Treatment of Fusarium in Orchids

Fusarium orchids are a common problem gardeners face when growing these moody flowers. From timely prevention and treatment depends on whether the indoor plant will be stopped and preserved from death.

  1. Description of the disease
  2. Symptoms
  3. Contributing factors
  4. Treatment measures
  5. Prevention
  6. Conclusion <

Лечение фузариоза у орхидей

Treatment of fusariosis in orchids

Description of the disease

Fusarium rot refers to the fungal infection. The pathogen enters the flower in several ways:

  • through the root system,
  • through the near-root part of the stem,
  • through the infection with fungal spores seeded material or young seedlings.

The most common case of phalaenopsis is due to penetration through the roots and stalk.


The primary signs of the fungal causative agent of fusarium:

  • the appearance on the stem and basal part of tiny particles of white-pink color,
  • reddening of the roots,
  • the appearance of constrictions on the roots.

After some time, the root system affected by the fungus changes its reddish color to dark and begins to rot. Developing, fungi begin to secrete toxins, causing poisoning of the plant and clogging the passages through which food and water enter.

The effect of toxins on the phalaenopsis is visible on the sections of the flower in the form of dark brown rings.

Пораженная грибком корневая система начинает гнить

The root system affected by the fungus begins to rot

With a limited supply of moisture and nutrition, the cell layer of the affected areas dies, the stem becomes thinner, the leaves turn yellow, the plant dehydrates. Fusarium rot gradually spreads throughout the plant, leading to its general withering and subsequent death.

An infected orchid becomes a danger to other indoor flowers, as fungal spores are spreading, including by air and through garden tools.

Contributing factors

A favorable environment conducive to the spread of the fungal pathogen Fusarium is created by:

  • excess foam, mineral salts and peat in the soil,
  • damage to the root system during transplantation,
  • excess moisture generated during irrigation,
  • lack of proper air circulation in the room.

Treatment measures

If primary signs of Fusarium rot on an orchid, the flower is isolated from other indoor plants.Fusarium orchid treatment includes several measures:

  • the flower is taken out of the pot and washed with warm water,
  • the decayed areas are cut,
  • fresh sections are treated with an antiseptic or activated carbon dissolved in water,
  • the plant is dried, all the vegetative parts, including the root system, stems, foliage and flowers are treated with fungicidal agent,
  • the treated flower is planted in a new pot. If planted in the old, it must be disinfected with 5% copper sulfate.
  • put in a well-lit place.
При поражении фузариозом всего растения цветок уничтожают

When the whole plant is affected by fusarium, the flower is destroyed

As a treatment for phalaenopsis, use foundationazole, 1 g per 1 liter. water. Flower processing is carried out 3 times every 10 days. Before planting, the soil is also treated with a solution of foundationazole. Watering is carried out so that water falls only on the root part, avoiding the stems and foliage. The quarantine of the cured orchid lasts 3-4 weeks.

When the whole plant is infected with fusarium, the flower is destroyed along with the soil mixture.


Prevent preventable fusarium orchids prevent measures in the process of flower care:

  • The humidity level is regulated by ventilating the room and regular loosening of the soil.
  • The temperature should not drop below 15 ° C.
  • Before planting the flower, the soil substrate is treated with disinfectants.
  • The peat and foam content standards are maintained at 10-20% of each component.
  • Watering every 3 times in summer days, in winter – every 10 days, supplementing it with periodic spraying with warm water in the morning hours.
  • Ensure sufficient illumination of the location of the flower.
  • Transplant the flower every 6-8 months to prevent salinization of soil.

All about Fusarium orchids !!!
Fusarium in orchids: how does it happen?
FUSARIOSIS in ORCHIDS _ How to cure _

After treatment of orchids for Fusarium, as a preventive measure, they treat weave flower and watering the root system of fungicidal solutions.


The emergence and development of Fusarium on orchid can significantly damage the plant or cause it to wilt and subsequent death. Timely signs of fungal infection, timely treatment can save a home flower. The best remedy for Fusarium rot is prevention.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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