Using honey for poisoning

Whether honey is possible in case of poisoning depends on the nature of the poisoning. In case of chemical damage with synthetic substances, the use of special medications will be required.

But in the case of organic poisoning, a high-quality bee product provides detoxification of the body, normalizes digestive processes, acting as a probiotic.

The content of the article

  • 1 Useful Properties
  • 2 Usage rules and recommended variety
  • 3 Methods of Use
  • 4 Противопоказания

Useful Properties

As a high-calorie product, natural honey helps to restore strength when it is impossible to provide adequate nutrition.

Its beneficial properties in case of poisoning:

  • energy replenishment;
  • restoration of reserves of trace elements, vitamins;
  • microflora normalization;
  • ensuring the normal functioning of the stomach, intestines;
  • cleansing the liver.

Usage rules and recommended variety

However, it is not used directly during vomiting or diarrhea, since the therapeutic effect in the acute phase is insignificant.

Only after the removal of the above symptoms with the help of a honey product is the intestinal microflora restored. Its use is especially effective in case of poisoning with low-quality products, including mushrooms.

The best variety for such poisoning is acacia… It is less sweet as it contains little sucrose. What prevents the onset of nausea.

Methods of Use


There are three main methods of treatment:

Reception in kind 1-2 teaspoons. The bee product is absorbed in the mouth, and then washed down with water or warm tea.

Reception in the form of an aqueous solution… The same amount of honey product is dissolved in warm water or chilled strong black tea. The solution is taken three to four times a day.

Reception with dill infusion… Dry or fresh grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 10-15 minutes. The tea is filtered and cooled. Then a teaspoon of honey is added to it, stirred, and drunk several times a day until recovery.


There are many contraindications to medical treatment. Many conditions require prior consultation with a doctor.

Prohibited use:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with skin diseases, accompanied by a retention of carbohydrates in the skin;
  • in acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

With care, treatment is carried out for diabetes mellitus, under the age of three years, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you have any doubts about your own health, you should seek the advice of your doctor!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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