What to do if chicken has goiter

Those who are engaged in poultry farming should know what to do if the chicken has goiter, as this happens quite often. The fact is that when keeping chickens, few people think about the quality of feed, feeding the bird with waste. Such food is more suitable for pigs, but not for poultry. It is because of malnutrition that winged animals may develop goiter blockage.This article tells in more detail about this problem: what to do if the goiter is swollen, what causes it to swell, what diseases it indicates and how to treat them.

  1. Why a chicken
  2. gets goitered in a chicken Inflammatory process in a goiter
  3. Treatment <
  4. Features of candidal blockage of a goiter
  5. How to clean the goiter with blockage
  6. Treatment of goiter sac candidiasis
  7. Prevention of goiter sac inflammation
  8. Reason sagging goiter
  9. Blockage and inflammation
  10. Mechanical damage to the goiter
  11. Conclusion <

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is clogged in chicken. Why goiter is clogged in chicken

Goiter is a digestive organ whose function is to soften all food taken, how it begins to be digested in the stomach. If the function of goiter is not fully fulfilled, the entire cycle of digestion of food is disrupted, the bird loses nutrients and starves. This condition should not be underestimated, since often obstruction, obstruction of goiter in chickens and the condition when it swells, become the direct cause of death of hens and even small chickens.On video or photos posted on the Internet by experienced poultry farmers, you can see how sick chickens look with an enlarged goiter.

A clogged goiter can be not only the result of improper or excessive nutrition. This disease condition can be caused by diseases such as:

  • inflammation in the goiter;
  • organ trauma;
  • fungal disease;
  • pathology of the structure of the organ (most often found in broilers).

It is worth examining each of the reasons in more detail to know how to help the laying hen.

Inflammatory process in goiter

Inflammation of the goiter is not uncommon. Usually, the development of the inflammatory process is caused by the introduction of fungi, pathogenic bacteria or parasites into the organ. The development of the disease may be accompanied by a lack of vitamin A in the daily diet of hens. Due to the fact that poultry lacks this group of vitamins, the mucous membrane of the goiter is changed, it becomes loose, thereby creating an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

If the fungus called Candida, the disease is not contagious, quarantine is not necessary.

Symptoms of chicken candidiasis are:

  • impaired general condition;
  • impaired appetite, chicken even water is indifferent;
  • a sharp decrease in egg production ;
  • avoidance of motor activity by a layer; she most often lies.

If you find one or more of these symptoms, you should immediately examine the goiter of the bird. Most likely the goiter is hard, swollen, and the smell from the beak is sharply unpleasant and putrid. In addition, you can see that the chicken lost weight, the quality of its plumage decreased: it became rare and disheveled. Do not underestimate this condition – goiter candidiasis requires urgent treatment.


A clogged goiter can be cured not only with surgery. If you notice a deviation in the condition of the bird, then you can help yourself at home. The first thing to do is to find out what caused the inflammation, the treatment will depend on this. For example, if a hard goiter is found during palpation, but the bird usually behaves, most likely there is no goiter inflammation – this is a temporary digestive disorder. In such cases, you need to transfer the chicken to diet food, feed it only with soft food, give a lot to drink. The food can be boiled potatoes, boiled chicken eggs, boiled porridge and so on. In addition, you need to do a mild goiter massage, which will help ensure that the food passes further along the esophagus.

If, at the same time as the goiter is modified, the bird feels uncomfortable, eats and drinks, becomes lethargic, has poor eggs, and you can suspect inflammatory process in the goiter. First you need to try the diet, which was mentioned earlier.At the same time, probiotics and drugs that will improve digestion should be given to the chicken. If this did not help, then the question will arise about surgical intervention: the veterinarian surgeon cleanses the digestive organ by means of a small incision in the throat, which is then carefully sutured. After the procedure, the chicken is transferred to a special diet, which will include probiotics to restore digestion function.

Features of candida blockage of goiter

As mentioned earlier, , that a chicken has a large goiter, may be a consequence of the excessive development of a fungus of the genus Candida in the organ. This variant of the disease does not threaten other birds and animals, as it is not contagious. It is impossible to get infected with a candida in principle, since this fungus is normally found in any living organism, but its amount should not exceed the norm.

Nevertheless, there are often cases when the body malfunctions and the fungus begins to multiply at a tremendous speed . This usually happens when the immunity of the layers is lowered for one reason or another. to prevent candidiasis, you need to give the chickens proper care, monitor their nutrition, add a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to it.

How to clean the goiter during blockage

The very first the challenge facing the owner of a sick chicken is to clean its goiter. It is important to clean the entire goiter bag, freeing it of liquid and food debris.We will describe in detail how to do this correctly if the goiter is still clogged:

  • you need to take the sick chicken in your arms;
  • lower it so that the head hangs down;
  • press the wings to her body;
  • feel the swollen goiter with your left hand;
  • make pushing movements with your hand.

If everything is done correctly , the characteristic sounds of how liquid and air are squeezed out will be heard. After some time, it will be possible to see how a gray liquid begins to flow from the beak, which has a sharply unpleasant sour smell. These are the candida mushrooms. to make the process go faster, it is recommended to shake the chicken a little while simultaneously massaging the goiter with fingers.

