Viburnum, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is a woody flowering plant representing the family Adox.
Latin name of the genus – Viburnum – according to one of
versions are associated with the verb “viere”, meaning “knit”, “weave”.
Thus, the origin of the word is due to one of the immediate
Viburnum uses: baskets were knitted from young branches of a bush.

The first mention of the medicinal use of viburnum and folk recipes
potions based on it are found in herbalists of the 16th century. Plant bark
used as a sedative and anti-inflammatory agent
with convulsions, hysterical seizures, sleep disorders, with colds
diseases and suffocation. The root decoction was used for
scrofula in children.

Useful properties of viburnum

Composition and calorie content

What is used and in what form

In the recipes of traditional and official medicine, viburnum bark is used,
flowers and fruits. Flowers and bark are used in infusions and decoctions, as
for indoor and outdoor use. Fruits most often
consumed fresh, in a grated state, with the addition of
honey or sugar. Viburnum fruit juice is boiled with sugar, syrups are prepared
and acidic.
Fresh viburnum juice is used externally for the treatment of skin
diseases. Viburnum is a part of vitamin teas.

Viburnum berries covered with hoarfrost

The healing properties of viburnum

The bark of the common viburnum contains the bitter glycoside viburnin and an enzyme,
which provokes its decomposition, cyclic alcohol viburnitol,
tannins and resinous substances, coumarin derivatives (scopoletin,
esculetin), organic
acids (valeric, formic, capric, linoleic,

Viburnitol fruits contain cyclic alcohol viburnitol,
invert sugar, viburnin bitterness, ascorbic, acetic and isovalerian
acids, pectins..

The flavonoids comperol-3-glycoside and kaempferol-3,7-diglucoside were found in viburnum flowers.
Viburnum roots contain sterols, astragalin, peonoside, essential oil,
derivatives of amyrin. Viburnum seeds contain up to 21% of fatty oils..

Galenic preparations of viburnum bark have hemostatic
and mild diuretic properties, astringent and soothing
impact, increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus, increase the duration
the action of sleeping pills. As a hemostatic
drugs based on viburnum bark are used for uterine bleeding
(and bleeding of menopause), with algomenorrhea,
subinvolution of the uterus in the postpartum period, with bleeding on
the background of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, as well as
with hemorrhoidal bleeding. Viburnum bark is used in prevention
miscarriages. Viburnum fruits (pounded with honey or sugar, in the form
syrup) is prescribed for nervous excitement, increased arterial
pressure, atherosclerosis
and vasospasm.

Viburnum fruits boiled with honey are used for coughing, hoarseness,
shortness of breath, liver disease, jaundice
and diarrhea.
Viburnum juice with honey is used in folk medicine in therapy
breast cancer, for the prevention of cancer
stomach with
gastritis with low acidity. It is believed that systematic
the use of viburnum fruits has a beneficial effect on the condition
patients suffering from malignant tumors of the digestive system.
An infusion of viburnum fruits is drunk with boils, carbuncles, eczema,
skin rashes of various etymologies, as a vitamin,
fortifying and mild laxative. In dermatology
and cosmetology, fresh juice of viburnum fruits helps with
acne, and age spots. Infusion of flowers is used
in folk medicine for coughs, colds, sclerosis,
lung and stomach diseases. Rinse with flower infusion
throat and wash the wounds..

See also  Ham, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Viburnum and other medicinal plants

In traditional medicine

Viburnum fruit extract on a water-alcohol basis can be found in
pharmacies: This drug is called Kalifen. It refers to
active additives and is used together with food as
source of substances – proanthocyanidins. The tool is produced in
liquid form, in vials.

In pharmacies, you can buy chopped viburnum bark in packages.

In the pharmaceutical perspective, also the production of gelatinous
capsules with viburnum oil..

