What will help accelerate the ripening of pepper

The climatic conditions of our region do not always contribute to the full ripening of fruits. In late summer, when nights are short and cool, this problem becomes very urgent. Experienced gardeners recommend accelerating pepper ripening on their own.

  1. Correct fit
  2. Nipping
  3. Recommendations
  4. Covering <
  5. Airing
  6. Warm water
  7. Foliar top dressing
  8. Clipping foliage
  9. Artificial maturation

Ускорение созревания перца

Acceleration of pepper ripening

Proper planting

To get a big crop of ripened paprika, lay the conditions for this at the very initial stages of culture development. landing the plant depends on its further development and fruit ripening time.

  1. Temperature. To use the rule, the sooner you plant, the sooner you get the crop, you can with extreme caution. This will work in regions with a warm climate. In other cases, plant culture can only be in a well-warmed ground.
  2. Plant the plant in a constant place at a time when a stable comfortable temperature is established. The thermometer should not fall below 180C during the day and 140C at night.
  3. Lighting. Paprika bushes love the light. Divide the area under the beds for this crop in well-lit places. When planting plants of different varieties, place them correctly.Allocate a tall plot in the center of the bed to tall crops, undersized ones will feel great around the edges of the bed.
  4. Thickness. Follow the planting pattern of sweet pepper. In the process of vegetation, the plant becomes powerful, sprawling. The adjacent bushes will interfere with each other. Lack of light and nutrients will adversely affect the ripening time of the fruit.
  5. Soil. Culture loves fertile and light soil. Before planting, be sure to fertilize the earth in the beds with organic fertilizers. Add dolomite flour to reduce soil acidity. Periodically loosen the beds to give lightness to the soil.
  6. Fertilizers. Do not neglect top dressing. For each period of the development of culture, certain nutrients are needed. Do not fertilize the plant with nitrogen during flowering or fruiting. Properly organized diet helps reduce the ripening time of fruits.
  7. Watering. Water pepper rarely, but plentifully. Creating high humidity for the culture will result in the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.


Two to three shoots are enough for normal development of the culture. Pinching the bushes will make the plant save its strength and accelerate the ripening of peppers.Experienced gardeners do the following:

  • on a still small bush, remove the crown bud;
  • during the period of active flowering they cut off empty flowers;
  • get rid of them throughout the entire growth period from extra shoots;
  • at the end of summer, absolutely all flowers are plucked;
  • during the approaching cold weather they collect small peppercorns that will not reach maturity.

These simple manipulations allow the culture to direct all its resources to ripening fruit that has begun.


In practice, gardeners made sure that you can speed up the ripening of paprika fruits by resorting to small tricks. These include:

  • the creation of additional shelters;
  • maintaining the optimal temperature;
  • watering the culture with hot water;
  • foliar plant nutrition;
  • deciduous mass removal.


After planting the seedlings at a constant place, observe a constant favorable temperature regime. For peppers, the comfort zone ranges from 200C to 250C during the day and from 150C to 180C at night.

To ensure this, build shelter for the plants. Use non-woven material, agrofiber. Cover the crop beds if necessary.

Continue to use such shelters during the first autumn cold. So you can harvest before frost.


Condensation forms in the greenhouses in late summer and early autumn due to differences in day and night temperatures . This leads to the multiplication of pathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacteria. The plant stops developing.

Ventilate the greenhouse to get rid of this problem. Leave the room open during the day, and close it at night.

For those bushes that grow in the open ground, take care of the film shelters at night.

Warm water

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, peppers, gardeners are advised to use fairly hot water for watering crops in cold weather. Its temperature can be from 40 to 600C. Water the plant under the root, try not to pour water on the leaves.

Foliar fertilizing

In the period of mass formation of the ovaries, spray the culture once every ten days. Use weak solutions of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or infusion of wood ash.

In specialized stores, drugs appeared that stimulated the formation of fruits. Such compositions are not recommended for use in late August and autumn. They will provoke the formation of new peppercorns, and existing fruits will cease to ripen.

Tearing off foliage

When peppers are attached to the bushes, they do not need leaves to ripen. Tear off some of the leaves. This will allow the plant to redirect forces to ripen fruit. Do not be zealous, do not cut off all the foliage. This can lead to burns of the ovaries themselves.

Artificial maturation

Paprika has two stages of maturation – technical and biological.

You can use the fruits on the first of them. Technically, a ripe fruit has all the properties that it is biologically ripe, except for color. It has a light green color.

To accelerate the ripening of pepper fruits, use the method of artificial ripening. To do this, remove technically ripe peppercorns. Stack them in a dark, warm place. In three to four days you will have a wonderful red bell pepper. Thanks to this method, the remaining fruits will ripen faster.

It is easy to speed up the ripening process of peppers. It is enough to redistribute the strength of the plant in the right directions. Use several methods to achieve a result.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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