useful and dangerous properties of eucalyptus, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Eucalyptus refers to trees of various heights (up to 90-100 meters),
not shedding or shedding bark. The flowers of such a tree are quite
small, about 7-8 mm in heads or simple umbrellas, rarely single.
The eucalyptus fruit is a woody capsule that opens with sashes,
which grows together with a calyx tube. Australia is considered his homeland,
later it was brought to the Transcaucasus to drain swamps – a breeding center
malaria mosquitoes. Eucalyptus is cultivated on the Black Sea coast

The medicinal raw material of the tree is considered to be the leaves collected during
all summer. But richer in beneficial essential oils and better
Leaves collected in the fall are considered to be of quality. Leaves smell
eucalyptus strong, aromatic, they also have a spicy bitter

The dried leaves contain 1,5-3% essential oil, which is
the main active principle of eucalyptus. It is dominated by cineole
(about 80%). After obtaining useful oil by distillation
with water vapor it is subjected to rectification. This process removes
aldehydes and other components with an irritating odor
mucous membranes.

The process of preparing raw materials for household needs and pharmacology is advised
combine with decorative trimming of eucalyptus. It is better not to break off the branches,
and pick off the leaves from them. The ground part of the plant is considered useful,
including young leaves of light green color. You can also cut
branches and pick off all the leaves from them. Conduct similar events
advise in winter, more precisely, from the beginning of November to the end of winter.
Although the leaves can be harvested all year round as needed.

Store completely dried leaves in closed jars, away from
Sveta. So they can be stored for 2-3 years. We must remember
that due to the fact that essential oil is an important component
in eucalyptus leaves, they must be dried at a temperature no more
+ 40ºC so that valuable properties and aroma are not lost.

See also  Longan (Lam Yai), Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Eucalyptus has found its use as a component of a tonic drink.
To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of honey,
50 ml of eucalyptus hydrolate and water. A drink like this can help
also strengthen the immune system and quickly recuperate after an illness.

In addition, the leaves of the plant are used in cooking as a seasoning.
She is very popular with Asians.

Almost all varieties of eucalyptus form a burning red sap,
known as “australian cinema».

The calorie content of eucalyptus is only 1 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of eucalyptus

Composition and presence of nutrients

Eucalyptus leaves contain up to 2% oil, a large amount
micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper,
manganese, cobalt, nickel, silicon, boron, etc.).

This oil contains about 80% cineole, as well as eucalyptol,
resins, pinene, tannins, ketones, aldehydes, terpenes
compounds, alcohols and carbonyl compounds. In essential oil
the main active ingredient is eucalyptol, which acts like
cineole – a substance found in many healing plants
(rosemary, laurel,

In addition to oil, the leaves contain medicinal bitterness and phytoncides.
– substances that have a detrimental effect on a variety of disease-causing
microbes and bacteria. By the content of phytoncides, this plant is a champion
among other deciduous trees and herbaceous essential oils
plants. Even such a well-known source of antibiotics is inferior to him,
like a noble laurel.

Useful and healing properties

Eucalyptus is considered an indispensable remedy for getting rid of pathogenic
microorganisms, such as staphylococci,
streptococci and dysentery bacillus. Leaves stop spreading
Trichomonas, affecting the genital tract, and mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In addition, the plant is indispensable for suspected malaria.
fever. It is no coincidence that the dislike of blood-sucking insects is famous.
to the smell of eucalyptus. And the infusion of leaves serves as a means that
relieves redness and relieves insect bite

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In medicine, decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture are most often used
and eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus decoction used for gastritis with low
acidity, with all kinds of pain in the intestines. For this you need
prepare a composition of two tablespoons of leaves and a glass of boiling water,
which need to be poured into a saucepan, cover with a lid and put
for half an hour in a water bath. After that, you need to leave the composition to cool.
for 10 minutes, then gently strain with a strainer,
and wring out the received. The resulting composition must be brought to 200 ml.
boiled water. Keep it cool for no longer than 48 hours.
Drinking such a decoction is recommended warm ¼ cup after meals three times
in a day. The medicine is excellent in relieving inflammation and is excellent
antiseptic. It is also advised to use it for inhalation or
rinse by adding a tablespoon of the composition to a glass of water.