In folk medicine

  • With painful menstruation, menopausal uterine bleeding,
    and also, to prevent miscarriage, drink in the form of a decoction: dining room
    pour a spoonful of chopped viburnum bark with 200 ml of water, boil 10
    minutes, then refrigerate. Take up to three times a day for a teaspoon.
  • As a mild expectorant, sedative and antihypertensive agent
    use a decoction of viburnum fruits: half a tablespoon of berries
    Viburnum pour 200 ml of water, boil, cool. Drink around the canteen
    spoon three times a day..
  • For a cold cough, fever, take a tea for 200 ml of boiling water
    a spoonful of viburnum flowers, let it brew for 10 minutes. Take up to 2
    glasses a day.
  • With stomach ulcers, colitis,
    three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, take in the dining room
    a spoonful of pounded berries raw.
  • For colds, bouts of dry, debilitating cough, disorder
    intestines and a diploma, in a hoarse voice, they drink a decoction of viburnum berries with
    honey in a warm form (up to 150 ml per day).
  • With hypertension, several viburnum berries, pounded with sugar and
    those who have begun to “ferment” are taken raw: up to 10 berries per day.
  • With boils, carbuncles, eczema, various rashes on
    skin, take an aqueous decoction of viburnum berries.
  • With dyspepsia and as a diaphoretic, use a decoction from
    viburnum seeds..

Flowering viburnum

  • RџSЂRё
    flu the fruits of viburnum, fresh or frozen, grind
    with honey (in proportions 1: 1), add a small amount of boiled
    water at room temperature, take half a tablespoon
    three times a day after meals.
  • When coughing, mix the washed viburnum fruits with honey (1: 2), give
    brew for at least 6 hours, and take a tablespoon three times
    a day.
  • With bronchial
    asthma a tablespoon of ripe viburnum mashed in mashed potatoes
    pour 200 ml of warm boiled water, combine with a tablespoon
    honey. Bring to a boil over low heat, then stand
    over low heat for at least a quarter of an hour, strain, cool and
    take a tablespoon 3-5 times a day.
  • For hypertension, viburnum bark is also used: 2 tablespoons
    chopped bark pour 400 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil, keep
    in a water bath for half an hour, strain, cool and drink in the dining room
    spoon three times a day.
  • With ischemic
    heart disease eat the fruits of the viburnum, rubbed with sugar
    – up to 3 tablespoons per day, or drink in small portions
    viburnum juice (100 ml of juice per day).
  • RџSЂRё
    tachycardia grind 5 tablespoons of viburnum fruits in enamel
    dishes, gradually pour in 600 ml of boiling water, stirring constantly,
    let it brew for 4 hours, then strain. Drink 100 ml per day,
    in 4 divided doses, before each meal.
  • For hemorrhoidal bleeding, a decoction prepared from the dining room
    tablespoons of chopped viburnum bark and 200 ml of boiling water are drunk in the dining room
    spoon three times a day, or use ready-made pharmacy candles on
    viburnum bark extract..
  • A home remedy is helpful for coughing.
    you will need 400 g of viburnum fruits, 400 g of honey, 220 g of sugar and 250
    ml of wine vinegar. Mash the washed and dried fruits in mashed potatoes
    and bring to a boil. Strain and add honey to the decanted broth,
    sugar and wine vinegar. Stir, boil the mixture and pour into
    sterilized bottles. Keep refrigerated..
See also  Halibut, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Viburnum tincture


sore throat with an infusion of fruits, flowers and leaves gargle.
Pour a tablespoon of flowers or leaves with 200 ml of boiling water, leave
hour, then strain. Gargle several times a day.

Eels are removed with the juice of viburnum berries
on the face. For acne, mix the juice of fresh viburnum fruits with honey
(in equal parts), apply to cleansed skin, rinse with warm
water after a quarter of an hour..

Ripe mashed berries or pulp from cambium bark, scraped off
from young twigs, used for compresses on wounds (bleeding
including) and on skin areas affected by eczema..

In oriental medicine

In unofficial medicine in China, the fruits and leaves of viburnum were considered
laxative and emetic.

In scientific research

The medicinal potential of viburnum is a beneficial
material for research.

Scientific rationale for the traditional use of Turkish folk
Viburnum medicine in the treatment of kidney stones is confirmed
in the article M. Ильхан, Б. Ergen, I. Suntar et al..

Assessment of agro-morphological, biochemical and bioactive characteristics
viburnum is given in the study of Turkish scientists N. Ersoy, S. Ersisli
and M. Gundogdu..

Stress-protective properties of viburnum and the role of the plant in stimulation
metabolic reactions of fat metabolism in the liver were studied in labor
Sprygina V.G., Kushnerova N.F., Fomenko S.E. and etc..

Ilyasova S.M. thesis is devoted to the comparative analysis of properties
phytopreparations based on common viburnum and gordovina viburnum..

The antioxidant properties of viburnum are the theme of Tsekhina’s work
N.N., Khasyanova N.G., Orekhovoy S.V..

