Varieties of self-pollinated beam cucumbers for greenhouses and fields

Bean cucumbers are hybrids bred by breeders to increase the number of ovaries and the duration of fruiting. Beam-type cucumbers grow on open ground and in bodies in the form of thick “bouquets”. Large ovaries give good yields, and the bushes are unpretentious in the care and watering.

  1. Features of self-pollinated cucumbers
  2. Differences in hybrids
  3. Growing rules
  4. Seeds and bushes of the hybrid
  5. Harvesting and disease
  6. Beam cucumbers for open ground
  7. Variety of hybrids
  8. Style F1
  9. Sail F1
  10. Mother-in-law F1
  11. Beam cucumbers for greenhouse conditions
  12. Variety of hybrids for the greenhouse
  13. Balcony F1
  14. Siberian garland
  15. Miracle bouquet

Сорта самоопыляемых пучковых огурцов для теплиц и полей

Varieties of self-pollinated bunch cucumbers for greenhouses and fields

A hanging garland will save space in a small greenhouse: the culture is suitable for year-round In favorable conditions, the separated bushes germinate well and bear fruit.

Features of self-pollinated cucumbers

Self-pollinated cucumbers rarely get sick: breeders managed to breed a resistant hybrid. The number of ovaries and the quality of the crop directly depends on environmental conditions, day regime (amount of sunlight) and soil quality.

The Desant hybrid with a short ripening period gives the first crop for 38 days (after transplanting).The most delicious fruits are those that are grown in a greenhouse – they are juicy and sweet. On one ovary 4-5 fruits weighing up to 70 grams are formed. The type of inflorescence is female.

Self-pollinated hybrids of Siberia are highly resistant to low temperatures. Variety “Detinets” bears fruit 45 days after planting seedlings. The most persistent indeterminate hybrids have an average ovary. The best self-pollinated varieties “Charm” or “Boy with a finger” are characterized by high productivity: bushes planted on open ground give up to 10-15 kg of cucumbers with 1 sq.m of soil.

Differences in hybrids

Parthenocarpic hybrids belong to early ripening crops. In favorable conditions, already at 40-50 a day you can harvest the first crop. Several criteria will help you select early crops:

  1. Type of flowering. The female type of flowering hybrids allows you to form up to 5 ovaries on one leaf. With such a density, the fruits grow to 12 cm in length.
  2. Type of planting. Hybrids planted in the greenhouse are weaker. Cultivated on open ground crops give a smaller crop.
  3. The form of greenery, the degree of growth of bushes. When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to the shape and dimensions of future fruits. Gherkins bear a lot of fruit, but the cucumbers themselves grow no more than 8 cm in length.
  4. Watering and care. Parthenocarpic hybrids do not withstand severe drought, they are best planted in greenhouses, but the King of the Garden variety coexists well on open ground in a small shade with moderate watering.

Parthenocarpic and early varieties are suitable for growing on the balcony – they bear fruit every two months and require minimal maintenance. The early Robin Hood and 632 F1 varieties are characterized by low bushes.

The most abundant first harvests, subsequent fruiting may impair the quality of cucumbers. Hybrid farming allows you to choose a suitable hybrid that can be planted in a house, greenhouse or garden.

Growing rules

Due to the increased fruiting, planting and care of the bush is complicated. In order for the fruits to form, frequent watering and top dressing of the soil is necessary.

A large section is allocated for superbunched seedlings: seedlings are planted at the rate of 4 stems per 1 sq.m. In a greenhouse, cucumbers with a bunch arrangement of ovaries are sown denser.

Hybrid seeds and bushes

The bush must be formed into a single stem

Seeds for planting are bought: they cannot be independently brought out of the crop. Before planting in open ground, the seeds are fed with fertilizers, so that the stems set forth faster. Bushes are formed from one stem (it will be well lit during the day).

It is necessary to “blind” 4 nodes of the main stem, and remove the remaining green shoots. One leaf will remain on the stem, from which the ovaries appear.After the first harvest, the root system of the stem is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Mineral dressing is best done once a week.

Harvesting and disease

The ripened fruits are harvested immediately: they make the stalk heavier and it may break. Cucumbers can hang on the bush for a long time, but they quickly lose moisture and begin to bitter. Harvest every two days. The faster the harvest is harvested, the faster the new one will ripen.

If the stem becomes sick, it is treated with antiseptics and the diseased shoots are removed. From fungi, the bushes are treated with a natural substance – whey.

Beam cucumbers for open ground

Beam cucumbers for open ground are highly resistant to cold and drought. For open land organize regular watering. Fertilizes the soil before planting seedlings. Beam cucumbers coexist well in the shade, with minimal watering.

Beam varieties of cucumbers for open ground are early ripening highly branched hybrids. For good fruiting of the bushes on the open ground, no bees are needed, therefore, such bushes can be grown in any region. does not guarantee a good harvest. The culture needs timely watering and care. Self-pollinating varieties exclude the presence of bees for pollination and can be grown at any time.

