Wheat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Wheat is an annual and biennial plant related to
to the family of cereals. There are thousands of varieties of wheat
and their classification is rather complicated, but the main types
only two – hard and soft. Soft varieties also divide
for red-grain and white-grain. They are usually grown in
regions with guaranteed moisture. Hard varieties
bred in drier climates, for example
where the natural type of vegetation is the steppe. IN
Western Europe and Australia produce mostly soft
varieties, and in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Western Asia, North
Africa and the former USSR are mostly hard. The main
is used as a food crop.
The flour obtained from the grains is used for baking white bread
and the manufacture of other food products; waste milling
production serves as feed for livestock and poultry, and
lately they are more and more widely used as a raw material
for industry.

Soft and hard wheat have a lot in common,
however, they clearly differ in a number of features that
important for the use of flour. Historians claim that
the ancients knew the difference between the two types of wheat
Greeks and Romans, and possibly earlier civilizations.
In flour obtained from soft varieties, starch grains
larger and softer, its consistency is thinner and friable,
it contains less gluten and absorbs less water.
This flour is used for baking mainly confectionery.
products, not bread, since products from it crumble
and quickly stale. In areas of cultivation of soft varieties
bread is baked from its mixture with flour obtained from imported
hard varieties. In durum wheat flour, starch
grains are finer and harder, its consistency is fine-grained,
There is relatively a lot of gluten. Such a flour called
“Strong”, absorbs large quantities of ode
and goes primarily to baking bread

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Useful properties of wheat

Grains of soft and durum wheat contain from 11,6 to
12,5% ​​protein, about 60% carbohydrates, 1,5% fat, essential
oil, hemicellulou, fiber, starch, pectin, glucose,
fructose, lactose, maltose, raffinose, vitamin E,
F, В1, В2,
B6, C,
carotene, niacin, choline, biotin, folacin.

Wheat contains such macro- and
trace elements such as potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus,
chlorine, aluminum, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine, cobalt,
manganese, copper, molybdenum, nickel, tin, selenium, silver,
strontium, titanium, chromium, zinc, zirconium.

Wheat contains 3,4% essential amino acids (valine
520, isoleucine 470, leucine 860, lysine 360, methionine
180, threonine 390, tryptophan 150, phenylalanine 500) and
8,4% of replaceable amino acids (alanine 460, arginine 610,
aspartic acid 670, histidine 350, glycine 470,
glutamic acid 3350, proline 1290, serine 600, tyrosine
370, cystine 230).

The most valuable part of the grain is the germ, it is rich in important
micronutrients and germ oil that are so beneficial
for the body. Sprouted wheat is healthier because in the moment
germination, the level of vitamins increases several times
and antibiotics, as well as growth stimulants and biologically
active ingredients. So, for example, the level of vitamin
B2 in sprouted wheat is 10 times higher. About the benefits, cosmetic
and the healing properties of wheat were known even by ancient people.

Sprouted seeds carry tremendous energy
potential. By adding them to food, we get a powerful charge.
cheerfulness. Enzymes contained in seedlings break down
storage proteins, fats and carbohydrates of these seeds, facilitating
we assimilate them, and continue to work in the human body,
saving his inner strength. The amount of antioxidant vitamins
and microelements increases during germination in tens
and hundreds of times, they are embedded in the organic system of living
plant tissues and work together to support
and reinforcing each other’s action. Their assimilation does not affect
negatively on human health, which can be observed
when using some pharmaceuticals.

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Regular consumption of sprouts stimulates metabolism
substances and hematopoiesis, increases immunity, compensates
vitamin and mineral deficiency, normalizes
acid-base balance, helps to cleanse the body
from toxins and effective digestion, increases potency,
slows down the aging process. They are especially useful for children.
and the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers,
people of intensive mental and physical labor.

The fiber in wheat grains stimulates
intestinal motor function and prevents the transformation
sugars and carbohydrates into fat. Wheat bran, effective
means for normalizing weight (losing weight). Pectins,
included in the composition of wheat, absorb harmful substances,
located in the intestine, thereby reducing the putrefactive
processes, and promote the healing of the mucous membrane

In folk medicine as a medicinal and dietary
means, various products from wheat are used
flour, fried wheat grain, young (14-21 days old) sprouts,
grains with germs, bran, straw.

Wheat broth with honey
perfectly restores strength, especially useful after
long-term illnesses, helps with coughs, colds and
respiratory diseases. The germ and bran contains
maximum number of important biologically active
substances. Wheat bran poultices and their broth softens
and nourishes the skin. The fiber that this cereal contains
prevents the formation of fat cells, which is extremely
important to know for those who would like to lose weight. Harmful
substances from the intestine are absorbed by the pectins included
in the composition of wheat grains, which prevents the development of putrefactive
processes, heals the intestinal mucosa.

Soft wheat preparations have found application in scientific
medicine. In particular, a thick extract from wheat
embryos “Cholef” (Fecholin), prescribed for
treatment of patients with various forms of muscular dystrophy.
Another preparation was obtained from wheat grains – thick,
resinous liquid of dark brown color with odor
burnt grains, known as “liquid
Mitroshina ”. This is a very effective remedy for
skin diseases – eczema, scaly lichen, neurodermatitis,
purulent inflammation of the hair follicles (sycosis).

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Dangerous properties of wheat

Wheat and dishes made from it are not advised to use in case of exacerbation of nonspecific
ulcerative colitis, sugar
diabetes, hyperfunction of the endocrine glands and various neoplasms.

Sprouted wheat is not equally useful for everyone. She can hurt
those with gluten allergies and ulcers
stomach, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sprouted wheat is also not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
and patients in
postoperative period.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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