useful and dangerous properties of propolis, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Propolis is a gummy sticky substance formed in bees
the body during the processing of sticky
substances. A unique product that has found the widest application in medicine,
is obtained in the body of a bee under the influence of enzymes. Bees use
it for their own purposes – they glue them the cracks in the hives, creating there
special microclimate. Essential oils contained in propolis serve
protection against pathogens.

The level of value depends mainly on the environment in which
there were hives. Propolis becomes even more useful when next to
there are many trees. But, if the hives are near the city,
bees, as a starting material, can collect oil paint
origin, industrial resin. Accordingly, such a product
even dangerous, unlike the previous one.

Propolis is collected by scraping the walls of the hives. Every year in each
the hive accumulates about 100 grams, or even more, of this useful

How to choose

When buying propolis, be sure to consider its color, which should
be yellow-brown, brown-dark, and sometimes even green. Smell
slightly specific, resinous, but fragrant. Propolis consistency
can be different: freshly picked – soft and elastic, like plasticine,
and the standing one is harder and more fragile, but even over time he does not lose
medicinal properties. The density of propolis directly depends on the temperature.
the surrounding environment, respectively, the warmer, the softer and
vice versa. The taste of a quality product should be bitter, a little

How to store

It is necessary to store propolis only in a dry, darkened, clean
location. The required temperature is no more than 25 ° С.

Reflection in culture

It is assumed that the name most likely came from the word
«propoliso“Having Greek roots and meaning – glue,
cover out
… In the ancient years, propolis, or whatever it was called
in old times – “black wax“, Which has a huge
amount of medicinal properties used in its natural form.

In ancient Egypt, propolis was used not only for consumption,
and also for embalming mummies. Handwritten sources preserved
record that propolis was also widely used in Rome and Ancient

Useful properties of propolis

Composition and presence of nutrients

The beneficial substances of propolis persist for a very long time, even after
heat treatment. The composition of propolis includes:

  • flavonoids – biologically active substances with wound healing
    and antimicrobial action;
  • resins, essential oils, wax – also have antimicrobial and
    antiviral property;
  • organic acids (cinnamic, benzoic) – able to reduce
    pain and kill bacteria;
  • terpenes – carbohydrates that are part of various essential oils,
    have pronounced antifungal properties;
  • tannins or tannins – astringent, anti-inflammatory
    action, restore tissue;
  • amino acids are the main building block of animals, plant
    proteins, among them: leucine, tryptophan, cystine, methionine, arginine,
    histidine, tyrosine, lysine, alanine;
  • vitamins A, groups B, C, E, P – actively affect metabolic processes
    in organism;
  • minerals that make up human tissue cells: magnesium, cobalt,
    sodium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese, silicon,
    selenium, copper, fluorine and others;
  • essential oils.

Medicinal and useful properties

Propolis has an incredibly wide range of medicinal and beneficial
properties. The main ones are bacteriostatic and bactericidal.
It suppresses activity, and also kills a rather large spectrum of all kinds
microorganisms, including viruses, tubercle bacillus, Trichomonas,
candidiasis, fungi, hepatitis viruses, influenza.
It is worth noting that the intestinal microflora does not suffer, and
do not be afraid of dysbiosis. And alcohol solution and aqueous propolis
possess this property.

In the 19th century, scientists found that in a healthy bee hive
almost complete sterility reigns, which is facilitated by
propolis. It inhibits the growth of viruses and prevents recurrence
the development of a viral infection. Simultaneous reception of propolis with antibiotics
enhances their effect. But there is no such effect in combination with chloramphenicol
and penicillins.

Propolis affects not only harmful microorganisms, but also
on phagocytosis, enhancing it. Phagocytosis – the process of excretion from the body
foreign material with the help of phagocytes – special cells.
This contributes to less poisoning, toxicity. Even the same dysbiosis
can be equated with poisoning, and propolis in this case performs
a wide range of tasks. It also enhances immunity, the level of gamma globulins.

Propolis is considered an excellent pain reliever, especially in alcohol
solution. It is used medicinally as a good local
anesthetic agent:

  • with damage to the stomach;
  • in the treatment of diseases of the gums, oral cavity, teeth (rinsing,
    imposition of plates);
  • with otitis media (instill a water, alcohol solution);
  • in case of burns, eye injuries (instill only an aqueous solution);
  • in the treatment of frostbite, burns, wounds (apply applications from
    whole propolis or moistened wipes).

Pain relief begins 5-10 minutes immediately after
the use of propolis. And it can last from 45 minutes to two hours.

Propolis promotes the establishment of blood coagulation processes.
This is of particular importance during the prevention and treatment of complications.
after suffering heart attacks and strokes,
with complex treatment and prevention of varicose veins
veins, since in such conditions, coagulability is very often increased
blood, which threatens with many complications. Clotting increases
also with age, therefore, as a prophylaxis, propolis after 50
years is useful to almost everyone.

Propolis strengthens the capillary walls for bleeding from the gums
and nose, with cuts, wounds, bruises, minor abrasions. He is also capable of
increase the natural permeability of the skin – enhance skin penetration
medicines. Therefore, propolis can be safely used for
enhancing the action of other medicinal preparations.

It also heals suppurations, abscesses,
promotes rapid resorption.

Propolis helps to reduce itching in psoriasis, after bites, burns
and with fungal diseases, has a dermatoplastic effect,
helps to restore mucous membranes that cover many
organs, prevents the development of scars.

It is also known about anti-tumor and antioxidant properties.
propolis. He takes part in limiting the tumor process,
normalization of respiration processes at the cellular level, in the purification of cellular
membranes, stabilizing the reproduction of cells in our body. Research
Of the Perm Medical Academy have established that to use water
propolis solution can be without interruption for five years.

Propolis is also used for colitis, chronic constipation,
and large doses suppress the vigorous activity of the intestines in cases

Examples of the use of propolis

Alcohol concentrate prepared from 100 grams of chopped
propolis, which must be filled with 350 grams of 90% alcohol. IN
within five days, the mixture should be infused in a warm place and tightly
sealed glassware. It is advisable to shake the jar every day
10 minutes. Before use, the solution should be filtered and diluted
to the desired concentration with distilled water.

Oil solution prepared from one teaspoon
crushed propolis and 100 ml of vegetable oil, the mixture needs
heat for 30 minutes in a water bath. After the mass becomes
uniform should be drained and used for external use.

In cosmetology

Propolis and its antiseptic effect are used not only
in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Masks and creams with propolis for skin,
prone to acne,
boils, acne – have a wide range of effects. It is used
in creams also as a preservative, because it has a great advantage
before preservatives of synthetic origin – propolis
also a bioactive substance with antioxidant and regenerating
properties, and essential oils give cosmetics their aroma.

Propolis is included as a main component in such
cosmetics such as: hand, face, foot creams, shower gels,
lotions, shampoos, etc. Means with propolis in different price categories
produced by various firms, especially those that are focused on
natural cosmetics.

Dangerous properties of propolis

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of propolis are extensive, always
there are people with contraindications, and they must
beware of taking large doses of this medicinal product. Propolis
very allergenic – this should be considered for people prone to allergies
for beekeeping products.

The main contraindications for continuing to use propolis
are: severe itching, increased body temperature, burning sensation, general
weakness, headache. Propolis is also contraindicated for diseases.
biliary tract and liver, pancreatitis,
kidney stone disease.

Learn about the interesting properties of propolis and its uses
from the presented video.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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