All beekeeping products have amazing properties. Beeswax has an extremely wide range of uses and occupies a special position in traditional medicine. Of all the primary beekeeping products, it has been and remains one of the most versatile and most widely used for health purposes.
What is beeswax and how is it obtained
Beeswax is a rather complex product, which is secreted in liquid form by special wax glands on the abdominal cavity of young worker bees (aged 12 to 17 days). This task is carried out exclusively by worker bees. The wax glands of adult insects atrophy after they begin their daily flights.
Wax scales form on the anterior part of the sternal plates of the abdominal cavity. Eight wax glands are located above the pectoral plates of the abdomen, 4 on each side. Liquefied wax is released, which, when exposed to air, hardens into thin flakes. Used to build honeycombs and fortify the entire hive.
The purest and most natural wax, translucent or light shades. Depends on the thickness of the plates. The younger the bee, the thinner they are. Light, golden or yellow shades are more common. The beautiful color is achieved thanks to pollen and propolis, which naturally color beeswax. The dark brown color is due to excessive amounts of pollen oils and propolis.
Raw material is obtained in the process of reheating and filtering honeycombs and cuttings directly in the apiary. Achieving a pure yellow hue will require several repetitions. Poured into molds. After cooling and removing it is already completely ready for use.
You can buy a useful product in highly specialized outlets, at farmers’ markets, at beekeepers, in pharmacies. Differs in color, shapes. The sizes depend on the target consumption. The use of beeswax is important both at home and as part of medical preparations.
Useful properties beeswax
The modern pharmaceutical industry offers medicines for humans and animals as part of the production. Usually used naturally. Among the main ones, the following can be mentioned:
- Oral cavity care. The wax is rich in vitamin A with antioxidants. It has a good healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used to prevent and treat bad breath, ulcers in the inflammatory process of the gum mucosa.
- Stomach upset is resolved by chewing the product. The production of stomach acid and saliva is stimulated.
- Heals various skin diseases.
- Gives shine to nails, strengthens them.
The benefits of beeswax for the human body:
- antibacterial and preservative effect;
- a natural remedy that is harmful to bacteria and microbes;
- antiseptic;
- regenerating substance;
- removes many harmful substances and removes poisons;
- prevents and treats colds and viral diseases;
- removes inflammation of the mucous membranes;
- heals the oral cavity;
- helps to get rid of tobacco addiction;
- fully replaces the dentifrice;
- irreplaceable in case of damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, burns, frostbite);
- used for trophic ulcers, eczema, scaly lichen;
- relieves joint pain;
- eliminates the accumulation of fluids in tissues and skin redness;
- normalizes blood circulation;
- increases appetite.
The chemical and physical properties of beeswax are known in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica.
Many people ask questions about food intake and acceptable amount. When chewed, a small portion may enter the stomach. Even a small dose can help treat colitis. But the daily dose should not exceed 15 g.
The chemical composition of beeswax
Beeswax is a combination of different long-chain molecules. Consists of over 300 components, although surprisingly pure beeswax is made up of three elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Of these 300 ingredients, about 50 contribute to the wonderful honey smell that many people love.
The exact chemical composition does not exist, like any beekeeping product:
- hydrocarbons (12% -16%);
- free fatty acids (12-14%);
- free fatty alcohols (about 1%);
- linear wax monoesters (35-45%);
- esters of wax (15% -27%);
- exogenous substances, which are mainly the remnants of propolis, pollen, small pieces of flower component factors and pollution.
The composition of beeswax can vary between different families and different breeds of bees, as there is a possibility that wax production is closely related to bees’ genetics and diet.
Beeswax: benefits and harms
Wax is widely used in folk and traditional medicine, in cosmetology, in the technical industry. Considering the benefits and harms of beeswax, you should pay attention to its chemical content and use for various ailments.
A natural beekeeping product has no contraindications and restrictions in use, except for individual intolerance. It is important to note that in alternative medicine, beeswax can also be used for people with allergies.
External treatment with beeswax
In folk medicine, the external use of wax is often provided. It is not difficult to prepare various creams, ointments or balms on your own at home.
Ointment based on natural ingredients is one of the most effective and safest remedies:
- removes inflammatory processes;
- breaks through the sinuses, draws out a purulent accumulation;
- removes puffiness of the mucous membrane;
- facilitates breathing;
- helps to get rid of headaches in the area of the bridge of the nose;
- restores and heals.
You will need 50 g of beeswax, 150 g of olive oil, and a steep yolk. Grind all components until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Put on low heat until completely dissolved. Cool and insist. Apply as an ointment or drops.
Pain in the joints
For joint diseases, traditional medicine based on beeswax helps.
- melt 50 g of wax;
- put chopped yarrow, St. John’s wort on a tablespoon;
- stir thoroughly.
Rub your joints before bed. You can apply a cloth bandage. When treating sprains, mix wax with dry mustard. Apply in a thin layer. Wrap with a warm towel.
- wax 100 g;
- honey a teaspoon.
Apply to diseased areas of the body. Cover with compressor paper and a woolen shawl. Withstand 40 – 60 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for ten days.
- Put warm wax on a cotton base;
- apply to the joint for 20 minutes, previously wrapped in a warm cloth.
Carry out daily, in a course of up to fourteen days.
Calluses and corns
To get rid of calluses and corns:
- 40 g wax;
- 40 g of propolis;
- lime juice.
Before the procedure, you need to steam your legs. Apply mixture and bandage. It will take three to four sessions. After that, the removal will be much easier. Regular use prevents calluses. The composition not only moisturizes the skin, but also maintains water balance.
