Truffle, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Truffle belongs to the genus of marsupial mushrooms, which is characterized by
underground growth. The fruiting tuberous body of this mushroom
is considered a very valuable delicacy. The appearance of the truffle is no different
beauty is a shapeless, angular brown tuber with warts.
The inside of the delicious fruit is reddish with white veins,
which turns black upon reaching ripeness.

The value of a truffle depends on its size. The most valuable are
large specimens, the size of an apple (there are very few of them, about one
percent of the total truffle harvested). Number of mushrooms
Extra grade (the size of a nut) is 10 percent.
Thirty percent are grape-sized truffles.
The rest of the “truffle fines” is less valuable and is used
in the manufacture of sauces and gravy.

A bit of history

For a long time, the origin of the truffle was a mystery, these mushrooms overgrown
mass of legends. For example, in the days of Ancient Rome, the truffle was considered
a medicinal mushroom with the ability to increase potency, in the Middle Ages
mystical properties were attributed to him, and in the Renaissance –
truffle was used as a universal aphrodisiac. Wide recognition
truffle, as a special delicacy, dates back to the 15th century AD
– it was then that the Italian chefs “tasted” this mushroom. In addition to
Italians, the inhabitants of Provence, Charente began to mine truffles en masse
and Aquitaine. True, they were used simply as a “volumetric
filler “in food.

Extensive fishing for a valuable mushroom, hundreds and sometimes thousands of poods
per year, performed in the Moscow province. By the way, in the area of ​​the city
Dmitrov’s assistants in the truffle search were specially trained
bears with torn out teeth. However, take away from a large beast found
mining was often difficult and the practice did not become popular.

Currently, to find underground “deposits” of truffles
specially trained dogs or pigs are used. Exists
another way to find this delicacy using truffle flies
(these are common flies that like to lay their eggs in the ground nearby
with truffle). The larvae that emerge from the laid eggs of a fly
crawl to the nearest body of the mushroom, eat it and pupate, after which
hundreds of newborn flies begin to swarm over the truffles. These swarms
are clearly visible on a sunny day, and serve as signs for hunters
for mushrooms.

The species diversity of truffles is quite large, but only
some species are considered edible. To truly valuable varieties
truffles include only the following types: black, winter and Italian
truffle. Their extraction and breeding are put on an industrial basis.
Less well known are the Polish and white truffles, which are found
in Ukraine, Belarus, Western Europe and the Moscow region of the Russian Federation.

Artificial cultivation of truffles is very difficult and requires
serious costs for the creation of a special chemical composition of the soil.
At the same time, the truffle harvest has to wait for more than one year, and no one
will be able to guarantee a successful result. Farmer taking up cultivation
truffles, must be distinguished by great patience and faith in the result.

Selection and purchase

The truffle has a short shelf life, so try it fresh
is possible only during the harvesting season, besides, these delicious mushrooms are impossible
meet in supermarkets. Usually fresh truffles are served in restaurants,
who buy a delicacy in small batches of 30-100 grams (their
transported by air in special containers) or gastronomic
markets. For real gourmets in such a situation, a good option
will be a trip to France or Italy in the “truffle” season.

For a longer storage of the truffle, it is frozen
or canned.
Sometimes, during transportation, the mushroom is placed in olive oil or covered with
rice, which allows you to keep it fresh longer.

Application in cooking, features and subtleties of serving

When weighing a portion of a mushroom ordered by a client in a restaurant
very accurate scales are used, because rarely a portion exceeds 5 – 8 grams.

Usually truffle is an addition to the main course – the reason for this
serves its special taste and aftertaste. Truffle is able to combine
with any product, especially with one that does not have a pronounced
own taste. French chefs recommend
recipes in which the truffle is combined with eggs, poultry meat, lobster.
This mushroom can also be served with fruit, it is added to the filling
for pies. Popular salads with lobster, vegetables and truffle sauce.
Exotics like snails or black caviar are often garnished with slices

There are also recommendations on the choice of wine. Truffles allow white wines
Meursault, Burgundy Grand Cru, red Bordeaux or Cahors. One
of the world-famous recipes – truffles in champagne.
Given the high price of the mushroom, it is often served neat, with wine
or a creamy sauce to highlight the taste.

In general, a truffle is a gourmet mushroom, you don’t necessarily like it

Calorie content of truffle

It is unlikely that you will get better by eating a truffle – the calorie content of the underground
mushroom is only 24 kcal per 100 grams. Natural limiter
consumption of this delicacy is its price, as well as a small amount

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 3 0,5 2 1 90 24

Useful properties of truffles

Composition and presence of nutrients

Truffles are not only tasty, but also a healthy product – the body will receive
together with them vitamins PP, B1, B2, C, which are especially necessary for the growing
the body of children and adolescents.

Useful and healing properties

Truffles have been shown to contain pheromones that act
to the part of the brain responsible for emotional and sensory
human background. Its benefits are also enhanced by antioxidants.

In some eastern countries, truffle juice is considered an excellent medicine.
for eyes.

Used in cosmetics

Italian cosmetologists use truffle extract in their
products. In their opinion, creams and cosmetic masks with additives
valuable fungus are able to effectively smooth and tighten the skin,
remove wrinkles on the face, remove age spots.

Dangerous properties of truffles

Truffles are contraindicated only for those who have possible manifestations of individual
intolerance and allergies.

It is also not advised to eat these mushrooms if there are problems with digestion,
since in this case the stomach is unlikely to be able to cope with the proposed
work for him. In low-quality catering establishments under this delicacy
a dish of false truffles is often offered, which causes poisoning.
To prevent this from happening, you need to visit only trusted restaurants.

Depending on the ecological situation of the place where they grew
mushrooms, they can accumulate toxins that negatively affect
to health.

In no case should you take these mushrooms from strangers with
hands at dubious prices. Remember that truffle is expensive,
and it cannot be cheap.

“Truffle – what is it?” this question was asked by the authors of the video. And in detail
talked about the properties of a truffle, how to hunt for it, its places
growth, storage methods and many other interesting facts
about the “king of mushrooms”.

See also the properties of other mushrooms:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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