Treatment of goiter sac candidiasis

After the goiter has been cleaned of extraneous contents, go to the stage of direct treatment. It will begin by treating the pharynx with an antibiotic solution. This is usually done with a conventional syringe filled with an antifungal medicine. It is recommended to use just such a method, and not injections, since when washing the solution gets to where it is needed. Veterinarians recommend performing such manipulation at least 2 times a day, the most effective drug is 10 percent beitril. The course of treatment is at least 5 days.

In addition, it is urgent to transfer the bird to a diet based on consumption yoghurts: they will help restore the normal function of goiter in chicken and chickens and the digestive system as a whole. From the usual feed and animal feed for a while have to give up.It is better to transfer the layer to a more sparing diet consisting of soft foods. It’s good if it contains vegetable oil: it will contribute to a better passage of food through the digestive tract.

This food should be adhered to for at least a month or longer, if necessary, as prescribed by the doctor. How to understand that the chicken is healthy? A complete recovery will be indicated by a situation where stagnation of food cannot be found during examination, and the goiter bag will become soft and supple, empty by touch.

Prevention of goiter inflammation

For in order to prevent the development of blockage of the goiter sac, sufficient attention should be paid to preventive measures. As mentioned earlier, the correct balanced nutrition plays an important role in prevention. It is important to monitor not only what the chicken eats, but also how much it eats, so that the goiter is not clogged with leftovers from undigested food.

In addition, you need to make up the diet so that it contains enough greenery . A chicken with chickens can peck grass on its own during a walk, or eat something that a farmer is picking on her. Such a meal should be at least 1 time per day, preferably in the morning. Poultry farmers recommend adding fish scales or small stones to the bird’s diet, which will help ensure that the food does not linger in the goiter bag. To prevent stagnation, you can add apple cider vinegar to the drinkers, while respecting the proportions.

Cause of sagging goiter

Sagging goiter in hens or chickens is an independent disease that can also make the goiter bag regularly clogged with food debris. The sagging of goiter itself is a consequence of the loss of muscle elasticity, which most often develops in birds of old age. This can be seen with the naked eye: the goiter looks puffy, enlarged, flabby, is at the level of the chicken breast, and is often filled with liquid or food. There is a chronic course of the disease, which occurs due to the fact that the chicken repeatedly suffered goiter diseases, including inflammatory ones.

Also among the causes of this disease, poor nutrition can be noted: its irregularity, lack of vitamins and minerals in stern. The fact is that the bird, receiving irregular nutrition, is trying to get enough, eating more than it can, which stretches the goiter muscles. Rarely stretched goiter can be seen in chickens. The reason for this phenomenon is improper feeding, when the chick eats without a brood. The fact is that the chicken, while feeding the chicken, does not allow him to overeat. This is produced in a natural and natural way.

Blockage and inflammation

Saggy goiter is associated with the fact that food is slowly transported to the stomach. It also happens that the muscles atrophy so much that they completely lose their contractile function. This is called atony.With this development, food ceases to be pushed further, its fermentation begins directly in the goiter, which entails a secondary attachment of the infection.

A stretched goiter bag is dangerous because it can burst. This can happen even against the background of the normal health of the chicken. It is the rupture that provokes the fact that fungi and bacteria are involved in the process, since an ideal environment is formed for them.

You also need to take into account that it is not possible to restore the elasticity of the organ, for this reason it is necessary to enrich the bird’s nutrition vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the goiter sac. In extreme cases, surgical intervention is used to restore the goiter to its normal physiological form.

Mechanical damage to the goiter

Quite often, the chicken is injured, some of which are caused by goiter . Conditionally, goiter sac damage can be divided into 2 groups:

  • internal;
  • external.

Internal injuries of the goiter in chicken mean that a foreign object got into the esophagus along with food and damaged a goiter bag. This can be, for example, sharp sawdust, a stone with a sharp end, etc. In addition, stale food that has already started to ferment can cause injury. When consumed, its volume grows, which stretches the walls of the goiter in birds.There is a high probability that undigested food will get into microscopic skin cracks, which will provoke an inflammatory process.

External injuries are the result of random mechanical actions, such as a blow, injuries resulting from a fight, a pet bite. If the wound is open, food will fall out, contributing to the process of suppuration. In addition, the feathered bird will be hungry, because the food will not get into the stomach in the right amount.

Treatment of both types of damage to the large goiter can only be surgical intervention, during which the goiter will be completely cleaned, as well as the wound will be sutured. In order to prevent infection or cure it, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used that will fight against pathogenic microflora. In addition, the chicken is traditionally transferred to a temporary diet, which involves eating only moist soft food.


We have listed all the conditions that can cause blockage of goiter. Now you know what symptoms should be wary, what should be done if you suspect a slaughtered goiter in chickens, what treatment should be, what stages it consists of, and why prevention of goiter blockage is needed. It is important to take the nutrition of chickens in all seriousness, as well as devote sufficient time to caring for them. In no case can you ignore the problem of large goiter.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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