Topping cabbage seedlings

Topping cabbage seedlings is needed to increase plant growth. To do this, use manure, ash and chicken manure or mineral fertilizers: potash, phosphorus, nitrogen.

  1. First feeding of cabbage
  2. Top dressing after picking
  3. Complex fertilizers
  4. Mineral top dressing
  5. Phosphoric
  6. Potash
  7. Nitrogen
  8. Folk remedies
  9. Urea dressing
  10. Mulle dressing
  11. Feeding with yeast
  12. Conclusion <

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Feeding cabbage seedlings

The first feeding of cabbage

The first time fertilizer is applied after seeds are planted in the soil. During this period, the leaves and stems begin to gain strength. To feed the seedlings of cabbage, nitrogen fertilizers are used.

Even before planting, the pits are filled with a special fertilizing mixture. For preparation you will need:

  • 600 g of compost, instead of which you can take the same amount of humus;
  • 2 tsp. superphosphate or nitrophosphate;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l wood ash.

The prepared mixture is added to each well. After this procedure, the plant develops more actively in greenhouses or open ground and gives a healthy crop.

Top dressing after picking

After the picking, cabbage seedlings are fed with ammonia solution.To do this, take 4 g of ammonium nitrate, 2 g of potassium chloride and 5 g of superphosphate. All components are mixed in 1 liter of water. This is enough for 3-4 bushes.

The second feeding is carried out 12-15 days after the first. It is made on the basis of 3-5 g of ammonium nitrate. It is bred in 1 liter of water. Bushes are watered immediately after preparation of the solution.

Fertilizer for seedlings of cabbage is applied a third time no later than 10 days before planting. The composition of the fertilizer is similar to the first graft. Take 6 g of ammonium nitrate, 4 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of superphosphate. All components are mixed and diluted in 2 liters of water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, then put into pre-prepared wells.

Complex fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizing cabbage seedlings positively affects plant growth, but it is better to use complex fertilizers that combine organic and mineral components.

Types of fertilizers that are suitable for early cabbage:

  • 1 liter of mullein, diluted in 15 liters of water ;
  • 1.5 boxes of ammonium nitrate mixed with 12 liters of water;
  • 25 g of potassium diluted in 15 liters of water;
  • a mixture of 250 g s and 65 g of superphosphate diluted in 15 l of water;
  • a solution of 15 g of potassium chloride, 15 g of urea and 25 g of superphosphate diluted in 15 l of water.

These fertilizers must be introduced under each seedling bush of 500 ml. If the bed pH is acidic, you must definitely introduce fertilizers based on chalk, quenched wood ash.Norm – 200 ml per 1 square. m.

Mineral fertilizing

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We necessarily fertilize

The best remedy is nitrophoska. This is a complex of phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizers. It increases productivity by 4 tons per 1 ha. Contribute 15 kg per 1 ha.


Phosphoric fertilizers are important for good growth and full development. They are suitable for different varieties of vegetables: both early and late.

An essential supplement for the development and growth of plantings is bone meal. Phosphorus predominates in its composition. Bone meal is rich in phosphorus and many other biologically active trace elements. It is advisable to add it to the wells 3 weeks before planting the sprouts.

Another effective phosphate fertilizer is diammophos (ammonium hydrogen phosphate). This top dressing does not contain nitrates. Such fertilizer for seedlings is applied to the soil immediately before planting. It will take 10-15 g per 1 square. m.

Another fertilizer is superphosphate. It contains useful trace elements:

  • sulfur;
  • monocalcium phosphate;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphoric acid.

Superphosphate is prepared as follows: 100-150 g of this fertilizer is diluted in 15 liters of water. It is intended for good plant growth and to increase yield.

Some useful phosphorous trace elements are poorly absorbed by the plant. To prevent this from happening, top dressing is done in the fall. Over the winter, it enriches the topsoil, which paves the way for planting seedlings.


Potash seedlings for cabbage seedlings are needed when cabbage heads appear. Such top dressing is carried out 15 days after transplanting seedlings in open ground.

One of the recipes:

  • Take 10 g of potassium, 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea.
  • Mix with a bucket of water.
  • Let it brew for a day.
  • Add 0.5 l of solution under each seedling bush.

Potash fertilizers are recommended to be applied 20 days before the harvest. It is suitable for late varieties of cabbage. It will take 30 g of sulfuric potassium and a bucket of water. Mix everything and add 200 ml under each bush.


Nitrogen is present in both organic and mineral components. It increases the growth of seedlings of cabbage, if used in combination with such means:

  • “Mortar”;
  • “Crystal”;
  • “Kemira”.

One of the options for feeding – 30 g of azofoska is mixed with 15 g of one of the products. To this add 0.5 l of liquid mullein. Brewing is done 20 days after the first sprouts appear on seedlings.

Folk remedies

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Cooking fertilizers on their own

Not only store-bought fertilizers are suitable for early cabbage. It responds well to mixtures prepared according to folk recipes.

Cabbage seedlings are very well fed with boric acid. To prepare this solution, you need 1 tsp. dilute boric acid in 1 tbsp. boiling water and mix. The resulting concentrate is diluted in 10 l of warm water, after which the plant is sprayed. Spraying is best done in mid-July: it stimulates good plant growth.

Other folk remedies:

  • Baking soda. To prepare 30 g of soda is diluted in a bucket of water. After the plant is watered with this solution in an amount of 100 ml per bush.
  • Young nettle. To do this, nettle leaves are tightly filled into a bowl, filled with water and left for 4-5 days. After the broth is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and then watered.
  • ammonia. For a solution of ammonia need 4 tbsp. l solution. They are added to a bucket of water and mixed. This solution is watered under the root (150-200 ml each).

Often the plant is fed with banana infusion. To prepare it, put a peel from a banana in the container to the top and fill it with water. After insisting after 4-5 days, the infusion is filtered through gauze and watered with beds.

Feeding with urea

Now the urea is extracted from fish protein and mammalian protein. This fertilizer is used to accelerate the growth and increase the strength of plants.

To make feeding from urea, take 40 g of the substance and dilute it in a bucket of water. 400-500 ml are poured under each bush.

Mullein feeding

To make the cabbage grow quickly, use complex fertilizers, which include mullein. To prepare the solution, a small part of the manure is mixed with 6 parts of water and left to insist on open for 3 days. After diluting with another 6 parts of water.

Before starting watering, 40 g of superphosphate are added to the bucket. Approximately 2 l of solution is applied to each bush.

Feeding with yeast

You need to feed cabbage seedlings with yeast. Yeast protects the plant from many diseases and contributes to the rapid growth of the root system. They contain a large number of useful trace elements, amino acids and vitamins.

Yeast, despite its good qualities, reduce the amount of calcium and potassium in the soil. Because of this, top dressing is introduced along with ash or crushed eggshell.

Yeast dressing is easy to prepare. To do this, take 1.5 liters of warm water, but not boiling water, then pour 250 g or 1.5 tsp into the water. yeast. The resulting mixture was stirred and left to infuse for 3 hours.After the yeast has dissolved well, add 10 liters of water, and then proceed to watering. Fertilizer is applied 200-300 ml under the root of the plant.

How and how to feed cabbage seedlings.
Cabbage, how and what to feed the cabbage
Macro and trace elements that cabbage needs after landing in the ground. Feeding
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For the active growth of cauliflower and white cabbage, fertilizers are administered late in the evening. Each type of top dressing improves growth, prevents the development of diseases, improves soil quality. Such procedures make it easier to grow a crop, making it strong and healthy.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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