See also  Red currant, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Viburnum jam on toast

In dietetics

Viburnum fruits are used for fasting days (they use
with water, honey or a little sugar). Also apply
viburnum and as part of diets (watermelon-viburnum diet, unloading
days on watermelons
and viburnum fruits).

In cooking

Jam from viburnum

According to the recipe of ethnobotanist Robin Harford

You will need products: 800 g of viburnum berries (the fruits should be soft,
easy to squeeze with your fingers), orange puree (required
pulp of 2 oranges),
12 small, mashed apples (better
use “paradise apples”), 0,5 liters of cold water, sugar.

Mix in a saucepan with a thick bottom the fruits of the viburnum, orange
and applesauce and water, and bring to a boil. Boil on slow
heat, stirring occasionally. Put the boiled mass into a clean
a cloth bag, hanging it over the container
and leave overnight to express. Expressed base fluid for
measure jelly with a measuring cup and add sugar (at the rate of 0,5
kg of sugar for every 0,5 liters of liquid). Stirring evenly, bring
until boiling over low heat, and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.
As soon as the jam begins to thicken, remove from heat, let it brew
5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and close..

Spicy viburnum sauce (for meat or fish)

Required ingredients: 1 kg of viburnum fruit, 1 kg of granulated sugar,
5 g citric acid and red
bitter pepper (one pod). Rinse viburnum under running
water, drain, then extinguish in a little water
a couple of minutes and rub through a sieve. Combine mashed potatoes with
granulated sugar, citric acid and finely chopped, peeled
from seeds, pepper. While stirring, bring the sauce until smooth.
Arrange in sterilized jars and let it brew at room temperature.
temperature within 48 hours. Close for long-term storage
jars as usual canning. Store the sauce dark and cool
location. For eating immediately, keep the sauce in the refrigerator.
tightly closed..

Belish with viburnum

To prepare such a traditional Tatar pie with viburnum
berries for the dough will need: 4 glasses of flour, 2 glasses of yogurt,
3 eggs, 200 g butter
oil, 0,75 teaspoon of baking soda, a pinch of salt. Ingredients
for the filling: 0,5 kg of viburnum berries, 0,3 kg of sugar, 150 g of malt,
2 tablespoons of ground breadcrumbs. Also one egg for smudging
the surface of the cake. Knead the dough from flour, yogurt, whipped
eggs, melted butter, baking soda and salt. Sort out Kalina, mix
with granulated sugar and malt, and leave to infuse covered,
well preheated oven. Divide the dough into two unequal parts.
Roll out the cake from a larger portion of the dough, put in a greased one
the form so that the edges of the dough hang over the sides of the form.
Put the viburnum filling on the cake, wrap the edges of the dough a little,
to the center, forming folds. Roll out pigtails from a smaller portion of dough
and flagella, decorate the cake with them. Put the cake in a tart in a lukewarm
a place to “come up”. Then brush with egg mass and bake
at medium temperature until golden brown..

See also  Pigeon eggs, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

The combination of viburnum with other products

Combination with other products

Combined with apples
marmalade is prepared from the fruits of viburnum (viburnum and apples are taken on equal terms
proportions), as well as marshmallow (viburnum fruits need to take one third).
Viburnum and mountain ash complement each other especially well in taste:
viburnum fruits soften the bitterness of mountain ash, and rowan berries, in turn,
give the dish or product a pleasant color and distinctive taste and

Viburnum drinks

Kissel from viburnum

You will need 150 g of viburnum fruit juice, 300 g of sugar, 120
g of potato starch and 2 liters of water. Dilute the juice with water, heat
until hot, add starch, previously diluted
in a small amount of cold boiled water, then add
sugar, mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil. To the surface
the finished jelly is not covered with a tightening film, sprinkle with a little
amount of sugar.

Viburnum fruit drink

Ingredients: a glass of ripe viburnum fruits, half a glass of sugar
sand, 1 liter of water. Sort out the fruits (berries), rinse, mash and squeeze
the juice. Put the container with juice in the refrigerator. Viburnum pomace
pour hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 10
minutes, then strain, add sugar, cool and combine with
previously squeezed juice. Pour into glasses and serve, serving
a slice of lime or orange.

Oat and viburnum drink:

You need a glass of oats
half a glass of viburnum fruits, 0,25 cups of raisins or dried apricots, 3 teaspoons
spoons of honey or sugar, 1,5 liters of water.

