Turnip, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Turnip is an annual or biennial herb,
family of Cabbage. Smooth yellow root vegetable, in diameter
can reach from 8 to 20 cm and weigh 10 kg. All kinds
turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop forms
in 40 – 45 days, late varieties – in 50 – 60 days. Sheet
the rosette reaches a height of 40 – 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable
and a medicinal plant has been known since ancient times.
Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, made of it
prepare casseroles and stews, it is suitable for cooking
salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place,
without losing their healing qualities; easy to digest
organism and is recommended for baby food. …
the expression “simpler than a steamed turnip” has long been known,
testifying to its long-term and frequent use.

Turnip was one of the first vegetables to receive
close attention of mankind. Greeks, Egyptians
and the Persians fed the slaves with turnips, considering this vegetable rough,
but nourishing food, the Romans considered turnips to be the food of commoners,
but with the beginning of our era, the vegetable left the category of “slave”
– in the early Middle Ages, turnip baked in coals was considered
delicacy and was often served with meat as a side dish.

Turnip was a staple vegetable in Slavic cuisine. And not
only among the common people, but also among the wealthier merchants
and the nobility. Saying “basic”, we put turnips in place of potatoes,
which is now – and a side dish, and in soup, and mashed potatoes, boiled,
baked and fried consumed in very large quantities
dishes. Catherine II insisted on growing more
“Fashionable” and convenient potatoes and slowly but surely
turnips were pushed out into the category of “obsolete” vegetables. IN
In the 20th century, cooking from turnips was already something common,
even indecent. With the transition of turnips to the category of simple ones
vegetables, many of the secrets of its processing, preparation
and turnip-based recipes.

Turnip in the beds

Useful properties of turnip

Raw turnip contains (in 100 g):

Calories 28 Kcal

Turnip has been considered an excellent cleaning agent since ancient times.
organism from toxins. Raw turnips contain up to 9% sugars,
very high vitamin content
C (twice as much as in any root vegetable), B1,
B5, PP,
provitamin A (especially in yellow turnip), easily digestible
polysaccharides, sterol (an element necessary for treatment

Turnip contains a rare element glucoraphanin, a plant
an analogue of sulphorophane with anti-cancer properties.
This element is found only in turnips and various types
cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower.

Turnips contain rare trace elements and metals: copper,
iron, manganese,
zinc, iodine and many others.
Turnip contains more phosphorus than radish and radish,
and sulfur,
necessary to cleanse blood and dissolve stones in
kidneys and bladder, not found in any other
familiar vegetable. Magnesium is abundant in helping the body to store and absorb calcium.
Turnips even contain an antibiotic that inhibits development.
some fungi, including those dangerous to human
organism (not acting, however, on E. coli
and staphylococci).

Turnip activates the liver and the secretion of bile,
which prevents the formation of gallstones. Cellulose
supports the activation of intestinal motility and the prevention
stagnation of nutrients. This has many positives
moments for lowering cholesterol levels, which, in its
turn, great for preventing atherosclerosis.
Turnip contains lysozyme – a substance with a very strong antimicrobial
activity. It is interesting to note that turnip is natural
antibiotic that can destroy or prevent
signs of various diseases, especially skin and mucous membranes

Turnip is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins.
Turnip satiates, but does not allow excess weight to start. Mineral
the salts and essential oils contained in turnips can serve
a universal complex that regulates health.
It is not for nothing that so many fairy tales and sayings have appeared
about turnips. This root vegetable has a wound healing, diuretic,
anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic
actions. In addition to being properly prepared
turnip is very tasty, it is also incredibly healthy.

For diabetics, turnip is an excellent general tonic
remedy, doctors especially recommend it in winter. but
it is worth controlling the amount eaten, because
this root vegetable contains a lot of sugar, and from rutabaga
in general it is worth abstaining.

Turnip juice is drunk when coughing, sore throat (from simple
colds to restore a completely “shrunken” voice).
It relieves asthma symptoms, improves sleep, and soothes
heartbeat. Boiled turnips are ground into gruel and applied
to sore spots with gout. And even a toothache was removed
decoction of turnips. A large amount of fiber in turnips stimulates
intestinal motility.

A decoction of turnip root vegetables improves sleep, soothes
palpitations, has a laxative effect, helps
with asthma and bronchitis. To prepare the broth you will need
one to two tablespoons of chopped turnip root vegetables.
You need to pour two hundred ml of boiling water, boil fifteen
minutes and drain. Take a broth 1/4 cup four
once a day or one glass before bedtime.

Perhaps more
turnip cooking time in relation to potatoes. Potato
cooked much faster, became crumbly
and soft, it was possible to make more
dishes. The feeling of satiety from turnips and potatoes is similar, in
At that time, it was not customary to understand the causes of sensations.
“Potato satiety” was the result of heavy digestion
large amounts of starch. Carbohydrates constituting
the basis of the potato, gave a large number of calories,
but it is carbohydrate food that is responsible for excess fat
deposits. Turnip, like the often overlooked celery today,
parsley root and parsnip,
may just as well be used in soups instead of
potatoes and even boil until soft.
Yes, cooking turnips takes more time, but
balance of nutrients and special health properties
turnip leaves potatoes behind, and in the skilled hands of an experienced
the cook becomes a delicacy.

By stewing and baking, you can prepare a lot of wonderful
dishes with turnips. For example, with apples and raisins.
Turnips in this dish are the main ingredient, but possible
options with sauces, gravies and additives. Turnip can
to be a side dish for meat, game or fish.

Turnip salad

Dangerous properties of turnips

Turnip is a very healthy product, but excessive use of it can
worsen the situation with some diseases. So, raw turnip is contraindicated.
patients with stomach and duodenal problems, colitis
and acute gastroenteritis. It is also not advised to use this root vegetable.
raw with inflammation of the liver and kidneys, as well as with other intestinal

In addition, it is not recommended to add turnip dishes to your diet.
with some diseases of the central nervous system. Therefore, having problems with the nervous
system, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you
is it possible for you to eat turnips and dishes from it.

Whereas it is useful for pregnant women to eat 200-300 grams. turnips 1-2 times
a week, it is not recommended for mothers and babies to eat turnips: the baby
there may be an unpredictable reaction – allergies, diarrhea, colic, constipation.
Therefore, it is advised to introduce turnips into the diet of a child from 2 years of age.

Looking for unusual recipes? Try making turnips stuffed with mushrooms.

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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