Treating intestinal colitis with honey

Honey for colitis is used taking into account the type of pathological lesions of the intestinal mucous membranes. There are about twenty of them in total. This includes radiation, toxic, medicinal, infectious, ulcerative, unexplained etiology, inflammation. Sometimes the pathology is provoked by other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, pancreatitis or gastritis.

Most often, honey is used in the chronic course of the disease, characterized by unstable stools (a combination of diarrhea and constipation).

The content of the article

  • 1 Remedies for constipation
    • 1.1 Aqueous solution and use in pure form
    • 1.2 Combination with apple juice
    • 1.3 Combination with castor oil
  • 2 Eliminate inflammation in the lower intestines
  • 3 Treating the entire sore bowel
    • 3.1 Edge
    • 3.2 Royal Jelly
    • 3.3 Infusion of dried milk
  • 4 What you need to remember

Remedies for constipation

This is what inflammation looks like.

The intestinal mucosa in the affected state does not cope with its functions. There is a dystrophic and atrophic change in the area of ​​the large intestine – all secretory and motor processes are disturbed. The patient is tormented by passing gas, aching pains, rumbling in the abdomen, feeling of poorly emptied intestines.

Constipation is characteristic of colitis of nervous (spastic) and chronic origin.

Aqueous solution and use in pure form

Honey as a laxative is used in pure form or as a thick aqueous solution. A tablespoon of the product is required at one time. Three times a day, this dose is taken two hours before meals or three to four hours after it.

It is preliminarily recommended to drink 100-150 ml of Borjomi or Essentuki (number 17 and 4 are suitable). In folk healers, there is also an advice to drink soda solution instead of mineral water – half a glass half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. Such a solution helps to temporarily neutralize gastric juice, which has a detrimental effect on honey, reducing its antibacterial properties.

Combination with apple juice


As a laxative one-time, you can take from 60 to 100 grams of natural honey. Or divide this dose into two doses. It is recommended to mix the bee product with a glass of cold boiled water or apple juice. And drink the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning, and then at night before bed.

The laxative effect is due to the presence of a large amount of organic acids and sugars in the bee product, which successfully fight lethargy and stimulate peristalsis.

Combination with castor oil

For severe constipation, it is recommended to mix honey with egg yolk, castor oil and water. The mixture is taken in a tablespoon every two hours until bowel movement.

You will need:

  • 150 ml of chilled boiled water;
  • one chicken egg yolk;
  • a tablespoon of castor oil;
  • the same amount of honey.

Eliminate inflammation in the lower intestines


The inflammatory process, accompanied by frequent constipation, provokes the appearance of cracks, ulcers, hemorrhoids in the rectum.

In this case, tampons soaked in honey melted in a water bath at 40-degree temperature will help, which should be injected into the rectum at night after a bowel movement.

It is also allowed to use a 50% solution of a bee product, which is abundantly moistened with a gauze or cotton swab.

The same solution is also suitable for combating constipation. With the help of it, a micro enema is placed – 50-100 ml of honey solution is injected through a thick probe.

Treating the entire sore bowel

Treatment of colitis with honey in folk recipes involves the use of other beekeeping products, for example, pollen (pollen).


To prepare the medicinal mixture, take:

  • 50 grams of pollen (pollen);
  • 180 grams of fresh or candied honey (later it will dissolve in water);
  • 800 ml of water cooled after boiling.

The listed bee products dissolve in water. The mixture is kept at room temperature for two to three days for fermentation. Then it is placed in a refrigerator in a glass container.

It is drunk three times a day before main meals for 1-1,5 months. Single dose – 100 ml.


You can use the polish separately. Also, three times a day, half an hour before meals, a teaspoon. In this case, it is not added to the aqueous mixture, and the honey solution is drunk separately. The course of treatment with a separate intake of pollen takes up to three weeks on average.

Royal Jelly

Honey for ulcerative colitis is prescribed in combination with royal jelly.

The mixture is kept under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. For its preparation, 100 parts of honey product are added to one part of milk.

It is taken three times a day, 5 grams with simultaneous treatment with an aqueous extract of propolis (30-40 ml of a 10% extract three times a day).

To relieve acute inflammation, suppositories with propolis are injected deep into the rectum every night. And after the inflammation subsides, microclysters are used – rosehip oil with the addition of a 10% aqueous extract of propolis and a 30% oil solution of vitamin E (a proportion of 1 ml of vitamin per 10 ml of a mixture of rosehip oil and propolis extract).

Infusion of dried milk

This universal recipe is recommended for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Important: with low acidity, the mixture should be taken 1,5-2 hours before meals.

Taken a tablespoon of marsh dryweed (chopped grass) and natural honey. The dried mushroom is poured with hot boiled water, infused for half an hour. Honey is added to the cooled infusion and stirred until it is completely dissolved.

It is drunk three times a day, two tablespoons.

What you need to remember


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize – you can eat honey for colitis every day, but in moderation. 30-60 grams of this bee product successfully replace sugar and other harmful sweets.

The beneficial effect of honey, as well as various medicinal mixtures with it, on the stomach and intestinal tract is obvious – the bee product improves motor and secretory functions, relieves pain, and has a mild relief.

However, honey is not suitable for people suffering from intolerance to beekeeping products. It is practically not used for diabetes (it is allowed to eat in small quantities only for type II disease).

Another important point is the effectiveness of such alternative treatment. Colitis, like any serious illness, requires medication therapy. Honey serves only as an adjunct to the main treatment. This is not a panacea and not a substitute for pills!

In addition, in folk medicine, colitis is often recommended to be treated with propolis. (suppositories, tinctures, extracts) than honey. We will definitely tell you about the benefits of propolis and the features of its use in a separate article.

When starting medical treatment, and in general the use of any beekeeping products for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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