Treatment of varicose veins with natural honey

Varicose veins are an ailment that occurs in both sexes. In the early stages, it is visually invisible. A sick person is worried about heaviness in the legs, sometimes cramps in the calves, throbbing pain.

It is at the initial stage that the treatment of varicose veins with honey can give a positive effect. A neglected disease requires the use of medications or surgery.

The content of the article

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Medotherapy
    • 2.1 Противопоказания
    • 2.2 About ingestion
  • 3 External application
    • 3.1 Compresses
    • 3.2 Baths
    • 3.3 Butter ointment

Features of the disease

This pathology is characterized by thinning of the venous walls and loss of their elasticity. As a result, blood circulation is impaired, nodes and extensions are formed, which are clearly visible on examination.

The skin changes color, stars and bruises are visible. External manifestations of pathology in a neglected state disturb no less painful sensations and fatigue.

The trigger for varicose veins is:

  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • bad habits;
  • standing hours of work;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • congenital vascular anomalies.


Any alternative treatment should be used only as an additional measure!

Violation of blood flow always provokes blood stagnation. Over time, this leads to the formation of blood clots. And it can cause rupture of veins in the thinned area. Thrombophlebitis is a direct consequence of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to be observed by a phlebologist to control the pathological process.


Natural honey always contains some part of pollen (with the exception of a specially filtered product), which gives it allergenic properties.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Therefore, it is better for people with intolerance to this bee product to refrain from both internal and external use.

Also, honey is used with great care in diabetes mellitus and skin diseases, accompanied by a retention of carbohydrates in the skin.

When applied externally, the candied honey product can damage sensitive skin (acts as a scrub). This fact must be taken into account when rubbing with honey or applying homemade ointments.

Also keep in mind that the bee product easily penetrates the pores, clogging them and increasing the pressure in the subcutaneous capillaries. Which is not always helpful (consult your doctor!).

About ingestion

On the Internet, there are many recipes for taking honey inside, allegedly to cure varicose veins. In our opinion, these are dubious advice. Moreover, general recipes recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are often given.


For example, it is advised to use garlic and lemons, although this is a remedy for fighting angina. Or combine honey with vegetable juices, which is effective for hypertension.

But if we are talking about the general strengthening of the body and the maintenance of all blood vessels, as well as the heart muscle in good shape, honey will undoubtedly be useful here.

To read:

Why and how they drink water with honey

About the daily use of honey and its amount

External application

But external use is recommended in collections of traditional medicine. Although in this case, very few recipes with honey are found.

More often it is advised to use propolis-based products, as it is able to relieve pain and swelling. These are mainly compresses, solutions for rubbing sore spots, ointments. There are also medicinal formulations with propolis for oral administration. We will talk about them in a separate article.


One of the easiest ways to relieve swelling and severe pain is with compresses.

For treatment, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of liquid honey on a linen canvas, distribute it over the surface. Wrap sore spots with a cloth, cover with plastic wrap and bandage with a wide bandage.

The course is 45-50 procedures. They are held daily. On the first day, honey is left for two hours, on the second and third – for four. Then, until the end of the course, the compress can be kept all night.



For one bath you need to take:

  • five liters of warm water;
  • 100-150 grams of natural honey (liquid or candied).

The bee product is stirred until it is completely dissolved. The water is poured into a deep basin. Then the legs are immersed for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and wipe off.

The procedure is carried out at night for 7-10 days, which helps to overcome fatigue and a feeling of heaviness. The change in water temperature from warm to cool returns the normal tone of the venous walls.

A contrast shower for the legs will also be useful as an additional measure of prevention and removal of the first symptoms of varicose veins.

Butter ointment

It is taken:

  • three parts of the honey product in liquid form without crystals;
  • part of ghee.

The resulting mixture is smeared with sore areas at night for 3-4 weeks.

You can do a soft anivaricosis massage at the same time. The attending physician will tell you the optimal set of massage techniques.

We emphasize once again that the use of honey alone will not allow getting rid of varicose veins in a neglected form. And in order to correctly determine the severity of the course of the disease, it is necessary to be observed by a specialized specialist. Do not self-medicate!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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