as well as for any cardiovascular pathologies.

They use molluscum to relieve inflammation in the female and male genital area. For example, an extract or tincture heals well erosion of the cervix.

In combination with a natural honey product, the healing effect is noticeably enhanced. Both components complement each other well.

Read more:

Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm


The main prohibition on taking trepang is the presence of tumor processes in the body (the extract is capable of activating tumor growth). As well as hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.


Is it possible to give trepang on honey to children? Or give these molluscs in any form?

The recommendations for alcoholic tincture say that the drug is contraindicated for children. For the hood, the prohibition is up to fourteen years old, and for honey infusions – up to eight… Reception of dried shellfish packaged in capsules has no age restrictions.

On a note. The drugs sold (tincture, extract, capsules) are dietary supplements. These are not drugs.

Oh honey

Since honey is present in the composition, there are other restrictions:

  • diabetes mellitus (admission can only be approved by the attending physician);
  • pregnancy and periods of breastfeeding of the child;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestines, stomach, liver, pancreas;
  • allergic skin diseases.

When to take

The remedy is taken for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • premature aging;
  • eye ailments (cataracts, dystrophic changes in the cornea);
  • pathologies of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • fungal, viral, bacterial infections;
  • infestation with helminths;
  • gynecological diseases (erosion, uterine myoma);
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, sore throat, emphysema);
  • potency problems;
  • mastopathy in women;
  • arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • thyroid problems;
  • pathologies of the heart, blood vessels;
  • traumatic, infectious skin lesions.

Also, the tool is prophylactic… It is used internally for general strengthening with acute respiratory infections, ARVI, which are often annoying in spring and autumn.

How to use

General recommendations are as follows.

For the treatment of chronic diseases a tincture with molluscum in honey is taken in twenty-day courses at least three to four times a year. The break between treatment is from ten to fifteen days.

For preventive purposes two courses a year are recommended – in spring and autumn, when the greatest load on the immune system is due to seasonal viral infections.

How to cook at home

For home cooking you will need:

  • dry small molluscs in the amount of five pieces, purchased at the pharmacy (fresh can be bought exclusively in the Far East);
  • two liters of natural honey product in a liquid state (the crystallized product is melted in a water bath at 40 degrees).

Fresh shellfish are gutted and washed well. The dried ones are soaked in warm water for 10-12 hours.

Then the meat is crushed, poured into a large jar and poured with honey product. After that, the jar is taken out to a dark pantry for two to three months.

Gradually the mixture darkens, and the meat partially dissolves in honey. The finished product is filtered through a strainer or gauze. Store in a refrigerator for one year, at a temperature of two to six degrees.

About dosages

Dosage depends on:

  • on the age of the patient;
  • on its weight (if we are talking about an adult);
  • and on the type of drug (purchased dietary supplement in the form of alcohol tincture, extract, capsules or homemade tincture on honey).

Trepang on honey methods of application:

homemade honey tincture – one teaspoon in the evenings after dinner from the age of eight years (within thirty days, a break for three weeks);

BAD honey tincture – adults weighing up to 70 kilograms twice a day, a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening thirty minutes before dinner; adults weighing more than 70 kilograms twice a day, two tablespoons; children from eight years old, a teaspoon once a day – in the morning before meals (for twenty to twenty five days, a break from ten to fifteen days);

BAA alcohol tincture – for adults, one or two teaspoons on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and dinner (for twenty to twenty five days, a break of ten to fifteen days);

BAA extract – over the age of fourteen and for adults, take a teaspoon on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and dinner (within two months, a break of ten days);

Dietary supplement in capsules (dried shellfish) – no age restrictions, dosage is three capsules per day for a month, take half an hour before meals, one week break;

Dietary supplement with taiga herbs and extracts of sea urchin, trepang – without age restrictions in the amount of one sachet twice a day, ten minutes before meals for one to four weeks (with acute respiratory infections, the course is minimal, for general strengthening of immunity – a month).

Application externally

An outwardly home remedy can be used in the following cases:

  • as a compress for joint inflammation, sprains, bruises;
  • with a runny nose (drip a tincture diluted in water (one to ten), two to three drops in each nasal passage twice a day);
  • with toothache, inflammation of the oral mucosa (rinse two to three times a day with an aqueous solution – a proportion of one to ten);
  • as a face mask for acne, skin aging;
  • in the form of tampons for cervical erosion, inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • as an ointment or lotion for burns, frostbite, wounds, ulcers.

In conclusion, we remind you that before starting therapy, you should consult with your family or attending physician. Trepang has shown itself well in complex application and as a prophylactic agent. However, honey tincture will not help to defeat serious diseases without the use of appropriate medications.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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