What an onion can do – care

Of course, there are many different indoor plants, but I keep only those that bloom beautifully. The lush blooming bulbous are among my special favorites. Perhaps the most beloved – Gippeastrum, which is often (and incorrectly) called amaryllis. His homeland is South America. In the rooms, mostly hybrids grow with flowers much more beautiful than the original species. The leaves of the hybrid hippeastrum are long linear, the bulb is large, the funnel-shaped flowers sit in 2-6 pieces on the crown of a tall and thick peduncle. Depending on the variety, they can be from pale pink to dark red, sometimes variegated, with strokes and specks. Large bulbs form two arrows.

What an onion can do. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Guérin Nicolas

The plant is photophilous, it needs to take sunny places, it grows well in rooms on windows facing south, southeast, southwest. For the flowering of hippeastrum, a period of deep rest is required. By adjusting its timing and duration, you can have flowering plants all year round.

For the rest period, I put the pot with hippeastrum in a dark place, water it rarely and little by little, so that the earth does not dry out.

His flowers, however, like other bulbous ones, do not open at the same time. But there are several of them on the arrow, and therefore, in general, flowering lasts 2-3 weeks. The pot is not needed very large (from the edge of the bulb to the edge of the pot, the distance should be 1,5-3 cm). In a too spacious container, the plant heals and may not bloom for a long time.

PancratiumPancratium (Pancratium). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com James Steakley

I plant the bulb so that half sticks out of the soil, I water it with mullein infusion 1-2 times a month.

I propagate the hippeastrum with a baby, which I separate from the mother’s bulb when planting. Rare varieties can be propagated with scales, but this is troublesome and time consuming.

Well, those who have the time and desire can start breeding. I crossed two copies – pink and red, and several burgundy and pink ones grew from the seeds. And one seedling was white with scarlet shading. We called him Tatu.

Another favorite of mine – crinum – originally from South America too. Its leaves are long, linear, bright green. The large bulb is covered with thin light gray protective films. Fragrant white-pink flowers are collected in 6-10 pieces. Crinum blooms usually in spring or summer. Large bulbs sometimes have 2 flowers open at the same time.

Krinum needs a bright, sunny place, and the pot for it must be large. I transplant old plants every 2-3 years, while the bulb should be visible by a third from the ground.

HippeastrumГиппеаструм (Hippeastrum). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Drew Avery

Eucharis, or Amazonian lily, is a very beautiful bulbous plant with beautiful white fragrant flowers. Its leaves are wide, dark, shiny, on long petioles.

Eucharis blooms once, sometimes twice a year – in autumn and spring, in winter, during dormancy, it requires moderate watering (but more abundant than hippeastrum). The plant is light-loving. The pot he needs is small, low and wide. It refuses to bloom in a spacious area until the numerous bulbs fill it and it becomes cramped for them. Therefore, it should be transplanted no more than once every 4 years, and the bulbs are completely buried.

CrinumКринум (Crinum). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Forest & Kim Starr

I really love pankration… Its white fragrant flowers are similar to ancient lace because of the narrow thin “petals”. Flowering time is autumn or early winter. Pancracy blooms best on southeastern windows. Watering is moderate during flowering and rather sparse during dormancy. Plants should be transplanted in the spring once every 2-3 years. The bulb is sunk into the ground only by one third, the baby is separated for reproduction.

Clevia, or kaffir lily, as the name suggests, came to us from South Africa. This plant is remarkable for its unpretentiousness. Clivia has long, dense, dark green leaves. The flowers are orange-red, gathered in a bunch on the crown of the peduncle. There can be up to 40 of them on one arrow, on old plants there are up to 5-6 arrows at the same time. Old specimens can bloom again in winter. I propagate clivia with seeds and daughter bulbs.

Эухарис (Eucharis)Эухарис (Eucharis). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Density

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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