Varietal features of vegetable marrow Gribovsky 37

Zucchini Gribovsky is the most famous variety among gardening enthusiasts.It has a light color and brings large yields in almost all regions of the country universal vegetable, convenient for preparing a variety of dishes and preservation.

  1. Description <
  2. Seedlings
  3. Outdoor cultivation
  4. Growing in a greenhouse
  5. Mulching <
  6. Care
  7. Harvesting and storage
  8. Diseases and pests
  9. Spider mite
  10. Gourd aphid
  11. Sprout fly
  12. Reviews of gardeners

Сортовые особенности кабачка Грибовский 37

Varietal features of the vegetable marrow Gribovsky 37


Gribovsky white-fruited refers to mid-early varieties. The vegetable has an elongated shape and a length of 20 centimeters. Ripens in 45 days. The finished fruit weighs about a kilogram.

Zucchini white with a smooth skin. Adult fruit turns green. If it matures, it turns yellow. Inside the pulp is compacted and snow-white. The stems are even, slightly ribbed. It grows with a bush, leaves are large pentagonal, petioles are long. The flowers are yellow.

The yield reaches 5-10 kg per square meter.

The variety has a high yield and is resistant to disease. The only drawback is the rapid ripening, which leads to the overripe fruit.


Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a specially prepared solution. Its composition:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tsp. nitrofoski.

It is necessary to leave the seeds in this solution for 3 days. The soil before planting is first loosened and the seeds are lowered there by 4 centimeters.

To obtain an early harvest, seedlings are first placed in containers on window sills, starting in April. Open soil is planted after May 10 and until June 10. When planting in early spring, it is necessary to cover it with a film.

Outdoor cultivation

In order to transplant the zucchini into the open ground, it is necessary to wait until three leaves appear. Seedlings are taken out onto the street in stages. First, by 1.5 hours, on the second and subsequent days, hardening is increased by two hours.

The planting area for the vegetable marrow Gribovsky 37 is 70 by 70 cm. Carefully take seedlings out of the pots so as not to damage the root system. They add the plant, leaving the leaves above the ground. The location in the ground should be lit by the sun only in the first half of the day.

The variety tolerates a relatively low temperature of 7 ° C.

Growing in a greenhouse

Растения необходимо подкармливать

The plants need to be fed

The soil should have a slightly alkaline environment, better neutral. Additionally, the soil is enriched with compost, mineral complexes and fertilizers are added. Superphosphate is suitable for these purposes. Chlorine fertilizers must not be added to the soil.

Plant care scheme in the greenhouse:

  • weed removal;
  • once every two weeks top dressing;
  • watering;
  • loosening.

Squash seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse 20 days after germination. Leave spaces between plants up to 75 cm. In the greenhouses from under the film, zucchini is transferred from the end of April. Prior to this, the soil is heated with stoves or electrical appliances.


The moisture level affects the crop yield. The soil is covered with film, leaving holes for zucchini. Plants are watered in these holes. Sometimes they mulch with sunflower meal and sawdust. This gives warmth to the vegetable.

At the same time, overheating negatively affects squash. Daytime temperature for normal growth and development is 23 ° C and 17 ° C at night. Humidity in the greenhouse should be 65%. The heat leads to dropping of the ovaries, and lowering the temperature to stop the growth of zucchini.


Bush zucchini varieties Gribovsky 37 are watered once a week. If the water is hard, then it is softened. Fluid temperature should be 20-23 ° C. A greenhouse is ventilated every day so that pollination occurs. Fresh air leads to the rapid maturation of the variety.

For better pollination by insects, a cotton solution of sugar is applied to the plants. In the fall they bring manure, ash to normalize acidity, some sand and sawdust. Dense soil is not suitable for planting, so it is dug up.

If the plant has been in the greenhouse since May, then the film is kept closed until the shoots reach 25 cm.

Harvesting and storage of the crop

Ripening of the fruit is completed after 1 month. Vegetables are harvested when the length is 25 cm. Such fruits are the most delicious and nutritious. The main thing is not to overexpose the zucchini in the garden, otherwise it quickly becomes rough.

Overgrown zucchini are excellent for ripening and harvesting seeds. Gribovsky variety is stored at a temperature of 4 to 10 ° C heat and air humidity of 85%. Under such conditions, it will lie in the cellars until the beginning of spring.

For the winter, it is stored in the form of various pickles and marinades. Zucchini lies well frozen. The taste of this product does not differ from the fresh look.

Diseases and pests

Опрыскивание поможет справиться с вредителями

Spraying will help to cope with pests

Like any other vegetable, this is threatened by certain diseases and pests.

Spider tick

Tick infection often occurs in greenhouses. In open ground, it also occurs. The insect clings under the leaf and weaves its nets. This is a sure sign of illness. The leaves gradually begin to dry out, and the plant may die if you do not fight with a spider mite.

To get rid of the infection, grind onions. One glass of onion mixture is diluted in a bucket of water, 1 spoon of pepper, 3 tablespoons of ash and soap solution are added. Bushes are sprayed with this agent. Repeat the procedure twice with a frequency of six days.

Gourd aphid

This is a round-shaped green insect. Its length is only 2 mm. Larvae with yellowish wings. Come to the vegetable marrows Gribovsky from weeds.They are located in the lower part of the leaf and on the stems. Infection of aphids leads to drying and twisting of the plant, the ovaries fall away.

Weeds are removed to prevent the gourd aphids from settling in the zucchini. Carbophos is sprayed. Dilute to 10 l of water 60 g of the substance. If infection has occurred in the greenhouse, then they are doused with a solution of triphos in a ratio of 1 to 100.

Sprout fly

A fly up to 10 mm long, gray in color with a distinctive strip on the abdomen. She lays white larvae. The eggs are in the ground and after 10 days they destroy the seeds of squash crops, as well as young shoots.

To control the fly, weeds are destroyed. At the end of spring, seeds are planted to medium depth.

Reviews of gardeners

Among the variety of varieties of zucchini, Gribovsky 37 is very popular among amateur gardeners and professionals. According to reviews, this type of culture is easy to courtship, resistant to various diseases and unpretentious. It is easy to care for him, he is distinguished by high germination of seeds.

This zucchini shows itself on the pleasant side to many gardeners. It has a suitable presentation. Well tolerates transportation over long distances. High-yielding plant.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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