Why can tomatoes rot

Over the question of why tomatoes rot, many gardeners are puzzling. Rot can ruin an entire crop. Tomatoes are quite whimsical plants that need an “eye and an eye”, otherwise they will quickly become infected with one of many viral diseases. Very often, summer residents choose a tomato variety that is completely unsuitable for the climatic conditions of their region. The second problem and the most important one is improper care.

TOMATOES! Design for you Tomatoes!
Tomato diseases. Tomato varieties and hybrids. Overview of tomato varieties #urozhainye_gryadki

Today, there are many methods to get rid of fungal diseases with chemicals, but it’s better to start the prevention from the moment of preparation of the seed material. potassium so that there are no problems with a lack of miner On the other hand, after picking, you need to fertilize the soil several times to ensure the full development of the root system and the terrestrial part.

It is important to remember that the fungus settles in the root and then spreads throughout the plant, so it’s not superfluous when transplanting, examine the rhizomes of all sprouts and immediately remove the damaged ones. If you notice that tomato leaves rot at an early stage of growth, it is better to get rid of damaged sprouts immediately, and treat the rest with a special composition or pour a little pink solution of manganese. Watering regimen is the most important part of caring for tomatoes. Only soil should be shed, make sure that the spray does not fall on the leafy part. If the weather is wet, thinning the foliage of the lower part is recommended.

Fertilizers should be applied on time and in a certain amount. Their excess can also cause rotting vegetables. As a prevention of late blight, it is recommended to choose early ripe or purple varieties of tomatoes resistant to fungal diseases.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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