What can be considered a large apiary

In our homeland, the owner of a hundred beehives causes some envy in his closest neighbors, mixed with respect. Such an apiary is considered an object of desires and aspirations for novice beekeepers. But what is really the case – what is considered a really big apiary in the world?

The content of the article

  • 1 What is beekeeping business
  • 2 How are things in Ukraine
  • 3 The situation in Russia
  • 4 What is happening abroad
  • 5 In conclusion

What is beekeeping business

In general terms, owning thirty or more hives can be safely attributed to a small family business. Such a number of bees, with proper care, produces a sufficient amount of marketable honey for sale during the season. This is a great combination of a hobby and a significant extra income for the family budget.

However, commercial production starts with apiaries with over 1 hives. This is the minimum that allows you to withstand the market competition with dignity. For Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the former CIS, this is quite a large apiary, which employs not only the owners of the farm, but also hired workers.

But overseas, 1 beehives is just the minimum threshold for entering a serious business. So many bee houses are kept by an ordinary commercial apiary. It turns out that in our countries we are only making up for lost time and chasing progress – for a really large production of honey.

How are things in Ukraine

Ukrainian beekeepers are famous for the production of high-quality bee products. The country is one of the largest suppliers of natural honey in the world.

apiary savina

The largest beekeeping farm was previously located in the Belogorsk region of Crimea. Here, in the village of Divnoe, Vyacheslav Savin lives – the owner of more than eleven hundred beehives. Vyacheslav is engaged in alternative medicine – bioenergetic bee therapy, has several international certificates in this area. Also in his personal collection is a Ukrainian patent issued for the invention and promotion of a technique for the treatment of bioenergetic fields in humans.


The beekeeper has developed his own design of bee houses, the features of which are kept secret. It significantly increases the efficiency of bee colonies. And the location of the farm in a favorable climatic zone – on the territory of the reserve, allows you to get healing honey. Many plants here, such as wild ivy, bloom until early November. Bees collect nectar from twenty two thousand hectares, pollinating rare honey plants and medicinal herbs of the Kubalach tract.

The situation in Russia

The rapidly growing Russian apiary belongs to the Nikolaev family from the Kemerovo region. According to its owner, Dmitry, from the Urals to the Far East in Russia, few keep more than 1 bee colonies. Farms of this size are fully automated. There is necessarily a separate shop for pumping out marketable honey, hired workers are involved.

It is noteworthy that the Nikolaevs’ business began as a hobby. For many years Dmitry kept four to eight beehives for the needs of his family. And since 2012, the beekeeper, inspired by the example of his Russian colleagues, began to increase production volumes. At that time, the apiary consisted of only twenty bee colonies. Two years later, there were already 120 of them and the growth did not stop there.

In 2014, businessmen downloaded five tons of honey for the first time. Today the family sells all its products abroad and in eight Russian minimarkets. Thanks to the development of his apiary, Nikolay became the winner of two competitions at once: “I am a businessman” and “Business success”.



It should be noted that industrial beekeeping in Russia has been actively developing since 1947. But, despite the fact that Russian beekeepers have been engaged in this trade since the XNUMXth century and it is well known to our contemporaries, now in Russia there are only separate large bee farms.

Gennady Stepanenko, the author of educational video courses and master classes for novice beekeepers, is a practicing beekeeper himself with twenty years of experience, contributing to the active spread of the trade.

And V. Martyanov, a hereditary beekeeper, often published in specialized magazines, pays great attention to working with hives-loungers in his written works. He devotes all materials to the breeding of the Central Russian breed and the peculiarities of this business in Russia.

What is happening abroad

Canada is the flagship of beekeeping in the world. Ten thousand beekeepers live in this country.

A large Canadian bee farm is five to six thousand beehives. Some farms simultaneously contain 12 bee colonies using the so-called Canadian technology.

The labor of hired workers here is mechanized as much as possible. There are special loaders, pallets for beehives, lines for pumping out commercial honey. There is a carpentry workshop where hives are assembled and repaired, frames and other beekeeping equipment are made.

canadian workshop

A separate item of income is the payment received for pollination of flowering fields and gardens. Canadian beekeepers make an average of $ 50 to $ 100 for one pollinating hive. Therefore, nomadic apiaries are extremely developed. This is how the transportation of hives at an industrial level looks like:

preparation for the wandering

It is noteworthy that the United States does not differ in mass production of honey. It is bought in the same Canada. And this is up to 15-000 tons of products (half of the average annual Canadian collection).

We will talk about industrial bee breeding, its features for different countries of the world and the prospects for this industry in separate articles.

What is an industrial design apiary

In conclusion

This material was collected to inspire novice beekeepers and to confirm the effectiveness of beekeeping. Breeding bees is beneficial if you approach business wisely – after reading the relevant literature and consulting more experienced colleagues.

In addition, keeping bees is an additional opportunity for live communication with nature and a purely aesthetic pleasure.

This is what a point with hives looks like, placed in a picturesque area:

in Germany

Original hives in Germany

The beekeeping can be kept in such a way that it will attract the attention of tourists who are fond of visiting ecologically clean places. A beautiful apiary with well-groomed hives, well-equipped utility rooms and a mandatory sale of bee products for its visitors is another source of income for both a beginner and an experienced beekeeper.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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