Sort oats, rinse, add cold water, boil and
let it brew for at least 3 hours. Then bring to a boil again,
add mashed viburnum fruits, add chopped raisins
or dried apricots,
remove from heat and leave for an hour. Strain, serve warm or
cold with honey or sugar..

The use of viburnum in cosmetology

Kalina in cosmetology

The fruits, flowers and leaves of viburnum are used in a variety of cosmetic
recipes: in the treatment of problem skin, to get rid of pigmented
spots and freckles.

  • Viburnum leaf toning mask:
    chop the washed viburnum leaves, apply in a thin even layer
    on the face skin lubricated with a greasy cream. After a quarter of an hour, remove
    mask with a soft cloth and rinse with warm water.
  • Cosmetic viburnum ice (frozen juice
    viburnum fruits) is used for facial massage, lightening pigmented
    spots, removing freckles and eliminating fine wrinkles.
  • Whitening mask from viburnum juice: mix in
    equal proportions of viburnum juice and egg white. To apply
    on previously cleansed skin. Wash off after 20-30 minutes
    warm water. Also, for skin whitening, you can combine viburnum
    juice with honey.
  • To remove freckles and lighten over-tanned
    use such a home cosmetic product:
    Mix the viburnum juice with sour cream (1: 1), apply the mixture on the face.
    Leave the mask for 15 minutes, remove the residue with a soft cloth and
    wash off with warm water.
  • Toning Lotion from viburnum is prepared as follows
    way: steam a handful of viburnum flowers with 200 ml of boiling water. To give
    brew for 2 hours, then strain. Ready infusion to use
    for wiping the skin of the face.
  • Fresh viburnum juice used for wiping
    oily skin, to eliminate acne and age spots.
    After applications with viburnum fruit juice, the skin must be softened
    nourishing cream..
See also  Black cardamom, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Dangerous properties of viburnum and contraindications

Uncontrolled consumption of fresh viburnum fruits can cause
vomiting (also if the berries have retained the bitterness that has not been eliminated
the first frosts). Viburnum is contraindicated for
gout. It should be taken with caution by those who suffer.
from low blood pressure (hypotension).[3,6]

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of viburnum
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Useful properties of viburnum

Interesting facts about Kalina

  1. 1 Kalina, as one of the most beautiful trees, took root in the Slavic
    traditions, folklore, folk arts, leaving a trace in the song
    creativity, embroidery, beliefs and legends. A lot has been stacked about Kalina
    sayings and sayings: “There is no raspberry viburnum”, “And viburnum with a roll
    he doesn’t care ”,“ The barks are not great from the raspberry, but the berries are sweet; and with
    You will pick a kalinnik lyk, but you will not take berries in your mouth. “
  2. 2 In veterinary practice, the bark, fruits and leaves of viburnum are used
    for the treatment of foot and mouth disease
    in cattle.
  3. 3 Viburnum fruits and bark are suitable for the production of natural dyes
    (respectively, red and black-green colors). They are used
    when dyeing wool.
  4. 4 Kalina is cultivated in parks both for creating hedges and
    and to attract useful birds.
  5. 5 Previously, viburnum was attributed to the Honeysuckle family, but after the update
    classification in 2003, botanists define viburnum as a representative
    families Adoksovye.[1,2]

Viburnum tea

Species and varieties

There are no less than 166 species belonging to the genus Kalina. Most
common ones:

  1. 1 Kalina ordinary – growing area
    the species covers eastern Europe and western Siberia. Medicinal
    plant. Within the framework of this type, many decorative
    (“Compactum”, “Roseum”, “Buldenezh”) and fruit varieties (“Pomegranate
    bracelet “,” Red coral “);
  2. 2 Viburnum whole-leaved (gordovina)
    – predominantly wild-growing species, grows in the central and southern
    parts of Europe. It is also cultivated as an ornamental shrub with dense,
    beautiful inflorescences. Known as “black viburnum”. From the berries of this
    species produce ink, from the stem – shanks;
  3. 3 Viburnum evergreen (laurel)
    – an ornamental Mediterranean shrub that has received extensive
    distribution on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula;
  4. 4 Kalina bureinskaya – meets
    on the territory of the Bureinsky mountain range (Khabarovsk Territory). Plant
    – honey plant. The look is decorative;
  5. 5 Kalina Wright – grows on
    Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Korea and Japan. The species is listed in
    Red books. and the Sakhalin region;
  6. 6 Viburnum fragrant – distributed
    in Japan, Korea, India..
See also  Donnik, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Types of viburnum: Ordinary, Gordovina, Laurel, Bureinskaya, Raita

Kalina ordinary – branched bush tall
from 2 to 5 m with gray bark. Opposite leaf arrangement, leaves
large, petiolate. Snow-white flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences.
Shiny, juicy, bright red fruits form drooping bunches.
The fruits are berry-like oval drupes with a hard bone. Blooms
in May-June.