Varieties of cucumbers with a bunch of ovaries for open ground:

  • “Mels”;
  • “Manul”;
  • “Baby son” ;
  • “Zyatek.

The choice of varieties of cucumbers with bunch ovary depends on the size of the land, the time of year and the quality of the crop, which the gardener expects.

The City Gardener introduced from Europe combines a high level of fruiting and a minimum ripening period. Universal bunch cucumbers ripen from 30 to 40 days. Cucumbers with a bunch of ovaries from open ground or beds are suitable for making marinades, spins for the winter and salads.

Style F1

Fruits can be consumed in any form

The mid-early hybrid variety is suitable for planting on open ground. Ripe fruits are used to make salads and pickles for the winter. Zelentsy “Fashion” is elongated and neat: the length of each varies from 9 to 11 cm.

The period of cultivation of the crop is average, and fruiting is lower than high. The bush gives a stable good harvest in late autumn.

Sail F1

The high-yielding variety “Sail F1” is resistant to temperature extremes and is planted on open land. The average yield of one full bush is 5 kg.

Black pubescence indicates the versatility of vegetables: they are used for the preparation of salads and marinades. The fruits are distinguished by a sweet, sweet taste.

Mother-in-law F1

A variety with good fruiting: the bushes are resistant to low temperatures. In favorable conditions, “Mother-in-law F1” bears fruit until August. Harvest bushes dotted with weighty greenery – up to 13 cm each.

The taste of fruits is sweet, the core is dense. Harvest bushes are located in partial shade: drought leads to deterioration in crop quality.

Beam cucumbers for greenhouse conditions

Parthenocarpic cucumbers are suitable for greenhouses. Disease-resistant varieties of cucumbers are grown in cramped circumstances, while bringing a good harvest. Salad crops for greenhouses do not have pronounced spikes. The resulting fruits are well transported and peeled. For greenhouses, varieties of beam cucumbers with a high content of sugar and peptides are suitable. Cucumbers are suitable for pickles and pickles. Such bushes belong to the first generation hybrids.

To grow a good crop in the greenhouse, you need frequent watering. The seeds of bunch cucumbers are pre-soaked in purchased solutions with active beneficial bacteria. Fertilizing the topsoil is carried out before planting seeds. In a greenhouse, seedlings can not be transplanted, and seeds can be grown on beds prepared for bushes.

Variety of hybrids for a greenhouse

Universal indoor hybrids of long fruiting are suitable for indoor fertilized soil. Such crops ripen not earlier than 40-50 days. The number of ovaries on one leaf does not exceed 4-5 flowers. The quality of the soil in the greenhouse is determined by fruiting – the more fertilizer in the soil, the more ovaries will appear. With such a description, it’s easier to choose a hybrid suitable for pickles.

Multi-beam bushes on which greenhouses appear no larger than 8 cm in size have wide foliage. The most fruitful hybrids for greenhouses:

  • “Red Mullet”;
  • “Robin Hood”;
  • “Our Masha”;
  • “Dwarf”.

The selected type of bouquet bush takes up little space and is suitable for growing on a balcony or in a greenhouse. Bunch-like ovaries do not develop in Zelentsy too quickly, so the crop does not stagnate for long periods on bushes and draws juices from the stem.

Good notes. How to form bouquet cucumbers?
Cucumber Hybrid F1 Mamlyuk
Cucumber hybrids for salting and salads

Tufted cucumbers are beneficial hybrids that produce a large crop due to bundle ovaries (3-4 per leaf). On the whip there are several greens at once, in contrast to ordinary cucumber bushes. Ripe vegetables diverge on the sides and look like a Christmas garland. Beam cucumbers are sold marked f1, which characterizes resistant hybrid crops. Self-bred seeds lose the varietal quality of the hybrid.

Balcony F1

Gherkins of a hybrid type with weak branching. Characteristic features of “Balcony F1”: long-term fruiting and bunches with 4-8 ovaries on each leaf.

The determinant plant is suitable for cultivation on open soil or on the balcony (without drafts and wind blowing). The heat-loving plant coexists well on an open loggia and bears fruit before the onset of frost.

Siberian garland

The new variety “Siberian garland” is characterized by high fruiting and the ability to quickly adapt. Cucumbers of this type are super persistent. In the greenhouse and outside the greenhouse, the Siberian Garland gives a stable, good crop.

On bushes with 4-5 ovaries grows up to 15 kg of fruits. A relatively small price of this type and resistance distinguishes it from other bunch cucumbers.

Wonderful bouquet

As a result of many years of selection, “Wonderful bouquet F1” was launched. The bushes are unpretentious and fruitful. They bring a stable crop in hot and cold weather. They are suitable for planting in regions with frequent rains – the fruits do not burst and do not become watery.

Any conditions are suitable for a bouquet hybrid – greenhouse or on open ground. With the arrangement of bushes in the greenhouses, the fruiting period increases.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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