What is propolis honey and how to use it

Honey with propolis is a novelty on the domestic market, although this combination of bee products is well known in folk medicine. It is believed to be a versatile medicine suitable for both oral and external use.

Propolis honey and its use is the topic of today’s article. We will find out what medicinal properties a folk remedy has, how it looks and is prepared at home. By the way, a 250 gram jar of this market product costs approximately 250-300 rubles.

The content of the article

  • 1 Healing properties
  • 2 Appearance and taste
  • 3 Proportions
  • 4 Temperature conditions
  • 5 Storage conditions
  • 6 How to cook
    • 6.1 The second option
  • 7 About dosages
  • 8 Ingestion
  • 9 Application externally
  • 10 Противопоказания
    • 10.1 How to determine portability

Healing properties

Propolis was recognized by official medicine as a medicine two hundred years ago. In terms of its characteristics, it is comparable to antibiotics and anesthetic drugs (52 times superior to novocaine in terms of anesthetic power).

It includes:

  • aromatic components;
  • flavones;
  • minerals;
  • resin.

Many components of propolis are still unknown or not fully understood.

It is believed that bees get this sticky, bitter-tart substance by collecting resinous substances from the buds of trees. Mainly donors are conifers, as well as birches, poplars.

Laboratory studies of the bee product were carried out all over the world. Scientists have found that propolis:

  • destroys viruses, bacteria, including staphylococci;
  • helps in the cure of tuberculosis;
  • strengthens the immune system, being a strong immunostimulant;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • heals wounds and relieves inflammation of the skin;
  • removes radionuclides, toxins, slags;
  • reduces inflammatory processes in the body;
  • prevents the formation and development of tumors.

We have written about the benefits of natural honey many times.

Read: Natural bee honey – its benefits and possible harm

Therefore, we will simply emphasize once again that mixing both bee products enhances their medicinal characteristics – the so-called synergy effect is achieved.

Appearance and taste

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Propolis gives honey a special greenish tint. The higher the percentage of bee glue in the mixture, the greener the honey.

But the honey product masks the characteristic bitter taste. Therefore, taking it inside is much more pleasant than propolis oil or alcohol tincture.


The percentage or concentration of propolis can be different. It depends on the specific recipe used for a particular disease.

Usually these are indicators from one to ten to fifteen percent. That is, for 100 grams of the mixture, from 1 to 10-15 grams of bee glue is taken.

For example, 10 percent propolis honey is 90 grams of honey product and 10 grams of bee glue.

Temperature conditions

When cooking at home, you must remember about the temperature regime!

Heat treatment at temperatures above 40 degrees is undesirable for natural honey. Heat has a negative effect on its chemical composition. Herbal antibiotics and vitamins are destroyed, and sugars change.

And propolis, on the contrary, is difficult to clean from impurities without heating to 80 and more degrees. But first it is well cooled in the refrigerator to achieve brittleness. In this case, it is easier to grind the bee glue with a knife or with a coarse grater.

Storage conditions

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The prepared mixture is stored for a year. To avoid fermentation, three conditions must be met – exclude:

  • direct sunlight;
  • increase in humidity in the room (its indicators should not exceed 60 percent);
  • temperature fluctuations below +8 and above +18 degrees.

That is, you don’t need to use the refrigerator. It is enough to place the jars with the mixture in a dry pantry.

The product is scooped up with a wooden clean spoon to avoid oxidation and accidentally start the fermentation process. The storage container should be a glass, tightly sealed lid.

How to cook

In a water bath at 40 degrees, the honey product is melted (if it is in a candied state). Liquid honey is also heated to ensure good mixing.

Bee glue is removed from the refrigerator, grated and added to the honey product. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

When warm, filter through a double gauze or strainer. Poured into small jars, corked with a tight-fitting lid and taken out into the pantry.

The second option

Only propolis can be heated. The same water bath is used, but at higher temperatures.

In this case, bee glue dissolves better and faster (important for heavily contaminated samples), turning into a creamy mass. It is filtered, separating impurities.

After cooling to 40 degrees, this mass is poured into a liquid honey product, mixed thoroughly. It turns out creamy honey, which is most often sold on the market.

Storage is similar to the first recipe – in glass containers placed in a dry and cool enough pantry.

About dosages

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Usually for external use a mixture of a higher concentration is used, and for oral administration of a lower one – from 1 to 5 percent.

For rinsing the throat, mouth, vaginal douching in women, lotions for hemorrhoids, a 5 percent mixture is used.

Oral dosages:

  • half a teaspoon for a 3 percent mixture;
  • a quarter teaspoon for a 5 percent mixture.

For inhalations for bronchitis, pharyngitis, colds, flu, water solutions are most often used in a one-to-one ratio (one part of the mixture to one part of boiled water or herbal decoction).


Treatment with honey with propolis:

With viral and bacterial infections (for example, sore throat, stomatitis), flu – a short course of 0,5-1 teaspoon twice a day. Additionally, rinse your mouth or throat with a one-to-one ratio of water.

To lower blood pressure and strengthen immunity – half a teaspoon twice a day for two weeks. The product dissolves in the mouth.

For the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, other gastrointestinal pathologies – a teaspoon two to three times a day for two to three weeks.

Inside, the agent is taken half an hour before meals.

For children from ten years of age, the adult dosage is halved. (one-twentieth of the adult dose is taken for a year of life). And when inhaled, it is diluted with water one to three or one to five.

Application externally

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Application of honey with propolis externally:

For wounds, abscesses, injuries – the product is applied to a piece of cotton fabric and applied to the problem area for half an hour.

With bronchitis, pneumonia – the compress is applied to the chest area without affecting the heart area.

With sinusitis, lingering rhinitis – wash the nasal passages with an aqueous solution (one part of the mixture for three or five parts of boiled water).

With a strong cough – do daily inhalations with an aqueous solution in a ratio of one to three or one to five until the condition is relieved. For adults, the proportion is one to one if the medicine is well tolerated and there is no discomfort.


Natural honey and bee glue have a number of contraindications. Therefore, the mixture is used with caution, or they refuse to use it completely:

  • with food intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • with obesity;
  • with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with skin diseases of an allergic nature.

How to determine portability

Approximately one person in a thousand cannot stand the consumption of natural honey. An allergic reaction to propolis occurs in two percent of the population.

Before using the mixture for treatment, you must ensure that it is safe for health.

For this, the products are tested for tolerance separately:

  • taste honey on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • and propolis is placed under the tongue in the amount of a small grain.

If there is a burning sensation in the mouth, the tongue stiffens, any other unpleasant symptoms appear, home treatment with bee products is completely abandoned.

Read: How to recognize and treat honey allergies

Also, both components of the mixture can cause allergies in case of overdose. Do not increase the single dose and the number of doses per day!

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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