Viburnum grows along water bodies, in meadows, in the undergrowth of mixed and
deciduous forests..

Peculiarities of growing

The plant propagates both by seed and vegetative way
(by dividing the bush, cuttings, layering, etc.). The seeds are exposed
long stratification and then planted in a prepared
soil, keeping the distance between rows from 0,3 to 0,4 m.After two years
growing seedlings are transplanted to a permanent site. Plant
tolerates wintering well without shelter. Viburnum grows on any type
soil, with the exception of overly dense clay or rocky
soil. Photophilous and moisture-loving plant: needs additional
watering during flowering, and during active growth in spring
period. The most effective way to reproduce viburnum is in a greenhouse,
using green cuttings in early summer. In this case, by autumn
a young tree has a well-developed root system..

How to choose

The degree of ripeness of the viburnum fruits can be judged by the color of the berries:
they should be deep, dark red, garnet color.
It is also important to remember that the harvest from the viburnum tree can be harvested
only after the fruits were “caught” by the first frosts
and the bitterness was gone from them..

When to harvest viburnum?

The bark is harvested in the spring, during the movement of juices (April-May).
On the cut branches, make circular cuts with knives at intervals
0,25 m, connect them with longitudinal cuts, after which the bark is easy
removed. Dried in attics, under a canopy, where there is good ventilation,
laying out in a thin layer of 3-5 cm, on paper or fabric. Shelf life
up to 4 years old. Stored in bales up to 50 kg.

The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe (August-September).
Whole bunches are cut with knives or sickles and folded loosely in
baskets. Dried in ovens or dryers. After threshing and separating
on a sieve from twigs and stalks. Dried fruits are stored in bags.
The storage period has not been set.

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Beautiful viburnum on the table

How to store

Viburnum fruits can be stored in dried or dried form, grind
with sugar, freeze and store in the freezer as usual
berries, as well as squeeze the juice and prepare, or boil the syrup.

How to dry viburnum?

To prepare dried viburnum, you need to: rinse the ripe fruits,
remove the stalks, sort out the spoiled berries. To decrease
bitterness, fruits should be blanched for 2-3 minutes. Later
drain, dry on a paper towel, removing excess moisture,
and mix with sugar. For 1 kg of viburnum fruits, take 250 g of sugar
sand and let it brew for . hours at room temperature.
Drain the formed juice, add 250 g of sugar to the viburnum mass
and hold until juice appears. Juice poured into the first and second
once combined and canned. Remaining viburnum-sugar mass
pour hot syrup of 50% concentration and let it brew
5 minutes. Then the syrup is separated, filtered through a sieve, and the fruits
spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet, put in the oven, and stand
half an hour at a temperature of 850 C. Then they are laid out in jars.

How to dry viburnum properly?

To dry the fruits of the viburnum, they are thoroughly washed when ripe.
with stalks, which are later very carefully removed. Washed fruits
laid out in an even thin layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment
and dried at a temperature of 50-600 C with the door open. Possibly slow
drying, since the fruits are not subject to mold due to the high
the content of antimicrobial substances in them. Properly dried fruits
viburnums are roundish, wrinkled and flattened. Dried viburnum possesses
barely perceptible aroma and bitter-sour taste. Used by
mainly for the preparation of broths.

How to preserve viburnum juice?

You will need: 1 kg of viburnum fruits, 200 g of granulated sugar and 200 ml
water. Sort the fruits, rinse and squeeze the juice out of them. Pour the pulp
water, boil for 5 minutes, then strain. The broth is connected
with squeezed juice, add sugar, mix, pour into jars,
pasteurized and closed.

Viburnum with honey: how to cook for long

You will need 400 g of viburnum and 200 g of honey.
Pick up the viburnum fruits, rinse well, dry. Prepared
rub the fruits through a sieve. Add honey and mix thoroughly.
Place in sterilized jars and refrigerate..

See also the properties of other berries:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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