Vitamin composition of zucchini

Vitamins in zucchini are a source of health, and eat this vegetable in large quantities, without beingware of gaining excess weight.

  1. Vitamin-mineral composition
  2. In which form is more beneficial
  3. What is the use of
  4. For the circulatory system and heart
  5. In the fight against oncology
  6. For cell regeneration
  7. Against inflammatory processes
  8. To cleanse the body
  9. Against diabetes
  10. Who should not use
  11. Conclusion

Витаминный состав кабачков

Vitamin composition of squash

Vitamin and mineral composition

The dietary vegetable contains only 27 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value:

  • 0.6 g ( less than 1%) protein;
  • 0.3 g (less than 1%) fat;
  • 4.6 g (3.59%) carbohydrates;
  • 1 g (5%) of dietary fiber;
  • 93.5 g (3.63%) of water.

What vitamins are found in zucchini (per 100 g):

  • PP and niacin – 0.6 mg each;
  • pyridoxine – 0.11 mg;
  • pantothenic acid and alpha-tocopherol – 0, 1 mg;
  • beta-carotene, riboflavin and thiamine – 0.03 mg each;
  • ascorbic acid – 15 mg;
  • folate – 14 mcg;
  • biotin – 0.4 mcg.

Compared to white cabbage, zucchini contains 2 times more potassium.

Macro and microelements (per 100 g):

  • potassium – 238 g ;
  • calcium – 15 mg;
  • phosphorus – 12 mg;
  • magnesium – 9 mg;
  • sodium – 2 mg;
  • iron – up to 1 mg.

The chemical composition contains mono- and disaccharides and saturated fatty acids.

In what form is more useful

Сырой овощ снижает уровень холестерина

A raw vegetable lowers cholesterol

The content of vitamins and minerals in a vegetable marrow has little effect on their variety, color, shape and size, however, the benefits of this vegetable depend on the form in which it is consumed.

  • During heat treatment, vitamins of group B are preserved, with the exception of B1, B9 and B2, which lose about 45% of their benefits at high temperatures.
  • During sterilization, the vegetable preserves vitamin A if do not increase the temperature more than 120 ° C.
  • Almost does not remain when the ascorbic acid is heated.
  • When cooked on fire, vitamin E is preserved.
  • The nutritional value of the product is significantly reduced during the freezing process and long-term storage.

Zucchini dishes should be consumed immediately after their preparation, avoiding reheating, which destroys the vitamin-mineral composition of the vegetable.

For the prevention of a number of diseases, squash is used in a different form:

  • vegetable helps to lower cholesterol, use th raw or cooked without oil;
  • enhances cell regeneration in a stew or baked;
  • digestion can adjust boiled or fried vegetable.

What are the benefits

Nutritionists consider squash a natural medicine. They recommend including it in the diet for people with a tendency to gain weight, as well as those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, the young vegetable has the greatest benefit.

For cooking, it is recommended to opt for dense zucchini, whose age is no more than 10 days. They contain the greatest amount of healthy substances. Overgrown vegetables are stiff in structure, and their flesh is less juicy.

Vegetables should be used as a disease prevention.

For the circulatory system and heart

Vitamins and minerals are indispensable for normalizing the heart and maintaining the circulatory system in a healthy state:

  • vitamins A and C contained in the squash cleanse the vascular system, lowering blood cholesterol, which can be prevented the appearance of problems with the cardiovascular system, lowering cholesterol while provided by the activation of the liver and the rapid processing of fats under the action of bile acids, which the liver produces during the digestion of squash fibers;
  • the available magnesium in the squash acts as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes;
  • strengthens blood vessels and regulates potassium pressure level, in combination with magnesium, it is an effective antidepressant.

When fighting against oncology

Кабачки нормализуют пищеварение

Zucchini normalize digestion

In the fight against cancer of the intestine, fiber contained in zucchini is effective, which supports normal digestion processes, normalizes blood sugar and removes unhealthy carcinogens.

For cell regeneration

The growth of free radicals is prevented by folic acid, which is part of the vegetable and acts together with A and C antioxidants idantom exposure with high effectively. These elements prevent aging by positively affecting cellular regeneration.

The rapid healing of wounds and keeping the skin in good condition depends on the manganese and amino acids that are present in zucchini. Manganese helps to absorb proteins and carbohydrates, producing sex hormones and participating in the process of acid synthesis.

Against inflammatory processes

Ascorbic acid in the composition suppresses the activity of most pathogenic bacteria, which are pathogens of inflammatory processes in the body.

Copper allows avoiding joint inflammation and preventing the development of arthritis.

To cleanse the body

Liquid and pectins have a strong diuretic effect they remove unnecessary salts and about ischayut body of toxins.

Against diabetes

Zucchini seeds contain E and plant-derived fats. Using them in dried form can help in the treatment of diabetes and cope with depressive states.

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Who should not eat

A dietary product has practically no contraindications, you just have to follow the recommendations for its preparation, avoiding, in some cases ( for example, with elevated cholesterol), the use of oils.

There are rare attacks of flatulence and allergic reactions, which is a consequence of the individual intolerance to the vegetable.


Squash – a dietary product that contains a rich vitamin and mineral set that supports the human body ka in a healthy state.

To preserve the useful properties of the vegetable, it is recommended to use it fresh or cook it without raising the temperature mode to more than 100 ° C.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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