Why do peppers turn black leaves

The first symptom of the disease of bell pepper – leaves turn black in peppers. You need to establish the cause and type of the disease as early as possible in order to save the harvest.

  1. Diseases
  2. Phytophthora <<0>
  3. Black bacterial spotting
  4. Improper care
  5. Lack of water
  6. Temperature differences
  7. Lack of nutrients
  8. Pests <
  9. Treatment options
  10. Spider mite control
  11. Prevention of blackening
  12. Conclusion

Почему у перцев чернеют листья

Why do the leaves


turn black at the leaves The following peppers can cause diseases such as:

  • late blight;
  • black bacterial spotting.

late blight

Blight belongs to fungal diseases. The causative agents of this fungus live in the soil. The disease is transmitted between tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. The first signs are the appearance of black, with a light edging, spots on the leaves, stems and fruits. On the spots, spores of the fungus are clearly visible in the form of a white coating. From plants, spores enter the soil and infect other seedlings. In most cases, seedlings are affected by late blight after mid-July during the fruiting period.This is facilitated by:

  • lowering the temperature in the dark;
  • non-compliance with the planting pattern;
  • moistening the soil with cold water.

Black bacterial spotting

Black bacterial spotting most often affects peppers and tomatoes.

A sign of the disease is the appearance of black leaves and stems dots with a yellow border. In most cases, the bush becomes ill with black bacterial spotting at the seedling stage. Especially during the transplanting of seedlings into the ground when mechanical damage to the roots, stems and leaves is applied. When grown in open ground, this disease is less common than when grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. Black spotting bacteria activate when:

  • high humidity;
  • temperatures above 25˚C.

Wrong care

Bulgarian peppers turn black for several reasons:

  • lack of water;
  • temperature differences;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • pests;
  • high humidity.

Seedlings require proper care

Lack of water

Lack of rain and timely watering leads to a lack of moisture .

Because of this, the leaves darken and become limp and drooping.If you do not make up for the loss of moisture, then the plant will drop all the leaves and die. Try to water on time and monitor the condition of the soil.

Temperature differences

Bell pepper grows well and develops at an air temperature of 20˚C. Therefore, many varieties of this culture react negatively to a sharp change in temperature.

Lack of nutrients

Lack of nutrients such as iron, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus also lead to blackening of leaves. If watering and temperature are normal, but there are no diseases or parasites, but the leaves are dark, fertilize the plant with mineral fertilizers.


Pepper leaves may also turn black due to the appearance of such a pest as a spider mite. Most often they are found in greenhouses and hotbeds, because they prefer warm and humid air.

Treatment methods

Bushes affected by fungal late blight can be cured if the disease is detected on early stage. Bacterial diseases are almost impossible to cure.


  1. Do not use seedlings affected by black spotting. It must be separated from healthy plants and burned.
  2. For the treatment and prevention of late blight, regularly treat peppers with 1% Bordeaux liquid, fungicides.
  3. If you find a disease, treat the pepper with a solution of 10 l of water 40 g of chlorinated copper oxide, but later than 25 days before harvesting. If there is little time left, manually tear off the diseased leaves, dig up the affected bushes and burn them.
  4. Treat the tools that worked with the manganese solution and discard the gloves.

Combating the spider mite

To combat the spider mite, you can purchase special preparations in the store or prepare the solution yourself:

  1. A solution of laundry soap. Take 10 liters of water, dissolve 1 pc. Laundry soap, rinse the leaves with a solution. This tool significantly reduces the number of pests, but does not completely exterminate.
  2. Alcohol treatment. Take alcohol and use a sponge to wipe the leaves and stems. Do not dilute alcohol – water will increase the drying time, which will cause burns.
  3. A decoction of bleached. Grind 3 kg of fresh bleached collected during flowering. Boil it for 3 hours, strain and bring the volume of the broth to 10 liters. Sprinkle.
  4. Tobacco decoction. 400 gr. insist tobacco in 10 liters of water for 24 hours. Boil, cool and strain the broth. Add 50 g of laundry soap and another 10 l of water. Sprinkle.
  5. Infusion of garlic. Mix 3 liters of water with 500 g. chopped garlic and insist in a dark place for 5 days. For spraying, take 60 ml of infusion, dilute in 10 liters of water and add 50 g of laundry soap.Treat leaves and stems.

Prevention of blackening

It is difficult to treat bell peppers, better try to prevent diseases.

  1. Prevention of blackening of leaves, start with seeds. Before sowing, be sure to soak them for 4 hours in a solution of manganese. After rinse and sow. Store seeds are not processed with manganese, they are sold already prepared.
  2. Process the planting tools and boxes with a solution of potassium permanganate. Soak them in the solution for 4 hours.
  3. Fill the soil for seedlings in an oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 180˚C.
  4. In case of manifestations of diseases in this area in previous seasons, the soil must be decontaminated . Treat the site with boiling water for about 1 bucket per 1 m2. Clean and burn infected plants.
  5. Disinfect garden tools.
  6. If bacteria and fungi are found in the greenhouse, it is recommended to replace the topsoil with a thickness of more than 60 cm.
  7. Water with warm water.
  8. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, if the acidity is exceeded, add lime to the ground 1 kg per 1 m2.
  9. Do not plant pepper in the same place for two years in a row, a break should make about 3-4 years.
  10. Do not plant seedlings on beds after potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant.
  11. Water the plant in moderation, h Excessive moisture leads to stagnation of water and blackening of leaves.
  12. Loosen the beds regularly to provide oxygen to the roots. With a lack of roots, they begin to take up nutrients from the aerial parts, the leaves wither and blacken.
  13. Plant seedlings at a sufficient distance from each other. This makes it easier to fight diseases, bacteria and fungi more slowly infect nearby plants.
  14. In the daytime, regularly ventilate the greenhouse to prevent over-humidification of the air.


Pepper is a rather demanding crop, but with the right variety and all preventive measures, the cultivation of this tasty vegetable it won’t cause much trouble, and the result will please with its bright and plentiful harvest.

Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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