Cracked heels
Wax promotes rapid healing of cracks. To do this, you will need: base, sea buckthorn oil 15 drops, licorice root in the form of powder 15 g. Pre-steam your legs. Apply the ointment for 20 minutes. Rinse off with running water, remove residues with a damp swab. Lightly rub in clean wax.
Trophic ulcers
Recipes for ointments and balms for the treatment of abscesses and wounds are prepared from:
- 250 g wax;
- 1 liter of olive oil;
- 150 g nettle;
- 100 g of resin;
- 30 g hemp seeds;
- 60 g of aloe;
- 50 g of chamomile.
Mix herbal decoctions with wax. Soak for 30 minutes in a water bath. Strain and place in a glass container. Store in a cool place. Apply to problem areas for 30 minutes. Remove with a swab, rinse under warm water.
The use of beeswax in cosmetology
Beeswax is a good, proven, indispensable ingredient in the cosmetics industry. The uses are nearly endless. Unique characteristics give a certain value to liquid solutions, promote the formation of stable emulsions and increase the water resistance of ointments and creams.
Preferred ingredient for lipsticks. Provides natural shine, retains consistency and stabilizes color. Use in cosmetology:
- in cold creams (8-12% beeswax);
- deodorants (up to 35%);
- depilators (hair removal products, up to 50%);
- hair cream (5-10%);
- hair conditioners (1-3%);
- mascara (6-12%);
- blush (10-15%);
- eyeshadow (6-20%) and others.
For hair
It is used for treatment and as an additive in basic care, for hair styling. Restores damaged hair structure, strengthens the bulb, adds volume, enhances natural shine, and facilitates combing. It also retains moisture and prevents loss.
Revitalizing mask:
- melt a quarter of a glass of wax;
- add a tablespoon of the main oils of sea buckthorn, wheat germ, apricot to the warm mixture;
- a couple of drops of essential oils, depending on the type of hair (for dry – flaxseed, coconut, for oily – grape, almond);
- cool to a pleasant application temperature;
- rub in the direction of growth;
- wrap with a film and a towel for 20 – 40 minutes;
- wash off with shampoo.
Treatment with masks can be repeated once or twice every two weeks. Depending on the health of the hair.
For facial skin
The unique properties of natural wax are widely known for rejuvenating and maintaining the tone of the face and the whole body, in the treatment of acne and irritations.
Beauty recipes:
Universal cream:
- base 50 g;
- retinol 10 drops;
- almond oil and peach oil 10 drops;
- rose oil and sea buckthorn 5 drops each.
Stir well. Store in an airtight container in a dark, cool place.
For dry skin, against flaking:
- wax 50 g;
- retinol 10 drops;
- jasmine and peach oil 10 drops each;
- avocado oil and pumpkin seed oil, 5 drops.
To stir thoroughly. Store in a glass container in a dark, cool place.
For teenage skin:
- Organic material 60g;
- glycerin 1 tablespoon;
- sea buckthorn oil and apricot 10 drops each;
- sesame oil 5 drops.
For lips:
- wax 20 g;
- rose oil, peach oil, wheat germ 3 drops each.
All oils in creams and masks can be changed depending on the characteristics of the skin and the individual tolerance of the components.
For nails
Beautiful and healthy nails are an indicator of well-groomed hands. Often the nail plates undergo delamination. The problem is eliminated after undergoing a treatment course with vitamins and minerals. With local treatment, beeswax helps:
- strengthens, prevents possible problems;
- returns natural shine to nails;
- softens cuticles;
- creates a protective coating;
- relieves inflammation, accelerates wound healing;
- prevents infection.
Recovery procedures:
- rubbing into the nail plates;
- baths;
- a cream consisting of wax, essential oils and essential oils.
For the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, in the treatment of cough, inhalations based on beeswax are used. Also, simple chewing of the product helps to cope with angina, rhinitis and asthma.
Put 50 g of propolis, 30 g of wax in an enamel pot. Melt in a water bath. Inhale vapors for 15 – 20 minutes twice a day. The procedure takes up to ten days. After four days, you can repeat the course.
Contraindications for use
Beekeeping products, including wax, have virtually no restrictions on their use. Exceptions include individual intolerance. In order to avoid allergic reactions, a small amount must be melted before use and applied to the wrist. In the absence of redness, itching can be applied without limitation.
How to distinguish a fake
Sometimes a synthetic version of beeswax is on sale. To obtain a larger volume of goods and benefits, unscrupulous persons dilute the natural product with paraffin, rosin or other ingredients.
Important indicators of the naturalness of beeswax:
- there is a honey aroma;
- pronounced golden shades (from light to brown);
- the cut is matte, on a fake – smooth with a pronounced shine;
- does not crumble in hands, flexible;
- does not leave oily stains;
- does not stick to the oral cavity when chewed;
- firm consistency, a bar of the correct type;
- does not change color when heated.
Beeswax storage rules
The product is highly resistant to external conditions:
- does not absorb liquid;
- does not oxidize;
- low probability of drying out;
- initial weight;
- resistant to various microorganisms.
But it has a high absorption of third-party odors. In case of storage violations, it is exposed to external pests: mice and rats, wax moth larvae.
Store in an airtight, dry, preferably glass or enamel container. Rooms with low humidity are suitable, it is advisable to exclude direct sunlight. Temperature within 20 ° C. Shelf-life Unlimited. With long-term storage, a light gray coating may appear, which indicates its natural origin.
Often people do not know all the useful properties of a valuable product and refer it to recyclable materials. Natural medicine is used in many areas of pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and industry, and other areas of human activity.