You can prepare a decoction like this: chopped leaves (1-1,5 tbsp.
for one glass of water) are poured with boiling water, boiled for 3 minutes
with a low boil, settle for a few minutes and filter.
Shake the broth before use.

To obtain infusion of leaves.2 teaspoons
pour one glass of running water, bring to a boil and keep
on fire for 1-2 minutes, then chilled at room temperature
and used for rinsing the mouth and throat, for inhalation (tea
a spoonful of infusion in a glass of lukewarm water). Such a composition thanks to
disinfecting and bactericidal properties and helps with acute
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can also prepare the infusion in this way:
Pour 10 grams of chopped leaves with one glass of boiling water
and languish in it for an hour. It is advised to prepare the infusion for 2 days.

See also  Dorado, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

To get alcohol tincture eucalyptus dining room
a spoonful of dry leaf must be poured with 100 ml of 70% alcohol,
insist in a dark place for about two weeks, filter. Her
used for inhalation – 15-20 drops per glass of water.
Inside, the tincture is prescribed 15-20 drops three times a day after
main meals – as a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
remedy for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
and the oral cavity.

This tincture has anti-inflammatory, strong antiseptic,
expectorant, analgesic effect. It is used for different
coughs, ailments of the respiratory system, with malaria, as well as acute
intestinal, gastric ailments, with
flu, colds. Also, the tincture is used for lotions.
with erysipelas, purulent ulcers and pustular diseases on the skin,
for douching for ulcers and erosion of the cervix. I need a teaspoon
dilute the tinctures in a glass of heated boiled water. Tincture
used for rubbing with neuralgia, radiculitis, rheumatic

Eucalyptus oil most often used for
carbuncles, osteomyelitis, phlegmon. In addition, the oil is prescribed
externally as a pain reliever for
rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis, lumbago and is used as
an effective agent that repels mosquitoes, ants, mosquitoes
and other insects.

To get rid of wounds, ulcers that have not healed for a long time,
and phlegmon also prepare such a remedy: mix a glass of boiling water
with thirty grams of dry crumbled leaves, put on fire
for 30 minutes, stir regularly. Then they let it cool down and let it pass.
through a strainer. Use such a tool as lotions. Also for
washing use a mixture of a teaspoon of tincture and a glass
boiled warm water.

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first and second degree burns are used in the form of lotions
a mixture of a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves with a glass of boiling water,
which is heated for about half an hour in a water bath, and after that
cool, filter through cheesecloth and wring out.

In addition, eucalyptus helps in the treatment of influenza, catarrhal or
putrefactive bronchitis, tracheitis, respiratory diseases,
laryngitis and lung abscesses. You can add boiling water to a glass
a spoonful of eucalyptus and leave for a couple of hours, after wrapping
cloth. Then you need to pass the composition through a strainer and drink three times
a day in a spoon. You can use the resulting product for rinsing.
If sore throat or upper airway involvement is present
– the recipe is different: you need to pour two tablespoons of leaves with one liter of water,
put on the stove and inhale-exhale the steam coming from the pan.
In this case, you need to dress warmly so that all the heat goes inside. Also
you can pour 2 tablespoons of dry eucalyptus leaves with a glass of boiling water,
heat for 5-8 minutes in a water bath, strain through cheesecloth and apply
up to several times a day for rinsing.

With chronic pharyngitis, you can take about 15 ml of eucalyptus tincture
leaves in alcohol, 20 ml of tea leaves infusion (half a spoon per glass
water) and 2/3 teaspoon of honey. All mix and pour 0,5
liter of boiling water in a thermos. Insist for 25-30 minutes. After
this composition is shaken and administered to the patient with a pipette
6-7 drops in each nostril up to 4 times a day. Approximate course
– 4-6 days.

