What top dressing to choose for salad pepper seedlings

Timely feeding of pepper seedlings helps to get a healthy and rich harvest. We will talk about how to properly feed peppers in the article.

  1. Feeding rules
  2. Signs of nutritional deficiency
  3. Natural top dressing
  4. Ash <
  5. Egg shell
  6. Onions
  7. Banana peel
  8. Green tea
  9. Coffee, tea
  10. Organic fertilizers
  11. Yeast <
  12. Iod
  13. Tips by Oktyabrina Ganichkina
  14. First feeding
  15. Second feeding
  16. Preparation of fertilizers
  17. Nitrogen-potassium mixture

Подкормка для рассады салатного перца

Dressing for salad pepper seedlings

Feeding rules

Dressing pepper seedlings at home begins with the appearance of shoots. Fertilizing sprouts on window sills, do not neglect the advice of experienced vegetable growers:

  1. Use foliar top dressing with caution. It is better not to resort to such actions.
  2. Try not to pour liquid on the leaves. If this happens, wash off any drops of the nutrient mixtures with clean water.
  3. The seedlings of the culture require two top dressings before transplanting to a permanent place.
  4. Use warm water to prepare the nutrient mixtures. The vegetable will react poorly to cold water, its growth will slow down.
  5. Monitor the temperature in the room with shoots during feeding. Vegetable grows better in a warm room without drafts.
  6. Avoid overmoistening the soil. A properly organized process involves watering young sprouts in the evening, and feeding peppers seedlings the next morning.
  7. Do not fertilize the crop without special need. Excess dressing for only stronger sprouts of pepper can harm the vegetable.

Signs of malnutrition

To feed pepper seedlings at home, it is not necessary to use all available knowledge on this topic. Watch your seedlings carefully, and they will tell you the right time for making unscheduled servings of food. The culture reacts to a lack of nutrients in different ways:

  1. If the leaves of the seedlings turn pale or yellow, and the sprouts become thin plants, an insufficient amount of nitrogen comes in.
  2. Calcium deficiency is manifested by yellow-gray specks on foliage.
  3. The plant slows down the growth rate, and the root system does not grow with a lack of calcium and a simultaneous excess of nitrogen and potassium.
  4. The bushes began to turn yellow intensively if the amount of calcium received exceeds the recommended norms.
  5. Lack of iron is accompanied by white E stains all over the sheet plate.
  6. If the leaves of the plants began to blush, then it is not enough phosphorus.

When these signs appear, start feeding the vegetable by adjusting the amount of this or that element.

Natural dressings

Along with chemical preparations vegetable growers use folk remedies to feed pepper seedlings. There are a large number of recipes for such top dressing. The ingredients used are wood ash, ammonia, egg shells, banana peels, sour dairy products, yeast and much more.


Pepper loves wood ash. Gardeners recommend sprinkling soil with ash before feeding seedlings of any peppers. From the ash residue, you can also prepare self-feeding. Take three tablespoons of dry ash for every five liters of hot water. Mix thoroughly, leave to brew for a day, then strain. Pour pepper seedlings with the resulting solution.


The eggshell contains a huge amount of calcium. Therefore, a shell-based mixture will help restore the balance of this element in the soil. To prepare a nutritious cocktail, you need to take a shell from three eggs, wash it and dry it. Crush her. Pour this powder with three liters of water, leave to brew. Shake the mixture periodically. After three days, strain, dilute the infusion with clean water in a proportion of 1 to 3.


Use available remedies

Use onion peel to fertilize the seedlings of pepper. It disinfects the soil and enriches it with nutrients. Prepare an infusion of it. Pour half a bucket of husk with warm water, leave for five days to insist. Fertilize the sprouts with this infusion, after diluting it with water. To do this, for every 10 liters of water, take 40 ml of onion cocktail.

Banana peel

Topping pepper seedlings with folk remedies is very popular. Trends suggest using a banana peel to feed pepper seedlings. Scientists claim that it is a source of potassium. Dry the peel from the bananas, chop. In dry form, use this powder, sprinkling soil under the sprouts. To water the seedlings, prepare an infusion of skins. For three liters of water, take the peel of three bananas, soak for three days. Fertilizer is ready.

Green tea

Green folk infusion is used as folk remedies for feeding sweet pepper seedlings. Grind the ground green part of plants and fill it with water. Stand this composition for a week. Use infusion on herbs for watering. For each bush, spend 0.5 liters of tea. For nutritious tinctures suitable:

  • dandelion;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • coltsfoot.

The infusion can be prepared both from one herb or from a whole bouquet.

