Tuna, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Tuna is a genus of fish from the mackerel family.

They are perfectly adapted to their lifestyle,
which consists in relentless movement. Their body is dense
and torpedo. The dorsal fin is sickle-shaped
ideal for long, fast sailing
at speeds up to 77 km / h. In length, this fish sometimes reaches
3.5 m.

Tuna fish live in large schools and overcome in search of
food long distances.

Tuna is widespread in tropical and subtropical
areas of all oceans and everywhere adheres to a fairly
great depths (up to 200 m and more). Live near the surface
only juveniles of this species, forming rather dense
flocks. Adult fish are probably solitary.
life. Tuna breeding takes place in the tropical zone
and continues throughout the year. His fertility
varies from 2,9 to 6,3 million eggs. Tuna eats
very diverse animals. Especially important
in food are deep-sea and semi-deep-sea fish
– gnawers, alepisaurs, greeters, gempilaceae, and
also squid, pelagic octopus, large shrimp.

One of their unusual signs is that energy,
spent on fast movement makes their blood
several degrees warmer than the surrounding water.

In the world market, it ranks second among all
aqua food after shrimp.

Useful properties of tuna

Tuna meat is the largest of all fish
protein content – 22..26%. In this respect, it
can only be equated to certain types of caviar
commercial fish. Fat content of meat ranges from fractions of a percent
up to 19%.

Tuna meat contains such micro and macro elements as: calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium, phosphorus,
chlorine, sulfur, iodine,
iron, zinc, copper,
manganese, fluorine, chromium,
nickel, cobalt, molybdenum;
as well as vitamin A, B1, B2,
B6, B9, E,

See also  Radish, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Tuna meat contains all the amino acids you need
the human body.

The meat of young albacore and bluefin tuna contains
unique omega-3 fats that help a person by half
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition
omega-3 complex (linoleic, eixapentine and docosaexinoic
fatty acids) improves eye and brain function, reduces
arthritic pain, anti-inflammatory effect,
promotes weight loss and even reduces the risk of certain
cancer diseases. Moreover, to achieve preventive
the effect is enough 5,5 grams of omega-3 fats per month
(which corresponds to 1 can of albacore in its own juice
in Week).

Tuna meat is good for the skin and mucous membranes, nervous
and digestive systems, regulates blood sugar and
exhibits antioxidant properties.

Dangerous properties of tuna

Tuna meat can
cause quite severe poisoning if the fish does not immediately
after the catch was processed. The meat in this case
can quickly deteriorate and becomes poisonous. Also
it should be noted that the meat of large tuna may differ
high content of mercury.

The video will tell you how to properly cook a delicious tuna steak.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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