Eucalyptus will also help with chronic rhinitis. For this you need to take
500 ml warm salted water, add a teaspoon
tincture of eucalyptus and rinse the nose with the composition, for which, bending over
– at 45 degrees – you need to absorb the solution with your nose, and then release
mouth. Having used the entire composition, you must definitely blow your nose –
each nostril separately. The procedure is carried out twice a day (by
mornings and evenings). Suffering from bronchial asthma or acute respiratory
diseases can use this recipe in the calculation of the dining room
spoon up to four times a day. Inhalation can also be done to
this must be poured into 20 grams of crushed dry leaves in a glass
water, bring to a boil and hold for 15 minutes, and then skip
through a sieve. Also, for bronchitis and asthma, an infusion is prepared based on
a teaspoon of dry chopped eucalyptus leaves per cup
boiling water, taking a third of a glass a day after the main intake

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In addition, with chronic sinusitis
preparing a collection for inhalation from a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves
and two tablespoons of plantain leaf and stinging nettle. The collection is poured
a glass of boiled water, infused for an hour, filtered and used
a quarter of a glass for one procedure. Do it twice a day
lasting 3-5 minutes, 10-11 procedures are recommended for the course.
Inhalation can be carried out using a conventional heating pad. Into metal
a saucepan is poured over a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves, mother-and-stepmother
and motherwort, pour half a liter of boiling water, close and insist
about 20 minutes, then carefully filter. Half a glass
broth is taken orally: drink three times a day warm, 2 tablespoons.
The remaining mixture is heated, poured into a heating pad for one-tenth
part of the volume and breathe in steam, putting a heating pad either to the nose or to
mouth. Also with chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammations
sinuses are advised to mix a teaspoon of eucalyptus tincture,
honey and tea. Such a composition is instilled in 2-3 drops about 3-5 times
per day. It is useful to supplement this treatment with foot baths, carrying out
procedure every day before going to bed for 5-8 minutes. After
bath, you need to wipe your feet dry and dress in warm woolen

Cope with urogenital diseases and ailments
the kidneys are helped by eucalyptus tincture 2-3 times a day for 15-20
droplets. Eucalyptus is used in gynecology for douching and
fight against leucorrhoea. For douching, 30 grams of eucalyptus is poured
a liter of boiling water and insist for about half an hour in a water bath, cool,
strain. For erosions and ulcers of the cervix, tincture is indispensable
from this plant. To do this, in a glass of warm boiled water you need
add a teaspoon of tincture.

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In ocular practice, especially in the treatment of blepharitis, they use
infusion and decoction of the leaves.

Medicinal raw materials of eucalyptus are good at showing beneficial properties
in a variety of herbal preparations. They are most common
in the treatment of all kinds of respiratory diseases.

For example, you can mix two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves,
and calendula flowers, a tablespoon of elecampane roots and naked
licorice, linden flowers and marsh rosemary, 4-4,5 tablespoons
pharmacy chamomile flowers and leave for about 45 minutes in the proportion
2 tablespoons of collection in a glass of boiling water, having previously kept about
12-15 minutes in a water bath. This composition is used to rinse the respiratory
paths up to 3-4 times a day.

Such a phyto-mixture is no less popular: you need to take one dining room at a time
spoonful of eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, plantain, medicinal
sage and mother-and-stepmother, calendula flowers,
Hypericum perforatum, elecampane root, anise and pine fruits

Use in cosmetology

Eucalyptus is also used in cosmetology. So, in the morning you can wipe
face with pieces of ice prepared from a decoction of leaves (you can use
diluted in water and pharmacy tincture – 1 tbsp. per glass of water).
It is better not to dry off with a towel after such a procedure, but to wait,
until the face dries itself. If you use this tool constantly,
then the skin will become firmer, fresher, and its color will improve. Also
it is an excellent prevention of pustules and inflammation, it is noted
and a whitening effect.

For irrigation of wounds, baths and lotions, make a solution of half a liter
decoction of leaves, cooked in a ratio of one to ten, and dissolved
it contains honey (2 tbsp. l.).

See also  Chayote, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dangerous properties of eucalyptus

Usually negative effects on the body from eucalyptus and containing
his funds are not noticed – of course, provided that the instructions are followed.
But possible side effects, such as allergic ones, cannot be ruled out.
reactions, personal rejection or oversensitivity to the drug.

Therefore, before using eucalyptus or products containing it,
you need to observe the reaction to it and the absence of intolerance
or sensitivity.

Also, eucalyptus is not recommended for use inside with severe
liver or kidney damage. There are also contraindications to inhalation.
– for patients with whooping cough
and respiratory tract spasms.

For expectant mothers, the use of essential oils, including eucalyptus,
permissible only after consultation with a doctor, while in any
the application should be very careful. Using
inside is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

Eucalyptus oil is contraindicated for
epilepsy and high blood pressure. Do not recommend using
oil and during chemotherapy.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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