Coffee, tea

Try to use as top dressing for young seedlings of peppers with coffee grounds or tea leaves. Wash and dry the thick of the drunk coffee. Put it into the soil on the principle of ash, sprinkling under the bushes of pepper, or add to the soil at the stage of sowing seeds. Coffee enriches the earth with oxygen and nitrogen.

Tea bag brewing has a similar effect. Dry used bags, tear and sprinkle the contents from them. Dry the tea leaves and use them to fertilize the seedlings of peppers.

Organic fertilizers

Pepper loves organic fertilizers. Use slurry or chicken droppings. Pre-prepare the starting infusion. Take half a bucket of droppings of any birds, fill it with water. For two weeks the mixture will ferment. After that, it can be used as a nutrient mixture. Do not forget to dilute it with water. Gardeners recommend using twenty parts of water for one part of the infusion.

At home, the addition of iron sulfate will be relevant. This will prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor during fermentation. Add three hundred grams of vitriol to the infusion bucket.

Ash or organic

Manure is applied in the same way. For 10 liters of water you need 1 kg of slurry.The longer the composition is infused, the more nutritious the mixture will be. Before use, dilute the infusion with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 20.


Yeast is a good fertilizer for seedlings of peppers, they will provide the plant with phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to them, the root system develops, the green mass grows more intensively. During the day, insist 1 kg of yeast in five liters of water. This amount of infusion is enough for 50 liters of water. The yeast solution is ready to use.

Use dry yeast to prepare the infusion at the rate of 10 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. To activate yeast, add two tablespoons of sugar. The mixture is enough to insist for two hours. Use the solution, previously diluting with clean water at the rate of 0.5 liters of yeast infusion per 10 liters of water.


Fertilizer for pepper seedlings can be prepared with the addition of iodine. This drug improves the metabolism of plants, increases the resistance of plants to diseases. Iodine solution is prepared from 2 drops of iodine and 1 liter of water. Do not use iodine in large doses.

Experimentally prone vegetable growers have found that iodine solution flavored with 100 grams of whey works wonders for plants.

Tips by Oktyabrina Ganichkina

The well-known presenter of the program about Oktyabrina Ganichkina over twenty years of television experience gave a huge amount of advice on growing vegetables. She has a whole block of programs devoted to Bulgarian peppers.

The first top dressing

Ganichkina authoritatively declares that the first top dressing of pepper seedlings is needed after the appearance of two real leaves. At this stage, use the drug “Vegeta”. This is a liquid universal fertilizer that contains macro and macro elements. It is enough 10 ml per 1 liter of warm water. Carefully water the sprouts with the resulting solution.

Spend foliar top dressing. In one glass of pure water, add 1 tablespoon of a solution of growth stimulant. With this composition, spray seedlings. Such a procedure can be carried out only on condition that the shoots are not on the windowsill and are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Do not disturb the seedlings thus fed for one week. During this time, they should not even be watered.

Second feeding

The next time you can feed young seedlings of pepper, when there are already four real leaves on the sprouts. At this stage, use Agricola. The composition of this dry fertilizer is designed specifically for the nutrition of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. In one liter of warm water, dilute one teaspoon of fertilizer. To it add one teaspoon of the Energena or Bud solution.

Pour the seedlings with the resulting solution. Start watering from the edge of the containers in which the seedlings grow, gradually approaching the shoots themselves. This is done in order to give the root system a boost to intensive growth.

After watering, spray the sprouts with the “Bud” liquid fertilizer solution.

Fertilizer preparation

There are a fairly large number of finished products. There are gardeners who consider it appropriate to use chemical fertilizers for seedlings of peppers. They include micro and macro elements necessary for vegetable culture at each stage of development.

Using ready-made fertilizers, remember a few rules:

  1. Excess nutrients will harm plants , it is better to underfeed.
  2. Use liquid fertilizers.
  3. Dilute powder preparations in water in the required concentration.
  4. Pay attention to the possibility of using the drug for young seedlings.
  5. Reduce the dosage of the drug in half, unless otherwise specified in the instructions.

Choose Paraty, focusing on the state of germs. For the first fertilizer of pepper seedlings, a nitrogen-potassium cocktail is suitable. The second fertilizer application should be focused on phosphorus-containing preparations. Double the concentration of these elements, and reduce the urea content.

Nitrogen-potassium mixture

The easiest way to drink vegetable sprouts nitrogen and potassium is to feed it with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Mix three teaspoons of each fertilizer and dilute in a bucket of water. Before using this food, sprinkle the soil with ash.

In specialized stores, you can choose the drug at your discretion. Use these drugs strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

Growing pepper is troublesome. When feeding, do not try to pour and pour all available drugs. The plant will not approve. But these difficulties are temporary. Organize the right care, and the culture will thank for the attention paid to it with a good harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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